CS 696 : Assignment
4 | CS 696 Emerging Technologies: Distributed
Objects | |
Spring Semester,
CS 696: Assignment 4
Assignment Index
San Diego State University -- This page last
updated May 5, 1998
Due Thursday, May 21 7:00-8:15 pm.
Bean Bank
1. A customer of the bank has a name and a balance. After paying taxes and
just before finals customers do not have the money or time to worry
opening more than one account with the bank. Create a customer account
bean to display the customers name and current balance. The bean also
allows any user to add or withdrawal money from the account.
2. Create a bank bean that keeps track of the number of accounts and total
amount of money in the bank. When a customer account bean is created it
is to be connected to the bank bean. The customer and bank beans should
run in the BeanBox.
3. (Super-duper extra credit) Make your customer account bean an
interface to your RMI customer client and the bank bean an interface to
your RMI bank server.
What to turn in. You are to demo your program and turn in the source code
for the assignment.
visitors since May 5, 1998