SDSU CS 635: Advanced Object-Oriented Design & Programming
Spring Semester, 1998
Template Method

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© 1998, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 21-Apr-98

Contents of Doc 9, Template Method

Template Method slide # 1


Design Patterns: Elements of Resuable Object-Oriented Software, Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides, Addison-Wesley, 1995, pp 325-330

Doc 9, Template Method Slide # 2

Template Method


Define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring some steps to subclasses

Template Method lets subclasses redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm's structure

Template methods tend to call:
concrete operations
concrete AbstractClass operations
primitive operations - must be overridden
factory methods
hook operations - can be overridden

It is important to denote:
which methods must overridden
which methods can be overridden
which methods can not be overridden
Doc 9, Template Method Slide # 3
class Account {
          void virtual Transaction(float amount) 
                    { balance += amount;}
          Account(char* customerName, float InitialDeposit = 0);
          char* name;
          float balance;

class JuniorAccount : public Account {
     public:     void Transaction(float amount) {//  put code here}

class SavingsAccount : public Account {
     public:     void Transaction(float amount) {//  put code here}

Account* createNewAccount()
     // code to query customer and determine what type of
     // account to create

     Account*  customer;
     customer = createNewAccount();

Doc 9, Template Method Slide # 4
Deferred Methods

class Account {
          void virtual Transaction() = 0;

class JuniorAccount : public Account {
          void Transaction() { put code here}

Doc 9, Template Method Slide # 5
Template Methods

class Account {
          void Transaction(float amount);
          void virtual TransactionSubpartA();
          void virtual TransactionSubpartB();
          void virtual TransactionSubpartC();

void Account::Transaction(float amount)  {
     TransactionSubpartC();          // EvenMoreCode;

class JuniorAccount : public Account {
     public:          void virtual TransactionSubpartA(); }

class SavingsAccount : public Account {
     public:          void virtual TransactionSubpartC(); }

Account*  customer;
customer = createNewAccount();

Doc 9, Template Method Slide # 6
The Good

Making modifications to program require:

Adding new subclasses

Changing code that creates objects

Account*  customer;
customer = createNewAccount();

Doc 9, Template Method Slide # 7
The Bad

The root base class needs to "know" about operations in all subclasses

Account* customer;
customer = createNewAccount();
customer->Foo(); // compile error

visitors since 24-Feb-98