2. Give a complete set of primitive methods for a growable two dimensional table that can be converted to and from a string.
3. Which of the operations on sdsu.util.Table (listed below) are primitive? composite? Which do not belong in the class? Which methods are missing?
4. Comment on the cohesion of the sdsu.util.Table class.
5. Comment on the quality of the names used for the methods in the
sdsu.util.Table class.
Constructors | Selectors | Iterators |
addColumn(Vector) addRow(Vector) setElementAt(Object, int, int)
setColumnSeperatorChar(...) | columnAt(int) columnsAt(int, int) columnsAt(Object, int) rowAt(int) rowsAt(int, int) rowsAt(Object, int) contains(Object) elementAt(int, int) indexOf(Object)
save(OutputStream, String) | elements() |