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Emerging Technology
Fall Semester, 2004 Seaside Login |
© 2004, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 28-Sep-04 |
CS 683 Emerging Technologies Fall Semester, 2004 Doc 14 Seaside Login
Using Built-in Authentication system
Copyright ©, All rights reserved. 2004 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA. OpenContent ( http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml) license defines the copyright on this document.
CS 683 Fall 04 | Doc 14, Seaside Login Slide # 2 |
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CS 683 Fall 04 | Doc 14, Seaside Login Slide # 3 |
There are times when we need to have users log in. We can do this in two ways:
To use the built-in authentication system add one of the following class methods (not instance methods) to your component class. The built-in system uses the standard http authentication scheme. The first method when run will prompt you to set a user name and password, that the user will have to enter to access your component. Before you can access the web application you need to enter those. This method is used by the Seaside config page.
initialize "self initialize" (self registerAsAuthenticatedApplication: 'standardAuthentication')
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The second method allows you to specify the username and password in code. It just makes explicit what registerAsAuthenticatedApplication: does. The class method initialize is called automatically when a class is loaded from a file or parcel/package. You may not want the user prompted at that time – for example when you are installing a headless server. In that case you might wish to have the initialize method call the method below.
initializeUser: aName password: aString "self initializeUser: 'Foo' password: 'bar' " | application | application := self registerAsApplication: 'standardAuthentication'. application configuration addAncestor: WAAuthConfiguration localConfiguration. application preferenceAt: #login put: aName. application preferenceAt: #password put: aString. ^ application
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The problem with the previous methods is that you only have one user and one password. We may need to support many different users. We can modify the existing system to use our class to validate usernames and passwords, thus allowing multiple users and passwords. Create a subclass of WAAuthConfiguration with the method mainClass. This method just returns the class to use to validate usernames and passwords. (Note using the Seaside configuration pages one can avoid the need for this class.)
Smalltalk.Seaside defineClass: #CS683AuthConfiguration superclass: #{Seaside.WAAuthConfiguration} instanceVariableNames: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''
mainClass ^ CS683AuthMain
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Then we need the authorization class. It needs one method verifyPassword:forUser:. This method returns true or false depending on if the username & password are correct. The example here only has one username & password. However the could for example open a file and read a list of usernames & passwords.
Smalltalk.Seaside defineClass: #CS683AuthMain superclass: #{Seaside.WAAuthMain} instanceVariableNames: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''
verifyPassword: password forUser: username ^'foo' = username and: ['bar' = password]
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Now in your WAComponent subclass and the following class method and use it to registration your class.
YourComponent Class>>initialize "self initialize" | application | application := self registerAsApplication: myApp. application configuration addAncestor: CS683AuthConfiguration localConfiguration. ^ application
Now when anyone accesses the component they will be required to give a username and password. They will be required to do this only once per session.
Note that the class CS683AuthConfiguration and the configuration in the above method can be replaced by using the configuration page.
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There are some situations where the above solutions are adequate. We may need:
The following is based on a post to seaside mailing list by Michal. The following class implements a login page .
Smalltalk.Seaside defineClass: #SeasideLogin superclass: #{Seaside.WAComponent} instanceVariableNames: 'username password ' classInstanceVariableNames: ''
password ^password ifNil: ['']. password: aString ^password := aString username ^username ifNil: ['']. username: aString ^username := aString
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renderContentOn: html html attributeAt: 'align' put: 'center'. html form: [(html attributes) align: 'center'; cellspacing: '10'. html table: [html tableRowWith: 'Username' with: [html textInputOn: #username of: self]. html tableRowWith: 'Password: ' with: [html passwordInputWithCallback: [:value | self password: value]]]. html break; submitButtonWithAction: [self handleLogin]]
handleLogin self username = 'Bar' ifFalse:[^self]. self password = 'foo' ifFalse:[^self]. self answer: username.
The above method only handles one user, but can be modified to handle more.
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One can now use SeasideLogin in another component. Once can use it with a task or use it in a session.
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We can use task to password protect any component. One creates a WATask subclass that first calls the authentication and then calls the component. The WATask is then made the root level component. This is shown below.
Smalltalk.Seaside defineClass: #LoginTask superclass: #{Seaside.WATask} instanceVariableNames: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''
canBeRoot ^ true
self authenticateWith: CS683AuthMain new during: [self call: HelloWorld new]
Here we call a HelloWorld component, but it could be any component. One advantage of this method is that we can pass a parameter to the CS683AuthMain instance if needed. The parameter could be the file containing the passwords or information needed to connect to a database.
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Here we use the SeasideLogin component to get the username and password.
Smalltalk.Seaside defineClass: #LoginTask superclass: #{Seaside.WATask} instanceVariableNames: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''
canBeRoot ^ true
go | user | user := self call: SeasideLogin new. self call: HelloWorld new
If needed we could pass a parameter to SeasideLogin say to tell it which file to read the password information. “user” is not passed to the HelloWorld instance in this example but the example could easily be modified to do so.
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We can have a user login only once per session. To do this create a subclass of WASession with the following two methods.
Smalltalk.Seaside defineClass: #CS683Session superclass: #{Seaside.WASession} instanceVariableNames: 'user ' classInstanceVariableNames: ''
loginUser ^user := self mainClass new call: SeasideLogin new user user ifNil: [self loginUser]. ^user
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Now given a component must be configured to use the new session. One way to do this is to via the configuration page for the component. When you configure a component toward the bottom of the page you will see a line starting with Session class.
On that line click on override. Once you have done this you will be given a list of which type of session to use with the component. Select CS683.
Now in your component to insure the user has logged in and to get the user name in your component use:
self session user.
If the user has not logged in they will be sent to the login page. If they already have logged in during that session you will just get the user name.
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If you want to make the user login in before anything else happens you can call self session user in your renderContentOn: method
renderContentOn: html user := self session user. Etc.
You can force the user to login before accessing the component automatically by adding the following method to the CS683Session class
CS683Session>> start: aRequest self loginUser. ^super start: aRequest
Before any component is displayed during that session, the login page is displayed.
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One might be tempted to avoid the overhead of using a session by doing:
MyComponent>> renderContentOn: html user := self call: SeasideLogin new. Rest of your renderContentOn: code.
To not use “call:” in the renderContentOn: method as doing this makes the application unstable.
Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2004 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.