SDSU CS 580 Client-Server
Spring Semester, 2004
Streamless Sockets
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© 2004, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 06-Apr-04


Java On-line API

VisualWorks Internet Client Developer's Guide, Socket Programming Chapter 2, docs/NetClientDevGuide.pdf in VW 7 distribution

NIO On-line Examples

Martin Kobetic, private communications

Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 2

Streamless Socket Access

Both VisualWorks and Java (JDK 1.4) support

Reading/writing on sockets without streams

Provides access to more socket functionality

Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 3


Supports two versions:


Works for TPC only

Slightly simpler than send/receive

Exceptions raised differ on Window & UNIX


Works with UDP & TCP

Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 4
Waiting for Data

SocketAccessor supports:

  • Return true if a time out occurred

  • Same as read versions but used on writing data

Send/Receive always requires the use of these waits

Read/Write sometimes works without them

So always use them

Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 5

Example – From Date Server

processRequest: aSocketAccessor 
   | timedOut readBuffer charactersRead date |
   [timedOut := aSocketAccessor readWaitWithTimeoutMs: 10000.
   timedOut ifTrue: [^nil].
   readBuffer := String new: 50.
   charactersRead := aSocketAccessor readInto: readBuffer
            untilFalse: [:count | count < 5].
   (readBuffer startsWith: 'date') 
         [aSocketAccessor writeWait.
         date := Date today printString.
         aSocketAccessor writeFrom: date]] 
         ensure: [aSocketAccessor close]

Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 6
Basic Operation

Before read/write call wait operation ready

In both read & write only part of the data may be processed!

Read/write methods return the number of bytes processed

You code has to make sure all data is processed

Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 7
Read/Write operations

readInto: aBuffer
readInto: aBuffer startingAt: index for: count
readInto: aBuffer untilFalse: aBlock

writeAll: aBuffer
writeFrom: aBuffer
writeFrom: aBuffer startingAt: index for: count
writeFrom: aBuffer startingAt: index forSure: count
writeFrom: aBuffer startingAt: index for: count untilFalse: aBlock

See Internet Client Developer’s Guide Chapter 2 for details

Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 8


How to test processRequest: aSocketAccessor ?

Build a mock SocketAccessor

Implement the read/write/wait methods

Read methods read from stream on a String

Write methods write to a write stream on a String

Provide methods to access data written to the mock object

Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 9
Waiting for Data & Streams

One can do a readWait with streams

processWithStreamsRequest: aSocketAccessor 
   | clientRequest aReadStream aWriteStream |
   [aReadStream := aSocketAccessor readStream lineEndTransparent.
   aWriteStream := aSocketAccessor writeStream lineEndTransparent.
   (aSocketAccessor readWaitWithTimeoutMs: 10000) ifTrue: [^nil].
   clientRequest := aReadStream through: Character cr.
   (clientRequest startsWith: 'date') 
            nextPutAll: Date today printString;
         ensure: [aSocketAccessor close]

One wants to use

 aReadStream basicAtEnd not or: 
   [ (aSocketAccessor readWaitWithTimeoutMs: timeout) not ]

before reading

Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 10

Java JDK 1.4 NIO & Sockets

JDK 1.4 has streamless access to sockets

Important new classes

New packages

Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 11

Two-way connection to an IO device


Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 12

Channels read/write into buffers

Buffer class for each primitive data type

Byte, int, float, char, double, long, short

Encoders & Decoders

Maps Unicode strings to/from bytes

Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 13

Date Server Example

import java.nio.*;
import java.nio.channels.*;
import java.nio.charset.*;
import java.util.*;
public class NIOTimeServer 
   ServerSocketChannel acceptor;
    private static Charset usAscii = Charset.forName("US-ASCII");
    private static CharsetDecoder asciiDecoder = usAscii.newDecoder();
    private static CharsetEncoder asciiEncoder = usAscii.newEncoder();
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      int port = Integer.parseInt( args[0]);   
      NIOTimeServer server = new NIOTimeServer( port );;
   public NIOTimeServer(int port ) throws IOException {
      InetSocketAddress serverAddress =
         new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), port);
      acceptor =;
      acceptor.socket().bind( serverAddress );

Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 14
Date Server Example Continued

   public void run() 
      while (true) 
            SocketChannel client = acceptor.accept();
            processRequest( client );
         catch (IOException acceptError)
            // for a later lecture
   void processRequest( SocketChannel  client) throws IOException
         String request = readLine( client );
         String response = processRequest( request);
         CharBuffer charsOut = CharBuffer.wrap( response + "\r\n");
         ByteBuffer bytesOut = asciiEncoder.encode(charsOut);

Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 15
Date Server Example Continued

   String readLine( SocketChannel  client) throws IOException
      ByteBuffer inputBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024);
      String input = "";
      CharBuffer inputChars;
      while (input.lastIndexOf( "\n") < 0 )
         inputBytes.clear(); inputBytes );
         inputChars = asciiDecoder.decode(inputBytes);
         input = input + inputChars.toString();
      return input;
   String processRequest( String request )
      if (request.startsWith("date")) 
         return new Date().toString();
         return "";

Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 16

Note the variation of detail in processRequest( SocketChannel client)

Would it be better to have:

         String request = readLine( client );
         String response = processRequest( request);
         write( client, response);

Does it make sense to have so many methods is such a small example?

Doc 23, Streamless Sockets Slide # 17

How do we Test this?

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2004 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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