Binary Release Notes

J2METM Wireless Toolkit
Version 2.1

December 2003


Table of Contents

New Features and Enhancements
System Requirements
Differences Between UNIX and Microsoft Windows Versions of the Wireless Toolkit
Installing the J2ME Wireless Toolkit
Running the J2ME Wireless Toolkit
Running the J2ME Wireless Toolkit in an IDE
Accessibility Features
Fixed Bugs
Known Issues and Bugs
Documentation Issues
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Introduction

Version 2.1 of the JavaTM 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2METM) Wireless Toolkit supports the development of Java applications that run on devices compliant with the Java Technology for the Wireless Industry specification. The implementation included in version 2.1 is compliant with Connected Limited Device Configuration 1.1 (CLDC), Mobile Information Device Profile 2.0 (MIDP), Wireless Messaging APIs (WMA), version 1.1, and Mobile Media APIs (MMAPI), version 1.1. Support for J2ME Web Services (JSR-172), version 1.0 is also included.

You can also develop applications for CLDC 1.0 and MIDP 1.0 with this release. The Wireless Toolkit 2.1 includes many bug fixes and numerous improvements that have been made since version 2.0.

Please send your comments to J2ME Wireless Toolkit email address.

2. New Features and Enhancements

The following features have been added since version 2.0 of the Wireless Toolkit:

3. System Requirements

This section covers the system requirements for running the J2ME Wireless Toolkit.

3.1 Required Software

NOTE: The Solaris and Linux versions of the toolkit are unsupported and have undergone only limited testing.

We plan to release new Solaris or Linux versions of the toolkit, however, we do not commit to doing so with the same frequency as, nor simultaneously with, new Microsoft Windows versions. In addition, we do not commit to making fully supported Solaris or Linux versions of the toolkit.

3.2 Optional Software

3.3 Required Hardware

Minimum hardware requirements are:

Optional items:

4. Differences Between UNIX and Microsoft Windows Versions of the Wireless Toolkit

The Solaris and Linux versions of the J2ME Wireless Toolkit differ from the Microsoft Windows version in the following respects:

The Solaris and Linux versions of the wireless toolkit come with the same documentation as the Microsoft Windows version. Almost all of the documentation for the Microsoft Windows version can be applied to the Solaris or Linux versions, with the following exceptions:

Although all screen shots in the documentation were taken on Microsoft Windows, the items portrayed in the screen shots look nearly identical, if not exactly the same, on the Solaris and Linux versions of the toolkit.

5. Installing the J2ME Wireless Toolkit

The following table shows the contents of the installation directory:

File or Directory Description
BinaryLicense.html License agreement.
BinaryReleaseNotes.html Release notes.
index.html Index pointing to the toolkit documentation.
appdb\ Directory containing database files, such as RMS files and ME keystore files.
apps\ Directory containing demo applications and additional applications created by the KToolbar.
bin\ Batch files and executables for the tools.
docs\ User and API documentation.
lib\ Archive containing the CLDC, MIDP, WMA, MMAPI API, and Web Services classes.
sessions\ Default directory containing profiling, memory monitoring, and network monitoring session files.
wtklib\devices Property files for emulated devices.

6. Running the J2ME Wireless Toolkit

For UNIX users:

You can begin using the J2ME Wireless Toolkit from the command line using commands from the directory, j2mewtk.dir/bin, where j2mewtk.dir is the toolkit's installation directory.

Command Action
ktoolbar Starts the KToolbar.
defaultdevice Enables you to specify the default emulation device.
prefs Enables you to set the toolkit preferences.
utils Enables you to access the toolkit's utilities.
emulator Enables you to run the emulator from the command line.

7. Running the J2ME Wireless Toolkit in an IDE

Release 2.1 of the J2ME Wireless Toolkit can be integrated with Java integrated development environments (IDEs), such as the SunTM ONE Studio 4 update1, Mobile Edition. For information on how to use the Wireless Toolkit within an IDE, refer to the documentation for the specific IDE.

8. Compatibility

The Emulator of the J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.1 is compatible with Java Technology for the Wireless Industry Technology Compatibility Kit 1.0 (MIDP2.0, CLDC1.0, CLDC1.1, JTWI1.0, MMAPI1.1, and WMA1.1) and has been tested under the compatibility test suites for these specifications.

9. Accessibility Features

Accessibility features in the J2ME Wireless Toolkit includes mnemonics as well as Tab and arrow keys to navigate through the Wireless Toolkit's windows and menus.

The following table lists the full set of key mappings for the example phone devices. Note that not all devices contain all buttons. For mappings for a specific device, see the device's property file, j2mewtk.dir\wtklib\devices\device_name\

Device Key Keyboard Equivalent
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
# - (Subtract key on number pad only)
* * (Multiply key on number pad only)
Power Esc
Up Up arrow
Down Down arrow
Left Left arrow
Right Right arrow
Select Enter
Soft key 1 F1
Soft key 2 F2
Send Home
End End
Clear BackSpace

10. Fixed Bugs

Bugs fixed since release 2.0:
Bug ID Description
4797733 Capture works only for Rate:8000 bit:8 channel:1
4798330 Error alert when running NetworkDemo->SocketDemo with MemoryMonitor
4820441 Video Flickers when playing mpeg using the mmademo->SunBehindVideo MIDlet
4828344 ZipException is thrown if the MIDlet-Jar-URL's value is not a jar file
4829585 PNG image with PLTE chunk and less than 8 bits per pixel may look corrupted
4834485 A mistaken MediaException is sometimes thrown when playing a valid MIDI file using JDK 1.4.1
4929507 Can place the same protected API in both MIDlet-Permissions and MIDlet-Permissions-Opt
4938745 J2ME Web services does not support HTTP session

11. Known Issues and Bugs

The following issues exist in the Wireless Toolkit 2.1 release:
Bug ID Description
4798138 Network indicator turns on when playing tones
4819717 L10N input does not work on UNIX platforms when input Method dialog takes focus from window
4824833 Last message chunk may be lost when monitoring HTTP 1.1 network traffic
4902562 Long label from Command constructor is not always displayed even though there is enough room

NOTE: The Wireless Toolkit makes use of datagram and socket connections for emulation purposes. If you are running firewall software on your computer, and you experience problems running the Wireless Toolkit, you should configure your firewall to allow the Wireless Toolkit's connections.

12. Documentation Issues

No issues for this release.

13. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. When obfuscating my MIDlet sometimes a warning appears, for example: "Warning: duplicated input class [javax/microedition/media/protocol/DataSource].

A. This is due to the fact that classes with the same name appear in different API jars. It does not cause any problems with the obfuscation or packaging.

Q. When running my MIDlet, a security alert is displayed and cannot be dismissed.

A. You are probably trying to access a protected API (for example, opening a connection) from your commandAction() method, which is locking the UI thread. Access to protected APIs should be done from a separate thread. Refer to the NetworkDemo for an example on how this can be done.

Q. How can I make sure that my application only uses specific APIs, for example only MIDP 2.0 APIs?

A. Select the "API Selection" tab in the Settings dialog box and select the Target Platform and APIs that you want to use.

Q. I get a MediaException when I try to play a MIDI file that I know is valid.

A. JDK 1.4.1 contains a bug in JavaSound that causes some valid MIDI files to be reported as being invalid. The recommended JDK version for this release is a version no earlier than 1.4.2.

Q. During my Midlet execution, I receive alerts requesting network access. How can I avoid these alerts?

A. This is related to the security mechanism implemented in MIDP 2.0. See Chapter 6, "Using Security Features in the Wireless Toolkit" in the J2ME Wireless Toolkit User's Guide.

Q. How can I simulate the execution of a MIDlet suite through Over-The-Air provisioning?

A. See Chapter 8, "Testing Application Provisioning" in the J2ME Wireless Toolkit User's Guide.

Q. How can I access a Comm port when running on Linux?

A. You must set the following permission at the command line (note that you must have root permission to do so): chmod a+w /dev/ttyS[01]

Q. I can't run the J2ME Wireless Toolkit from Sun ONE Studio 5, Mobile Edition.

A. See the documentation for the Sun ONE Studio 5, Mobile Edition for help with running the Wireless Toolkit from the Sun ONE Studio 5, Mobile Edition IDE.

Q. Where can I find out more about MIDP, CLDC, MMAPI, WMA, and J2ME Web Services?

A. See,,,, and

Q. Where can I find out more about the Sun ONE Studio IDEs?

A. See and

Q. I want to use an external library, but when I try to build a MIDlet suite that uses it, I get Error preverifying class... messages.

A. If you get this error, you are probably using a class library that was written for Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition. The J2ME Wireless Toolkit supports the development of MIDP/CLDC applications, which have limited capabilities compared to their J2SE counterparts.

Q. I get Error loading class... messages when running the preverifier.

A. First, check that your Java sources and libraries can be used with CLDC and MIDP APIs.

Then, ensure that you installed the J2ME Wireless Toolkit in a directory whose path does not contain any spaces. For example, the toolkit will not work with the path C:\Program Files\wtk21, because of the space between C:\Program and Files\wtk21.

If you installed the toolkit in a directory whose path contains spaces, you must uninstall the toolkit and reinstall it in a directory whose pathname does not contain any spaces.

Q. Can I use network protocols other than HTTP and HTTPS in J2ME applications?

A. Yes. The MIDP 2.0 specification introduces optional support for socket, server socket, datagram, SSL, and serial (COMM) communication. Additionally, the WMA specification provides support for SMS and CBS messaging.

Q. I have an application that uses HTTP and worked in release 1.0.1 but does not work with the current release.

A. For information on using HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1, see "Choosing an HTTP Version" in Chapter 3. Emulator, in the Wireless Toolkit User's Guide.

Q. How can I emulate running a MIDlet on a device other than the example devices provided?

A. See Chapter 3. Device Property Files, in Wireless Toolkit Basic Customization Guide.

Q. The Emulator incorrectly displays text in languages other than English. How can I change the fonts?

A. To display text in languages other than English, you should do one of the following actions:

Q. The device image displayed by the emulator is too small. How can I enlarge it?

A. Update the main device property file for the device you are using. See "Scaling" in Chapter 3. Device Property Files, in the Wireless Toolkit Basic Customization Guide for details.

Q. How can I enable touch screen events in the emulator?

A. Update the main device property file for the device you are using. See "Touch Screen" in Chapter 3. Device Property Files, in the Wireless Toolkit Basic Customization Guide for details.

Q. How can I change the set of character encoding converters available for a device?

A. See "Character Encodings" in Chapter 3. Device Property Files, in the Wireless Toolkit Basic Customization Guide for more information.

Q. How can I transfer a MIDlet Suite to a real device?

A. It depends entirely on the device. Each device manufacturer that supports MIDP must provide a mechanism for transferring MIDlets onto its devices.

Q. I have another question, and I can't find the answer here.

A. Send your questions about the J2ME Wireless Toolkit to J2ME Wireless Toolkit email address.