SDSU CS 696: Advanced OO
Spring Semester, 1997
Doc 6, Metrics

To Lecture Notes Index
San Diego State University -- This page last updated Feb 20, 1997

Contents of Doc 6, Metrics

References slide # 1
Motivation for Metrics slide # 2
Weyuker's List of Desirable Properties of Metrics slide # 3
Chidamber and Kemerer Metric Suite slide # 6
...Weighted Methods Per Class slide # 6
...Depth of Inheritance Tree slide # 7
...Number of Children slide # 7
...Lack of Cohesion in Methods slide # 8
...Coupling between Objects slide # 11
...Response for a Class slide # 12
Other Coupling Metrics slide # 13
...Message-Passing Coupling (MPC) slide # 13
...Violations of Demeter slide # 14
Metric Properties Satisfied slide # 15
Metrics Case Study slide # 16

Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 1



Chidamber and Kemerer, 1991, "Towards a Metric Suite for Object-Oriented Design", Proc. OOPSLA'91, Sigplan Notices, 26(11), 197-211

Henderson-Sellers, 1996, Object-Oriented Metrics: Measures of Complexity, Prentice Hall


Chidamber and Kemerer, 1993, "A Metric Suite for Object-Oriented Design", Working Paper #249, MIT Center for Information Systems, Cambridge, MA, 40 pp

Chidamber and Kemerer, 1994, "A Metric Suite for Object-Oriented Design", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 20(6), 476-493

Conte, Dunsmore, Shen, 1986, Software Engineering Metrics and Models, Benjamin/Cummings

Haynes and Menzies, 1994, The Effect of Class Coupling on Class Size in Smalltalk Systems, in TOOLS15, eds. Mingins and Meyer

Henderson-Sellers, 1995, A BOOK of Object-Oriented Knowledge, 2nd Ed. , Prentice Hall

Li and Henry, 1993, Object-Oriented Metrics that Predict Maintainability, J. Sys. Software, 23, 11-122

Lorenz and Kidd, 1994, Object-Oriented Software Metrics, Prentice Hall

Sharble and Cohen, 1993, The Object-Oriented Brewery: A Comparison of Two Object Oriented Development Methods, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 18(2), 60-73

Weyuker, 1988, "Evaluating Software Complexity Measures," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 14(9), September, 1357-1365

Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 2

Motivation for Metrics

Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 3

Weyuker's List of Desirable Properties of Metrics

Let m be a metric for program entities

Property 1: Non-coarseness

Given any program entity P there is another program entity Q such that:

m(P) != m(Q)

Property 2: Non-uniqueness

There exists program entities P and Q such that:

m(P) = m(Q)

Property 3: Permutation is significant

There exists program entities P and Q such that Q is a re arrangement of P and m(P) != m(Q)
Property 4: Implementation is important

There exists program entities P and Q such that they produce the same output given the same input and

m(P) != m(Q)

Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 4
Weyuker's List of Desirable Properties of Metrics

Property 5: Monotonicity

For all program entities P and Q we must have:

m(P) <= m(P + Q)
m(Q) <= m(P + Q)

where P+Q is the concatenation of P and Q

Property 6: Non-equivalence of interaction

There exists program entities P, Q, and R such that:

m(P) = m( Q) and m(P+R) != m(Q+R)

where P+R is the concatenation of P and R

Property 7: Interaction increase complexity

There exists program entities P and Q such that:

m(P) + m(Q) <= m(P+Q)

Property 8: Finiteness

Given a nonnegative number c, there are only a finite
number of program entities such that m( P ) = c
Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 5
Weyuker's List of Desirable Properties of Metrics

Property 9: Rose principle

If P is a renaming of Q, then m(P) = m(Q)

Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 6

Chidamber and Kemerer Metric Suite

Metric 1: (WMC)

Weighted Methods Per Class

Let C be a class, with methods M1 , M2 ,... , Mk

Let c1 , c2 ,... , ck be the complexity of the methods

"complexity is deliberately not defined more specifically here in order to allow for the most general application of this metric"

In the paper cj = 1 for all j


WMC = c1 + c2 + ... + ck
Viewpoints: (of Chidamber and Kemerer)

The number of methods and complexity of methods is an indicator of how much time and effort is required to develop and maintain the object

The larger the number of methods in an object, the greater the potential impact on the children

Objects with large number of methods are likely to be more application specific, limiting the possible reuse

Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 7
Metric 2: (DIT)

Depth of Inheritance Tree

The depth of inheritance of the class is the DIT metric for the class


The deeper a class is in the hierarchy, the more methods it is likely to inherit, making it more complex

Deeper trees indicate greater design complexity

Metric 3: (NOC)

Number of Children

NOC = the number of immediate sub-classes of the class


Depth is generally better than breadth in class hierarchy, since it promotes reuse of methods through inheritance

Not all classes should have the same number of sub classes. Classes higher up in the hierarchy should have more sub-classes then those lower down.

NOC gives an idea of the potential influence a class has on the design. Classes with large number of children may require more testing.
Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 8
Metric 4: (LCOM)

Lack of Cohesion in Methods

The definition of this metric was ill defined in the original paper

Chidamber and Kemerer (1993) provided a new definition

Henderson-Sellers (1995) proposed different definition, which is easier to compute

Chidamber and Kemerer (1993) LCOM

Let C be a class, with methods M1 , M2 ,... , Mm

Let Ik = the set of instance variables used by method Mk

Let P = { (Ik, Ij ) | Ik and Ij do not intersect }

Let Q = { (Ik, Ij ) | Ik and Ij do intersect }

If | P | > | Q | then

LCOM = | P | - | Q |

LCOM = 0

Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 9
Henderson-Sellers LCOM*

Consider a set of m methods, M1 , M2 ,... , Mm

The methods access a data attributes, A1 , A2 ,... , Aa

Let a(Mk) = number of attributes accessed by method Mk

Let m(Ak) = number of methods that access data Ak


If each method accesses all attributes then m(Ak) = m so

Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 10
If each method accesses only one attribute and a different attribute then we have:

So at maximum cohesion LCOM* = 0

At Henderson-Sellers' "minimum cohesion" LCOM* = 1

Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 11
Coupling Metrics
Metric 5: (CBO)

Coupling between Objects

CBO for a class is a count of the number of related couples with other classes.

Chidamber & Kemerers(1994) modified the definition of CBO

The Fan-out of a class, C, is the number of other classes that are referenced in C

A reference to another class, A, is an reference to a method or a data member of class A

In the fan-out of a class multiple accesses are counted as one access

The Fan-in of a class, C, is the number of other classes that reference in C


CBO = fan-out of a class

High fan-outs represent class coupling to other classes/objects and thus are undesirable

High fan-ins represent good object designs and high level of reuse

It does not seem possible to maintain high fan-in and low fan outs across the entire system
Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 12
Metric 6: (RFC)

Response for a Class



NLM = number of local methods in the class

NRM = number of remote methods called by methods in the class

A given remote method is counted only once


The larger the number of methods:

testing and debugging becomes more complicated

the greater the complexity of the object

the harder it is to understand

Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 13

Other Coupling Metrics

Message-Passing Coupling (MPC)

Proposed separately by Li & Henry(1993), and Lorenz & Kidd (1994)

MPC = number of send statements defined in a class

fan-out (CBO)count one if two classes interact
RFCcount one per unique service accessed
MPCcount one per method call

Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 14

Violations of Demeter

Number of times the Law of Demeter is violated

Haynes and Menzies(1994) Equation

Studied several Smalltalk system and detected a possible linear relation between class coupling and class size

They claim:

SLOC = lines of source code

"A line of code is any line of program text that is not a comment or blank line, regardless of the number of statements or fragments of statements on the line.

This specifically includes all lines containing program headers, declarations, and executable and non-executable statements."

From Conte et al. (1986) via Henderson-Sellers (1995)

Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 15

Metric Properties Satisfied

by Chidamber & Kemerer's Metric Suite


Property 1: Non-coarseness
Property 2: Non-uniqueness
Property 3: Permutation is significant
Property 4: Implementation is important
Property 5: Monotonicity
Property 6: Non-equivalence of interaction
Property 7: Interaction increase complexity

WMCWeighted Methods Per Class
DITDepth of Inheritance Tree
NOCNumber of Children
RFCResponse for a Class
LCOMLack of Cohesion in Methods
CBOCoupling between Objects

Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 16

Metrics Case Study

Sharble & Cohen (1993)

Two OO designs of same system were studied

One design was produced using responsibility-driven methodology (Wirfs-Brock)

One design was produced using data-driven methodology (Coad, Booch, Rumbugh)

9 Metrics were measured

13071WMCWeighted Methods Per Class
2119DITDepth of Inheritance Tree
1913NOCNumber of Children
4220CBOCoupling between Objects
293127RFCResponse for a Class
6421LCOMLack of Cohesion in Methods
6444VODViolations of Demeter
00NOTNumber of Tramps
400WACWeighted Attributes per Class

NOT = total number of extraneous parameters in signature of methods

Doc 6, Metrics Slide # 17
Metrics Case Study
