SDSU CS 535: Object-Oriented Programming & Design
Fall Semester, 1997
Doc 6, Information Hiding

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San Diego State University -- This page last updated 23-Sep-97

Doc 6, Information Hiding Slide # 1Listen Here!
Information Hiding - Physical and Logical
Physical information hiding

Physical information hiding is when a class has a field and there are accessor methods, getX and setX, setting and getting the value of the field. It is clear to everyone that there is a field named X in the class. The goal is just to prevent any direct access to X from the outside. The extreme example is a struct converted to a class by adding accessor methods. Physical information hiding provides little or no help in isolating the effects of changes. If the hidden field changes type than one usually ends up changing the accessor methods to reflect the change in type.
class  PhysicalHiding
   private int a;
   private int b;
   public int getA()
      return a;
   public int getB()
      return b;

   public int setA( int newA )
      a = newA;
   public int setB( int newB )
      b = newB;

Doc 6, Information Hiding Slide # 2Listen Here!
Logical Information Hiding

Logical information hiding occurs when the class represents some abstraction. This abstraction can be manipulated independent of its underlying representation. Details are being hidden from the out side world. Examples are integers and stacks. We use integers all the time without knowing any detail on their implementation. Similarly we can use the operations pop and push without knowing how the stack is implemented. Given the following interface to a Point class is there any way to determine how it is implemented? Does it used polar coordinates internally or not?

class Point
public int getX()
public int getY()

public int setXY( int newX, int newY )

public int getRadiusVector()
public int getPolarAngle()

public int setRadiusVector( float newRadius)
public int setPolarAngle( float newAngle)

visitors since 23-Sep-97