San Diego State University -- This page last updated March 30, 1995
Clients can be complex
Some factors that increase client complexity:
POP example:
USER joe
PASS secret
One could write the following (braindead) POP client:
if (SendSimpleCommand("USER joe") == OK) if (SendSimpleCommand("PASS secret") == OK) if (SendMultiCommand("LIST") == OK) . . . if (SendSimpleCommand("QUIT") == OK) DoneReading();
Problems with this example:
We need to gather information like username, password and actions to be performed from the user.
State has to be remembered between user interactions.
State determines which actions are allowed and which are not. (Menus)
Better braindead code:
SendSimpleCommand("USER", username); SendSimpleCommand("PASS", password); while (1) { action = GetUserAction(); switch (action) { case LIST: SendMultiCommand("LIST"); ReadListResult(); DisplayList(); break; case READ: n = GetMessageIndex(); SendMultiCommand("RETR", n); ReadMessage(); DisplayMessage(); break; ...
Problems with this:
What about asynchrnous events?
Checking for new mail depends on other things:
In a server we would just fork()
Clients rarely have that option
The only real solution:
Control flow will generally be driven by user input.
In general, I/O events should start/stop/continue state machines.
A pop client also needs to send mail:
Lookup people:
ph, finger, whois
Check if other people have mail:
Support for these adds lots of complexity!
State machines for each...
Example Prompting User Interface
% Mail Subject: Test message Gosh, you are tall . % % chfn Changing finger information for turtle on ender. Default values are printed inside '[]'. To accept the default, type <return>. To have a blank entry, type the word 'none'. Name [Andrew Scherpbier]: Finger information unchanged. %
Once a client has to use a GUI, the structure of the client becomes complex.
Flow of control is defined by user actions
Multiple things can happen simultaneously
Different levels of asynchronicity.
In general:The more asynchronous actions are done, the more user friendly it is.
Example: mosaic vs netscape
Features that make netscape more usable:
GUI complexity
What complexities does a GUI add?