Given that some people with COVID-19 had no symptoms or mild symptoms, the reported number of cases was never completely accurate. Now with widespread home testing, the reported cases are even less accurate.
Likely, COVID-19 is now or close to being endemic rather than a pandemic. Whatever term we use, COVID-19 is here to stay like the flu.
Updated Nov 27, 2022
The US data comes from which was started by Steve Ballmer, the former CEO of Microsoft.
Roger Whitney
Plot the number of new cases per week in the country. Going back up but no one cares.
Steep up and steep down.
plot_county("CA", "San Diego County ", county_new_weekly_covid)
plot_county("CA", "Orange County ", county_new_weekly_covid)
plot_county("CA", "Los Angeles County ", county_new_weekly_covid)
plot_state("CA", states_new_weekly_covid)
plot_two_states("MN", "IL", states_new_weekly_covid)
plot_two_states("AL", "FL", states_new_weekly_covid)
plot_two_states("GA", "WI", states_new_weekly_covid)
plot_two_states("SD", "ND", states_new_weekly_covid)
plot_two_states("VA", "MD", states_new_weekly_covid)
plot_two_states("NY", "WA", states_new_weekly_covid)
plot_two_states("AZ", "TX", states_new_weekly_covid)
plot_two_states("UT", "NV", states_new_weekly_covid)
This was created using Jupyter notebook run Julia 1.8.1. The following is the Julia code used.
using DataFrames
using DataFramesMeta
using CSV
using StatsPlots
using Lazy
using Dates
#using Downloads
function issunday(datestring)
date_format = DateFormat("y-m-d")
date = Date(datestring, date_format)
Dates.dayofweek(date) == 7
First 4 columns are state & county ids
usa_covid_just_data(raw_covid_data) = raw_covid_data[:,5:end]
usa_covid_labels(raw_covid_data) = raw_covid_data[:,1:4]
function usa_covid_sunday_cumulative(raw_covid_data)
sundays = filter(issunday, names(raw_covid_data))
return raw_covid_data[:, sundays]
"""Returns new cases each week"""
function counties_covid_weekly(raw_covid_data)
labels = usa_covid_labels(raw_covid_data)
just_data = usa_covid_just_data(raw_covid_data)
sunday_cumulative = usa_covid_sunday_cumulative(just_data)
sundays = names(sunday_cumulative[:,2:end])
weekly_new_cases = sunday_cumulative[:,2:end] .- rename(sunday_cumulative[:,1:end-1], sundays)
with_labels = hcat(labels, weekly_new_cases)
return rename!(with_labels, [2 => :County] )
function state_covid_weekly_cummulative(raw_covid_data)
# Is this needed?
labels = usa_covid_labels(raw_covid_data)
just_data = usa_covid_just_data(raw_covid_data)
sunday_cumulative = usa_covid_sunday_cumulative(just_data)
with_labels = hcat(labels, sunday_cumulative)
return states_covid_weekly(with_labels)
"""input 2020-02-02_sum
output 02-02"""
function shorten_date_label(aString)
return aString[6:10]
function states_covid_weekly(weekly_data)
grouped = DataFrames.groupby(weekly_data,[:State])
states_sumed = combine(grouped, names(grouped)[5:end].=> [sum])
state_labels = states_sumed[:,1]
dates_shortened = rename!(shorten_date_label, states_sumed[:,2:end])
hcat(DataFrame(State = state_labels),dates_shortened)
""" select state from DF """
function state_data(state_Abriv, states_weekly)
return states_weekly[states_weekly.State .== state_Abriv,:]
county_data(state_Abriv, county, county_weekly_covid) = @as data county_weekly_covid begin
data[data.State .== state_Abriv ,:]
data[data.County .== county, :]
country_covid_weekly(weekly_data) = @as data weekly_data begin
combine(data, names(data).=> [sum])
rename(shorten_date_label, data)
plot_covid(coviddf) = plot_covid(coviddf, "New Cases Per Week")
function plot_covid(coviddf, title)
plot(coviddf[!,2],xticks = (1:8:nrow(coviddf), coviddf[!,1][1:8:end]),legend=false, title="New Cases Per Week: " * title, ylabel = "Number of New Cases", xlabel = "Week", formatter = :plain, dpi = 110, guidefontsize = 7, titlefontsize = 7, tickfontsize = 5)
plot_country(county_weekly_covid) = @as data county_weekly_covid begin
stack(data, 1:ncol(data))
plot_covid(data, "USA")
plot_state(state, states_weekly) = @as data states_weekly begin
state_data(state, data)
data[:,2:end] #Remove state column
stack(data, 1:ncol(data))
plot_covid(data, state)
plot_county(state, county, county_weekly_covid) = @as data county_weekly_covid begin
county_data(state, county, data)
data[:,5:end] #Remove state column
rename(shorten_date_label, data)
stack(data, 1:ncol(data)) #convert columns to rows
plot_covid(data, county)
function plot_two_states(stateA, StateB, states_new_weekly_covid)
a = plot_state(stateA, states_new_weekly_covid)
b = plot_state(StateB, states_new_weekly_covid)
plot(a, b, layout = (2), size = (700, 300), dpi = 90, guidefontsize = 6, titlefontsize = 6, tickfontsize = 5)
plot_two_states (generic function with 1 method)
covid_cases_url = ""
covid_cases_url = ""
covid_raw = DataFrame(CSV.File("currentCovid.csv"))
county_new_weekly_covid = counties_covid_weekly(covid_raw)
states_new_weekly_covid = states_covid_weekly(county_new_weekly_covid)
5 rows × 6 columns
2022-11-16 | 2022-11-17 | 2022-11-18 | 2022-11-19 | 2022-11-20 | 2022-11-21 | |
Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 18592 | 18592 | 18592 | 18592 | 18592 | 18592 |
3 | 66268 | 66268 | 66268 | 66268 | 66268 | 66268 |
4 | 6959 | 6959 | 6959 | 6959 | 6959 | 6959 |
5 | 7612 | 7612 | 7612 | 7612 | 7612 | 7612 |