SDSU CS 635: Advanced Object-Oriented Design & Programming
Spring Semester, 1998

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© 1998, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 21-Apr-98

Contents of Doc 5, Singleton

...References slide # 1
...Singleton slide # 2
......Intent slide # 2
......Motivation slide # 2
......Applicability slide # 2
......Implementation slide # 5
......Singleton and Inheritance slide # 6
.........C++ Solution 1 slide # 8
.........C++ Solution 2 - Registry slide # 9
.........Java Solution slide # 11
......Structure slide # 16
......Participants slide # 16
......Collaborations slide # 16

Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 1


Design Patterns: Elements of Resuable Object-Oriented Software, Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides, Addison Wesley, 1995
Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 2



Insure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it


There are times when a class can only have one instance


Use the Singleton pattern when

Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 3
Situations for Using a Singleton

Java Security manager
All parts of a program must access the same security manager

Once set a security manager cannot be changed in a program

Logging the activity of a server

All parts of the server should use the same instance of the logging system

The server should not be able to change the instance of the logging system was it has been set

Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 4

// Only one object of this class can be created
class Singleton
     private static Singleton _instance = null;

     private Singleton()     { fill in the blank }

     public static Singleton getInstance()
          if (  _instance == null )
                _instance = new Singleton();
          return _instance;
     public void otherOperations() { blank; }

class Program
     public void aMethod()
          X = Singleton.getInstance();

Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 5



// Only one object of this class can be created
class Singleton
          static Singleton* _instance;
          void otherOperations();


          static Singleton* getInstance();


Singleton*  Singleton::_instance = 0;

Singleton* Singleton::getInstance()
     if (  _instance == 0 )
           _instance = new Singleton;
     return _instance;

Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 6

Singleton and Inheritance

Situation 0

Singleton has subclasses

Each subclass needs to be a singleton

A program can have one copy of each class


Just make each subclass a singleton

Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 7
Situation 1

Singleton has subclasses

A program can have one copy of an object created of from Singleton or its subclasses

The Easy Part

How to get Singleton to return subclass objects

Singleton* Singleton::getInstance()
     if (  _instance == 0 )
           _instance = new SingletonSubclass;
     return _instance;

Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 8
The Hard Part

How insure that Singleton has the correct subclass object

C++ Solution 1

Singleton's getInstance does the selection based on some global information such as environment, command line option, or a configuration file

Singleton* Singleton::getInstance()
     if (  _instance == 0 )
          const char* singletonStyle = getenv( "singletonStyle" );

          if ( strcmp( singletonStyle, "A" ) == 0 )
                _instance = new A;

          else if ( strcmp( singletonStyle, "B" ) == 0 )
                _instance = new B;

                _instance = new Singleton;

     return _instance;

Problem: Parent class needs to be modified each time a new subclass is implemented
Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 9
The Hard Part

C++ Solution 2 - Registry

class Singleton
          static Singleton* _instance;

          static ListOfSingletonNamePairs _registry;
          static Singleton* getSingletonFromName( char* name);

          static Singleton* getInstance();
          static void Register( char* name, Singleton* registerer);
          void otherOperations();

Singleton* Singleton::getInstance()
     if (  _instance == 0 )
          const char* singletonName = getenv( "singletonStyle" );
           _instance = getSingletonFromName(singletonName);
     return _instance;

Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 10
The Hard Part
C++ Solution 2 - Registry Continued

How does subclass register with Singleton?

Have the subclass constructor register!

     Singleton.Register( "A", this );

How is the subclass constructor called?

Create a static instance of subclass in file that contains the subclass implementation

static A theSingleton;

Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 11
Singleton and Inheritance

The Hard Part - Java Solution

Java does not have getenv, but can use command line arguments and configuration files

Java can not create a static instance of subclass in file that contains the subclass implementation

Protection level problem with constructor

Classes in the same package can access protected constructors

If subclass makes constructor private than even parent can not access child's constructor

Solution 1

Use Class.forName(), static block, and registry

Keeping Singleton classes in different package from clients allows constructors to be protected

Will give solution assuming constructors must be private
Solution when constructors can be protected is simpler

Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 12

class Example
     public String toString()
          return "This is a simple class";

class Test
     public  static  void  main( String  args[] ) throws Exception
          Class which = Class.forName( "Example" );
          Object whichOne = which.newInstance();
          System.out.println( whichOne.toString() );

This is a simple class

Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 13
Java Solution part 1A
abstract class Singleton
     private static Singleton _instance = null;
     public static void setInstance( Singleton registerer)
          if ( _instance != null )
               _ instance =registerer ;

     public static void setInstance( String className )
          Class aSingleton = Class.forName( className );

          if ( isSubclassOfSingleton( aSingleton ) )
               Class[] noArgs = new Class[0];
               Method register = 
                         aSingleton.getMethod( "register", noArgs );

               register.invoke( null, noArgs);

     public static Singleton getInstance()
          if (  _instance == null )
                    _instance = getDefaultSingleton(); 
          return _instance;

Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 14
Java Solution part 1B

class Child extends Singleton
     public static void register()
          Singleton.setInstance(  new Child() );
     private Child()
          what ever you need to do;

Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 15
Java Solution part 2

What replaces C/C++ getenv?

Answer - Properties

Persistent properties class. This class is basically a hashtable that can be saved/loaded from a stream. If a property is not
found, a property list containing defaults is searched. This allows arbitrary nesting.

Doc 5, Singleton Slide # 16




Defines an getInstance operation that lets clients access its unique instance

May be responsible for creating its own unique instance


Clients access a Singleton instance solely through Singleton's getInstance operation


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