SDSU CS 635 Advanced Object-Oriented Design & Programming
Spring Semester, 2002
Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion
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© 2002, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 18-Apr-02


Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software , Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides, Addison-Wesley, 1995, pp. 175-184, 223-232

The Design Patterns Smalltalk Companion, Alpert, Brown, Woolf, 1998, pp. 161-178, 225-244

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 2


Changing the Skin of an Object

Class Structure

Runtime Structure

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 3

Motivation - Text Views

A text view has the following features:

side scroll bar
Bottom scroll bar
3D border
Flat border

This gives 12 different options:


How to implement?

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 4
Solution 1 - Use Object Composition

class TextView {
   Border myBorder;
   ScrollBar verticalBar;
   ScrollBar horizontalBar;
   public  void draw() {
      code to draw self

But TextView knows about all the variations!
New type of variations require changing TextView
(and any other type of view we have)

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 5
Solution 2 - Use Decorator

Object Composition Inside out

Change the skin of an object not it guts

TextView has no borders or scrollbars!
Add borders and scrollbars on top of a TextView

Runtime Structure

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 6


Use Decorator:

Commonly used in basic system frameworks

Windows, streams, fonts


More flexible than static inheritance

Avoids feature laden classes high up in hierarchy

Lots of little objects

A decorator and its components are not identical

So checking object identification can cause problems

   if ( aComponent instanceof TextView ) blah

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 7

Implementation Issues

Keep Decorators lightweight

Don't put data members in VisualComponent

Have Decorator forward all component operations

Three ways to forward messages

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 8


Java Streams

class  ReadingFileExample
   public  static  void  main( String  args[]  ) throws Exception
      FileInputStream inputFile;
      BufferedInputStream bufferedFile;
      ASCIIInputStream  cin;
      inputFile = new FileInputStream( "" );
      bufferedFile = new BufferedInputStream( inputFile );
      cin = new ASCIIInputStream( bufferedFile );
      System.out.println(  cin.readWord()  );
      for  ( int  k = 1 ;  k  <  4;  k++ )
         System.out.println(  cin.readLine()  );

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 9

Insurance policies have payment caps for claims

Sometimes the people with the same policy will have different caps

A decorator can be used to provide different caps on the same policy object

Similarly for deductibles & copayments

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 10

Chain of Responsibility


Avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving more than one object a chance to handle the request. Chain the receiving objects and pass the request along the chain until an object handles it.

Class Structure

Sample Object Structure

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 11





Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 12


Context Help System

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 13

When to Use

When more than on object may handle a request, and the handler isn't known a priori

When you want to issue a request to one of several objects without specifying the receiver explicitly

When the set of objects that can handle a request should be specified dynamically

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 14
How does this differ from Decorator?

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 15
Chain of Command

Like the military

A request is made
It goes up the chain of command until someone has the authority to answer the request

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 16

Implementation Issues

The successor chain

The concrete handlers may already have pointers to their successors, so just use them

Give each handler a link to its successor

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 17
Representing Requests

abstract class HardCodedHandler
   private HardCodedHandler successor;
   public HardCodedHandler( HardCodedHandler aSuccessor)
      { successor = aSuccessor; }
   public void handleOpen()
      { successor.handleOpen(); }
   public void handleClose()
      { successor.handleClose(); }
   public void handleNew( String fileName)
      { successor.handleClose( fileName ); }

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 18
Representing Requests

abstract class SingleHandler {
   private SingleHandler successor;
   public SingleHandler( SingleHandler aSuccessor) {
      successor = aSuccessor;
   public void handle( String request) {
      successor.handle( request );
class ConcreteOpenHandler extends SingleHandler {
   public void handle( String request) {
      switch ( request ) {
         case "Open" : do the right thing;
         case "Close" : more right things;
         case "New" : even more right things;
         default: successor.handle( request );

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 19
Representing Requests

abstract class SingleHandler {
   private SingleHandler successor;
   public SingleHandler( SingleHandler aSuccessor)
      {successor = aSuccessor; }
   public void handle( Request data)
      { successor.handle( data ); }
class ConcreteOpenHandler extends SingleHandler {
   public void handle( Open data)
      { // handle the open here }
class Request {
   private int size;
   private String name;
   public Request( int mySize, String myName)
      { size = mySize;  name = myName; }
   public int size() { return size; }
   public String name() { return name;}
class Open extends Request
   {// add Open specific stuff here}
class Close extends Request
   { // add Close specific stuff here}

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 20

Object-Oriented Recursion

Recursive Delegation

A method polymorphically sends its message to a different receiver

Eventually a method is called that performs the task

The recursion then unwinds back to the original message send

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 21

class BinarySearchTree {
   Node root
   boolean containsKey( Object key ) {
      return root.containsKey(key);
   String toString() {
      return "Tree( " + root.toString() + ")";

Doc 15, Decorator, Chain of Responsibility, OO Recursion Slide # 22
Example Continued
class BinaryNode implements Node {
   Node left;
   Node right;
   Object key;
   Object value;
   boolean containsKey( Object key ) {
      if this.key == key
         return true;
      if this.key < key
         return right.containsKey(key);
      if this.key > key
         return left.containsKey( key);
   String toString() {
      return "( " + left.toString() + key + right.toString() + ")";
class NullNode implements Node {
   boolean containsKey( Object key ) {
      return false;
   String toString() {
      return " ";

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2002 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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