SDSU CS 596 Client-Server Programming
First Assignment

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San Diego State University -- This page last updated February 6, 1996

Assignment 1 - Some Java Programs - Due 2/15/95

1) Write, compile and run a Java program the prints "hello world" on the standard output.

2) Design, implement and test a two dimensional Matrix class. The requirements for the class are listed below. You might find the class java.util.Vector of interest. 3) Design, implement and test a two dimensional labeled Matrix class. The requirements for the class are listed below. You might find the classes Hashtable and Exception of interest. 4) Create a cs596 package. Add your two the classes from 2 and 3 in the package.

5) Write a method to translate a string to a Matrix object. Assume that the string is created from the toString() method in your Matrix class. Also assume that all the items in the string represent integers. You might find the classes StringTokenizer and Integer of interest.
What to turn in!