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CS 580 Client-Server Spring Semester, 2004 Some on Protocol |
© 2004, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 30-Mar-04 |
Some low level Parsing
Java String methods
Returns an array of String { “cat”, “man”, “ran”);
See http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html#sum
for valid arguments of split().
parts = new java.util.StringTokenizer("cat,man;ran;,fan", ",;"); while (parts.hasMoreElements()) { System.out.println( parts.nextToken()); }
Output cat man ran fan
Some Useful Smalltalk Collection Methods
'cat;man;ran' tokensBasedOn: $;Result
OrderedCollection ('cat' 'man' 'ran')
'cat. man... ran.' piecesCutWhere: [:each :next | each = $. and: [next = Character space]] do: [:each | Transcript show: each printString; cr]
'cat.' ' man...' ' ran.'
Some Useful Smalltalk Collection Methods 'cat\man\ran' runsFailing: [:each | each = $\] do: [:each | Transcript show: each; cr]
cat man ran
'cat\man\ran' runsSatisfying: [:each | each ~= $\] do: [:each | Transcript show: each; cr]
cat man ran
Java Streams
Java Streams do not have many methods that aid in parsing
Avoid PrintStream – println() is platform dependent
“PrintStream is evil and network programmers should avoid it like the plague”
Text claims that readLine() is buggy
Avoid using this method to read data from a socket
Data Input/Output Streams
Are used for binary data
Don’t use unless protocol is binary
If protocol is binary these streams are only good between Java clients and servers
Smalltalk Streams – Some Useful Methods
peekFor: anObject
skipToAll: aCollection
throughAll: aCollection
upTo: anObject
upToAll: aCollection
skipUpTo: anObject
upToAll: and Java
upToAll: is a useful method
Reads up to a given string in a stream or string
read = new sdsu.io.ChunkReader("catEOMmatEOM", "EOM") while (read.hasMoreElements() ) { System.out.println( read.readChunk()); }
Result cat mat
Calendar System
Anonymous Users
How to Handle Protocol
Represents a Logon request
Can generate valid Calendar logon protocol request string
Can read valid Calendar logon protocol request
Java Example
public class CalendarLogonRequest { private Hashtable data = new Hashtable();
public void userName( String name) { data.put(“user”, name); }
public String userName() { return data.get(“user”); }
public void password(String password) { data.put(“password”, password); }
public String toString() { StringBuffer logon = new StringBuffer(); logon.append(“login” ). logon.append(“\r\n” ). logon.append(“user=” ). logon.append( data.get(“user”) ). logon.append(“\r\n” ). logon.append(“password=” ). logon.append( data.get(“password”) ). logon.append(“\r\n” ). logon.append(“EOM\r\n). return logon.toString(); } public static CalendarLogonRequest from(InputStream in) { parse in return CalendarLogonRequest object with username and password set}
Smalltalk Example
Smalltalk defineClass: #CalendarLogonRequest superclass: #{Core.Object} indexedType: #none private: false instanceVariableNames: 'userName password ' classInstanceVariableNames: '' imports: '' category: 'Protocol Examples'
CalendarLogonRequest class methods
from: aStringOrReadStream ^super new from: aStringOrReadStream readStream
userName: aNameString password: aPasswordString ^super new setUserName: aNameString password: aPasswordString
CalendarLogonRequest Instance methods
setUserName: aNameString password: aPasswordString userName := aNameString. password := aPasswordString
from: aReadStream | message lines | message := aReadStream upToAll: 'EOM\' withCRs. lines := message tokensBasedOn: Character cr. lines do: [:each | (each includes: $=) ifTrue:[self addPairFrom: each]]
addPairFrom: aString | keyValue | keyValue := aString tokensBasedOn: $=. keyValue first asLowercase = 'password' ifTrue:[ password := keyValue last]. keyValue first asLowercase = 'user' ifTrue:[ userName := keyValue last].
asString | aStream | aStream := WriteStream on: (String new: 16). self printOn: aStream. ^aStream contents
printOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: 'login'; cr; nextPutAll: 'user='; nextPutAll: userName; cr; nextPutAll: 'password='; nextPutAll: password; cr; nextPutAll: 'EOM'; cr
password ^password
userName ^userName
What is the Point?
Use CalendarLogonRequest to generate logon protocol
logonRequest = new CalendarLogonRequest(); logonRequest.user( “whitney”); logonRequest.password( “foo” ); clientSocket = new Socket(“”, 9009); toServer = clientSocket.getOutputStream(); request = logonRequest.toString(); toServer.write(request.getBytes());
Use CalendarLogonRequest to read protocol on server side
Sample Client
clientSocket := SocketAccessor newTCPclientToHost: '' port: 9009. logon := CalendarLogonRequest userName: 'roger' password: 'foo'. toServer := clientSocket readAppendStream. toServer lineEndCRLF. toServer nextPutAll: logon asString;flush.
Sample Server
server := SocketAccessor newTCPserverAtPort: 9009. server listenFor: 5. acceptedSocket := server accept. [ | stream | stream := acceptedSocket readAppendStream. stream lineEndCRLF. request := CalendarLogonRequest from: stream. stream nextPutAll: 'Done'; commit. stream close. ] forkAt: Processor userSchedulingPriority -1.
Second Idea – Command
One the server side let the request actually perform the operation
public class CalendarLogonRequest {
public Result execute( CalenderHandler aCalender) { check to see if user name and password are correct return a result object }
Third Idea – Protocol Stream
Create a CalendarInputStream
public void run(int port) throws IOException { ServerSocket input = new ServerSocket( port ); log.info("Server running on port " + input.getLocalPort()); while (true) { Socket client = input.accept(); log.info("Request from " + client.getInetAddress()); processRequest( new CalenderInputStream(client.getInputStream()), new CalenderOutPutStream(client.getOutputStream()); client.close(); } }
void processRequest( CalenderInputStream in, CalenderOutPutStream out) throws IOException { CalenderRequest request = (CalenderRequest ) in.read(); CalenderRequest response = request.execute( calender ); out.write( response); } }
Issue – Which Request? Socket client = input.accept(); in = client.getInputStream();
String firstLine = in.readLine(); if (firstLine = “login” ) request = new CalendarLoginRequest(); else if (firstLine = “newEvent” ) request = new CalendarNewEventRequest(); else if etc.
Can Use Prototype
requests = new Hashtable(); requests.put( “login”, new CalendarLoginRequest()); requests.put(“newEvent”, new CalendarNewEventRequest());
Socket client = input.accept(); in = client.getInputStream();
String firstLine = in.readLine(); request = requests.get( firstLine).clone();
Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2004 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.
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