SDSU CS 635 Advanced Object-Oriented Design & Programming
Spring Semester, 2004
State & Strategy
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© 2004, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 17-Feb-04


Design Patterns: Elements of Resuable Object-Oriented Software, Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides, Addison Wesley, 1995, pp. 139-150, 315-324

The Design Patterns Smalltalk Companion, Alpert, Brown, Woolf, Addision-Wesley, 1998, pp. 105-120, 339-354

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 2


Motivating Adapter

Java CGI & Servlets

Both Java CGI and servlets are used for server-side processing of certain HTML requests, like processing HTML forms

Servlets have greater functionality and are faster, but require special Web servers or servers with special extensions

To help write Java CGI programs there is class

It would be useful in moving code between servers to avoid having to rewrite the code

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 3
One Problem

One issue is access to the CGI environment variables

There are about 20 common CGI environment variables

In servlets one has an HttpRequest class that has a getX() method for each CGI environment variable class returns a hash table with one entry per CGI environment variable

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 4

We can write a wrapper around HttpRequest to make it act like a hash table

The Wrapper or Adapter

class CGIAdapter extends Hashtable
   Hashtable CGIvariables = new Hashtable( 20);
   public CGIAdapter( HttpRequest CGIEnvironment )
      CGIvariables.put( "AUTH_TYPE" , 
      CGIvariables.put( "REMOTE_USER" , 
   public Object get(Object key)
      return CGIvariables.get( key );

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 5
Going the other Direction

Adapting servlet code to normal CGI requires extracting the CGI environment variables out of the hash table and putting them into an object that implements the public interface of the HttpRequest class

class HTTPAdapter extends HttpRequest
   Hashtable CGIvariables;
   public HTTPAdapter( Hashtable CGIEnvironment )
      CGIvariables = CGIEnvironment;
   public String getAuthType()
      return (String) CGIvariables.get( "AUTH_TYPE" );
   public String getRemoteUser()
      return (String) CGIvariables.get( "REMOTE_USER" );

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 6


The adapter pattern converts the interface of a class into another interface.

Use the Adapter pattern when

Adapter has two forms:

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 7
Class Adapter

Object Adapter

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 8
Class Adapter Example

class OldSquarePeg {
      void squarePegOperation()
         { do something }
class RoundPeg {
      void virtual roundPegOperation = 0;
class PegAdapter: private OldSquarePeg, 
            public RoundPeg  {
      void virtual roundPegOperation()  {
         add some corners;
void clientMethod() {
   RoundPeg* aPeg = new PegAdapter();

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 9
Object Adapter Example

class OldSquarePeg   {
      void squarePegOperation() { do something }
class RoundPeg   {
      void virtual roundPegOperation = 0;
class PegAdapter:  public RoundPeg   {
      OldSquarePeg* square;
      PegAdapter()  { square = new OldSquarePeg; }
      void virtual roundPegOperation()   {
         add some corners;

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 10


A Class adapter uses inheritance so

An object adapter uses object composition so

Other issues:

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 11
How Much Adapting does the Adapter do?

The adapter may have to work very little or a great deal to adapt the Adaptee to the Target

The Adapter may just map one operation to another

class PegAdapter:  public RoundPeg   {
      OldSquarePeg* square;
      PegAdapter()   { square = new OldSquarePeg;}
      void roundPegOperation()   {

The Adapter may have to work hard if the Target operation does not have a comparable operation in the Adaptee

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 12
Pluggable Adapters

In the CGI example we adapted a class with getX() methods to a hash table interface

It is likely that we may adapt a class with getX() methods to a hashtable in the future

It would be nice to write one class to do all such adapting

This class would be given a list of keys to getX methods and an Adaptee object

HttpRequest CGIEnvironment = getHttpRequest();
PluggableHashAdapter sample = 
   new PluggableHashAdapter( CGIEnvironment );
sample.adapt( "AUTH_TYPE" , getAuthType );
sample.adapt( "REMOTE_USER" , getRemoteUser );
sample.get( “REMOTE_USER” );

Pluggable Adapters are used in interface components, where we know in advance that we will adapt the component to other interfaces

Pluggable Adapters are common in Smalltalk, were it is easier to map strings to method calls

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 13
Using two-way Adapter

In the SquarePeg-RoundPeg example the SquarePeg is adapted to the RoundPeg

So a SquarePeg can be used where a RoundPeg is needed, but not the other way around.

A two-way adapter would also allow a RoundPeg be used in place of the SquarePeg

class OldSquarePeg {
      void virtual squarePegOperation() { blah }
class RoundPeg {
      void virtual roundPegOperation() { blah }
class PegAdapter: public OldSquarePeg, RoundPeg {
      void virtual roundPegOperation() {
         add some corners;
      void virtual squarePegOperation() {
         add some corners;

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 14



Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable

Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it


Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 15

Java Layout Managers for Windows

Java Comparators

Smalltalk sort blocks

Java Layout Managers

import java.awt.*;
class  FlowExample  extends Frame  {
   public FlowExample( int  width, int height ) {
      setTitle( "Flow Example" );
      setSize( width, height );
      setLayout( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.LEFT) );
      for ( int label = 1; label < 10; label++ )
         add( new Button( String.valueOf( label ) ) );
   public  static  void  main( String  args[] ) {
      new  FlowExample( 175, 100 );
      new  FlowExample( 175, 100 );

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 16
Why Not use Inheritance?

But there are:

So using inheritance would require 780 classes!

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 17
Java Comparators

import java.util. Comparator;
import java.util.*;
class Student  {
   String name;
   public Student( String newName) { name = newName;}
   public String toString() { return name; }
final class StudentNameComparator implements Comparator {
   public int compare( Object leftOp, Object rightOp ) {
      String leftName = ((Student) leftOp).name;
      String rightName = ((Student) rightOp).name;
      return leftName.compareTo( rightName );
   public boolean equals( Object comparator ) {
      return comparator instanceof StudentNameComparator;
public class Test  {
   public static void main(String args[])  {
      Student[] cs596 = { new Student( "Li" ), new Student( "Swen" ), 
          new Student( "Chan" ) };
      //Sort the array
      Arrays.sort( cs596, new StudentNameComparator() );

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 18
Smalltalk SortBlocks

| list |
list := #( 1 6 2 3 9 5 ) asSortedCollection.
   print: list;
list sortBlock: [:x :y | x > y].
   print: list;

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 19
Why Not use Inheritance

There are arbitrarily many ways to sort

So get arbitrarily many

But with comparators (blocks) one can:

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 20


Use the Strategy pattern when

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 21


What is the big deal? You still subclass Strategy!

Replace in Context code like:

      switch  ( flag ) {
         case A: doA(); break;
         case B: doB(); break;
         case C: doC(); break;

With code like:;

   SortedList studentRecords = new SortedList(new ShellSort());

Doc 8, State & Strategy Slide # 22


How does data flow between them

Context pass data to Strategy

Strategy has point to Context, gets data from Context

In Java use inner classes

Can be used if Strategy can be selected at compile-time and does not change at runtime

   SortedList<ShellSort> studentRecords;

Give Context default behavior

If default used no need to create Strategy object

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2004 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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