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Emerging Technologies
Fall Semester, 2005 Python Basics |
© 2005 All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated September 1, 2005 |
CS 683 Emerging Technologies
Fall Semester, 2005
Doc 1 Python Basics
Copyright ©, All rights reserved. 2005 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA. OpenContent ( http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml ) license defines the copyright on this document.
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 2 |
Python Tutorial, Guido van Rossum, http://www.python.org/doc/current/tut/tut.html
Python Reference Manual, Guido van Rossum, http://docs.python.org/ref/ref.html
Python Library Reference, Guido van Rossum, http://docs.python.org/lib/lib.html
Learning Python, Lutz & Ascher, O'Reilly, 1999
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 3 |
Sept 6. Chapters 1-4 of the Python Tutorial
Sept 8. Chapters 5-8 of the Python Tutorial
Sept 13. Chapters 9-11 of the Python Tutorial
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 4 |
Some Useful Python Web Sites
Main Python Site
Beginner's Guide to Python
Beginner's Download Guide
General Download Guide
How to run a Python program under Windows
List of Python Introductions
Python Tutorial, Guido van Rossum,
Dive Into Python, Mark Pilgrim, online Book
comp.lang.python, python news group
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 5 |
Script file
Compiled code
Al 11-> python
Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar 20 2005, 20:38:20)
[GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1809)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 1 + 2
Instructions for Windows machines
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 6 |
Script File
Unix Example
File name: helloWorld.py
#! /usr/bin/env python
print 'Hello World'
Make the file executable:
Al 45->chmod u+x helloWorld.py
Run the file
Al 46->helloWorld.py
Note details may differ between Unix machines
Instructions for Windows machines
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 7 |
Literals |
Description |
123, -34, 0 |
Integer (C long) |
2323232323232L |
Long Integer (unlimited size) |
1.23, 3.14e-10, 4E21, 5.3e+43 |
Floating-point (C double) |
052, 0x4da |
Octal & Hex |
2+5j, 7.2-8j, 2J |
Complex number |
>>> a = 5
>>> b =2
>>> a * b
>>> a / 3
>>> a / 3.0
>>> c = 3 + 2j
>>> a + c
>>> abs(-5)
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 8 |
Numeric Operations
For more information see:
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 9 |
Variable Names
Case sen sitive
Must start with underscore or letter
May contain letters, digits or underscores cat_3
Can not use reserved words
Reserved Words
and |
del |
for |
is |
raise |
assert |
elif |
from |
lambda |
return |
break |
else |
global |
not |
try |
class |
except |
if |
or |
while |
continue |
exec |
import |
pass |
yield |
def |
finally |
in |
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 10 |
Operator Precedence
Operators |
Description |
x or y |
Lazy logical or |
x and y |
Lazy logical and |
not x |
logical negation |
<, <=, >, >=, ==, <>, !>, is, is not, in, not in |
Comparison, identity tests, sequence membership |
X | y |
Bitwise or |
x ^ y |
Bitwise exclusive or |
x & y |
Bitwise and |
x<<y, x>>y |
Shift x left(right) by y bits |
x+y, x-y |
Addition/Concatenation, subtraction |
x*y, x/y, x%y |
Mult/repetition, division, remander/format |
-x, +x, ~x |
Negation, identity, bitwise complement |
x[k], x[i:j], x.y, x(...) |
Indexing, slicing, qualification, functions call |
(...), [...], {...}, `...` |
Tuple, list, dictionary, conversion to string |
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 11 |
Immutable - once create can not change
aString = 'Cat in the hat' #a Comment
bString = "Cat in the hat"
multiLineString = """Cat in
>>> a = 'cat'
>>> b = 'dog'
>>> a + b
>>> a * 3
>>> a[0]
>>> a[1]
>>> len(a)
>>> a[-1] #a[len(a) - 1] that is index from end
>>> 'a' in a
>>> 'a' not in b
>>> min(a) #min element in a
>>> max(b)
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 12 |
>>> six = '012345'
>>> len(six)
>>> six[2:4] #from index 2 up to index 4
>>> six[:4] #from start up to index 4
>>> six[3:] #from index 3 to end
>>> six[:] #Make a copy - from start to end
>>> six[1:5:2] #from index 1 up to 5 step 2
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 13 |
like springf in C
>>> template = 'We have %d too many %s'
>>> template % (10, 'crashers')
'We have 10 too many crashers'
>>> template % (5, 'hurricanes')
'We have 5 too many hurricanes'
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 14 |
String methods
>>> string.capitalize()
'This is an example'
>>> string.split()
['this', 'is', 'an', 'example']
>>> string.split('i')
['th', 's ', 's an example']
>>> string.split('ia')
['this is an example']
>>> string.split('an')
['this is ', ' example']
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 15 |
Iterating Strings
for variableName in aString:
>>> a = 'c1t2'
>>> for c in a:
... if c.isdigit(): print c
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 16 |
Mutable ordered collection
>>> aList = ['cat', 'dog', 3, 'mouse']
>>> aList[2]
>>> aList[1:3]
['dog', 3]
>>> aList.sort()
>>> aList
[3, 'cat', 'dog', 'mouse']
>>> aList[0] = 'tea'
>>> aList
['tea', 'cat', 'dog', 'mouse']
>>> aList.append('trap')
>>> aList
['tea', 'cat', 'dog', 'mouse', 'trap']
>>> del aList[1]
>>> aList
['tea', 'dog', 'mouse', 'trap']
>>> del aList[1:3]
>>> aList
['tea', 'trap']
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 17 |
Nesting Lists
>>> a = ['cat', 'dog']
>>> b = [1, a, 2]
>>> b
[1, ['cat', 'dog'], 2]
>>> len(b)
>>> b[1]
['cat', 'dog']
>>> b[1][0]
>>> b[1][0] = 'new'
>>> b
[1, ['new', 'dog'], 2]
>>> a
['new', 'dog']
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 18 |
Assignments Create References
>>> a = ['cat', 'dog']
>>> b = [1, a, 2]
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 19 |
Immutable ordered collection
Immutable list
>>> aTuple = ('cat', 'dog', 'mouse')
>>> aTuple[2]
>>> for item in aTuple:
... print item
>>> aTuple[1:2]
>>> tupleAlso = 1, 2, 3
>>> tupleAlso
(1, 2, 3)
>>> emptyTuple = ()
>>> aTuple[1] = 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: object doesn't support item assignment
del and append are also illegal
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 20 |
Unicode String
Xrange objects
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 21 |
Mutable map (or hashtable)
Keys must be immutable
>>> offices = { 'whitney': 'GMCS 561', 'beck':'GMCS-407B' }
>>> offices['whitney']
'GMCS 561'
>>> offices.keys()
['beck', 'whitney']
>>> offices.values()
['GMCS-407B', 'GMCS 561']
>>> offices.has_key(' lewis ')
>>> offices['lewis'] = 'GMCS-544'
>>> offices.has_key('lewis')
>>> offices.has_key('Lewis')
>>> del offices['whitney']
>>> offices.keys()
['beck', 'lewis']
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 22 |
Long Lines
Use a "\" to continue code on the next line
if 1900 < year < 2100 and 1 <= month <= 12 \
and 1 <= day <= 31 and 0 <= hour < 24 \
and 0 <= minute < 60 and 0 <= second < 60: #Valid date
return 1
Inside [], () and {} don't need the backslashes
month_names = ['Januari', 'Februari', 'Maart',
'April', 'Mei', 'Juni', #Dutch names
'Juli', 'Augustus', 'September',
'Oktober', 'November', 'December']
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 23 |
>>> sampleFile = open('test', 'w')
>>> sampleFile.write('This is a test\n')
>>> shopingList = 'bread' , 'cheese', 'lentils'
>>> shopingList
('bread', 'cheese', 'lentils')
>>> sampleFile.writelines(shopingList)
>>> sampleFile.writelines(shopingList)
>>> sampleFile.close()
>>> sampleFile = open('test', 'r')
>>> sampleFile.readline()
'This is a test\n'
>>> sampleFile.readline()
>>> sampleFile = open('test', 'r')
>>> sampleFile.readline()
'This is a test\n'
>>> sampleFile.readlines()
File modes: 'r', 'w', 'a' (append)
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 24 |
a is b
Do a & b point to same object
a == b
Do a & b have point to objects that have same structure and value
>>> a = [1, ('cat', 3)]
>>> b = [1, ('cat', 3)]
>>> c = a
>>> a == b, a is b, a == c, a is c
(True, False, True, True)
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 25 |
>>> a = [1, ('cat', 3)]
>>> d = [1, ('cat', 4)]
>>> a < d, a == d, a > d
(True, False, False)
>>> {1:1, 2:2} < {1:2, 2:1}, {1:1, 2:2} > {1:2, 2:1}
(True, False)
23 < 'cat' , 23 == 'cat', 23 > 'cat'
(True, False, False)
>>> 23 < [1, 'cat']
>>> ['cat'] < ('cat'), ['cat'] == ('cat'), ['cat'] > ('cat')
(True, False, False)
Numbers are compared as number
String are compared lexicographically
Lists & tuples are compared by comparing each component, from left to right
Dictionaries are compared as sorted (key, value) lists
Can comparing different types, but results can be meaningless
CS683 Fall 2005 | Doc 1, Python Basics Slide # 26 |
Language defines boolean types
However other values can be evaluated as boolean
>>> if 'cat': print 'hi'
Values equivalent to False
Numeric zero of all types
Empty sequences: '' [] ()
Empty mappings: {}
All other values are interpreted as True
Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2005 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.