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Emerging Technology
Fall Semester, 2004 O/R Mapping Intro |
© 2004, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 04-Nov-04 |
CS 683 Emerging Technologies Fall Semester, 2004 Doc 25 O/R Mapping Intro
Creating the Table in the Database
Writing a Person to the Database
Copyright ©, All rights reserved. 2004 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA. OpenContent ( http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml) license defines the copyright on this document.
CS 683 Fall 04 | Doc 25, O/R Mapping Intro Slide # 2 |
Glorp web site http://glorp.org/
Glorp Tutorial, Roger Whitney
CS 580 Lecture notes, Roger Whitney
CS 683 Fall 04 | Doc 25, O/R Mapping Intro Slide # 3 |
Generalized Lightweight Object-Relational Persistence
CS 683 Fall 04 | Doc 25, O/R Mapping Intro Slide # 4 |
firstname |
lastname |
phone |
code_id |
John |
Smith |
555-9876 |
2000 |
Ben |
Oker |
555-1212 |
9500 |
Mary |
Jones |
555-3412 |
9900 |
code |
major |
2000 |
Art |
3000 |
History |
9500 |
Electrical engineering |
9900 |
Computer Science |
mysql> CREATE TABLE students ( firstname CHAR(20) NOT NULL, lastname CHAR(20), phone CHAR(10), code_id INTEGER );
mysql> CREATE TABLE codes ( code INTEGER, major CHAR(20) );
CS 683 Fall 04 | Doc 25, O/R Mapping Intro Slide # 5 |
INSERT INTO students (firstname, lastname, phone, code_id) SELECT 'Roger' AS firstname, 'Whitney' AS lastname, '594-3535' AS phone, codes.code AS code_id FROM codes WHERE codes.major = ‘Art’
SELECT firstname, lastname, phone, major FROM codes, students WHERE major = 'Art' AND code_id = code
CS 683 Fall 04 | Doc 25, O/R Mapping Intro Slide # 6 |
import java.sql.*; public class SampleConnection { static final String ART_MAJOR_SQL = " SELECT firstname, lastname, phone, major FROM codes, students WHERE major = 'Art' AND code_id = code”; public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception { Connection rugby = getDatabaseConnection(); Statement getArtMajors = rugby.createStatement(); ResultSet artMajorsRows = getArtMajors.executeQuery(ART_MAJOR_SQL); ArrayList artMajors = new ArrayList(); while (artMajorsRows.next() ) { Student artMajor = new Student(); artMajors.add( artMajor); artMajor.setFirstName(artMajorsRows.getString( “firstname”); artMajor.setLastName(artMajorsRows.getString( “lastname”); artMajor.setPhone(artMajorsRows.getString( “phone”); artMajor.setMajor(artMajorsRows.getString( “major”); } doSomethingWithArtMajors(artMajors); rugby.close(); }
CS 683 Fall 04 | Doc 25, O/R Mapping Intro Slide # 7 |
Connection getDatabaseConnection() throws SomeTypeOfException { String dbUrl = "jdbc:mysql://rugby.sdsu.edu:8777/test"; String user = "whitney"; String password = "mylittleSecret"; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); return DriverManager.getConnection( dbUrl, user, password); } }
CS 683 Fall 04 | Doc 25, O/R Mapping Intro Slide # 8 |
Smalltalk defineClass: #Person superclass: #{Core.Object} indexedType: #none private: false instanceVariableNames: 'firstName lastName ' classInstanceVariableNames: '' imports: '' category: 'GlorpExperiments'
first: firstNameString last: lastNameString ^self new setFirst: firstNameString last: lastNameString
setFirst: firstNameString last: lastNameString firstName := firstNameString. lastName := lastNameString firstName: anObject firstName := anObject
CS 683 Fall 04 | Doc 25, O/R Mapping Intro Slide # 9 |
Smalltalk defineClass: # GlorpTutorialDescriptor superclass: #{Glorp.DescriptorSystem} indexedType: #none private: false instanceVariableNames: '' classInstanceVariableNames: '' imports: 'Glorp.DirectMapping' category: 'GlorpExperiments' GlorpTutorialDescriptor >>allTableNames ^#( 'PEOPLE' ) tableForPEOPLE: aTable aTable createFieldNamed: 'first_name' type: (platform varChar: 50). (aTable createFieldNamed: 'last_name' type: (platform varChar: 50)) bePrimaryKey. descriptorForPerson: aDescriptor | table | table := self tableNamed: 'PEOPLE'. aDescriptor table: table. (aDescriptor newMapping: DirectMapping) from: #firstName to: (table fieldNamed: 'first_name'). (aDescriptor newMapping: DirectMapping) from: #lastName to: (table fieldNamed: 'last_name')
CS 683 Fall 04 | Doc 25, O/R Mapping Intro Slide # 10 |
classModelForPerson: aClassModel aClassModel newAttributeNamed: #firstName. aClassModel newAttributeNamed: #lastName. constructAllClasses ^(super constructAllClasses) add: Person; yourself
CS 683 Fall 04 | Doc 25, O/R Mapping Intro Slide # 11 |
login := Login new database: PostgreSQLPlatform new; username: 'whitney'; password: 'foo'; connectString: ''. accessor := DatabaseAccessor forLogin: login. accessor login. session := GlorpSession new. session system: (GlorpTutorialDescriptor forPlatform: login database). session accessor: accessor. session inTransactionDo: [session system allTables do: [:each | accessor createTable: each ifError: [:error |Transcript show: error messageText]]].
One does not have to use GLORP to create tables in the database. One can create them by hand. In many cases that will be the case.
CS 683 Fall 04 | Doc 25, O/R Mapping Intro Slide # 12 |
person := Person first: 'Pete' last: ‘Frost’. session beginUnitOfWork. session register: person. session commitUnitOfWork.
All objects registered in a unit of work (and with the proper GLORP mapping) will be written to the database in the correct table(s) when the unit of work is completed
CS 683 Fall 04 | Doc 25, O/R Mapping Intro Slide # 13 |
people := session readManyOf: Person .
people will be a collection of Person objects.
foundPerson := session readOneOf: Person where: [:each | each firstName = 'Jose']
CS 683 Fall 04 | Doc 25, O/R Mapping Intro Slide # 14 |
session beginUnitOfWork. foundPerson := session readOneOf: Person where: [:each | each firstName = 'Jose']. foundPerson firstName: 'RamJet'. session commitUnitOfWork
Any object read from the database in a unit of work is automatically registered with the using of work. Any object registered with a unit of work that is modified during the unit of work will have the modifications saved to the database when the unit of work is committed. The proper rows in all required tables are updated.
Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2004 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.