SDSU CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design
Spring Semester, 1999
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© 1999, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 01-Apr-99


Adventure is an old computer game played on ASCII terminals. Mini-adventure will be a similar but smaller game. A single player explores a maze of rooms and corridors. The goal is to collect all the gold and return it to one location.

Rooms & Corridors
Rooms can be of various sizes, but are all rectangular: k by n units. Each room has a label so the user can know when they return to the same room. A room can have any number of doors. The doors in a room are labeled "A", "B", "C", etc.. Each side of a door can have different labels. A door connects a room to another room or corridor. If a door connects two rooms, the two rooms must be physically adjacent. A corridor connects two rooms, which do not have to be physically adjacent. For example, a corridor could connect BA 346 to the library’s X-term lab. Corridor can be of different lengths, but are all one unit wide. The length of a corridor does not have to follow Euclidean space constraints. The corridor connecting BA 110 and BA 109 could be 10 units long, while a corridor connecting BA 346 and the library’s X-term lab could be 5 units long. Each time the game is started it uses the same configuration of rooms and corridors. However, the configuration should not be hard coded into the source code.

Gold, Potions and Trolls
Distributed in the maze of rooms and corridors are pieces of gold, magic potions, and trolls. In future versions of the game (done by a different team in a different semester) other types of items will be added. Gold pieces, magic potions and trolls are randomly distributed in the rooms and corridors at the start of the game. A player can pick up pieces of gold and magic potions. A player can only hold 10 different items. Each magic potion and each gold piece counts as one item. Trolls are attracted to piles of gold. A pile of gold is two or more pieces of gold in one location. If you leave a pile of gold unprotected, trolls will be drawn to the pile. Protect a pile of gold by leaving a magic potion with the gold. An unprotected pile of gold will attract trolls in any room or corridor adjacent to the room or corridor containing the pile of gold. A room is adjacent to a corridor if the room is connected to the corridor. A room is adjacent to another room if the two rooms are connected directly or connected by a corridor. If a troll touches an unprotected pile of gold, it disappears. Once the player leaves the room/corridor containing an unprotected pile of gold, any troll in an adjacent room/corridor will move to the pile of gold and touch it. Future versions of the game will add more functionality to trolls (attacking players and moving).

Moving Around
When in a room or a corridor, a player can use the command "view" to get a description of the room and it contents. A sample interaction is:

Player> view
Response> You are in room "Spooky". The room contains two pieces of gold, one troll, and two doors, A and B.

A player can move to an item with the moveTo command.

Player> moveTo gold

The moveTo command can take a modifier. The modifier can be either the name of the item or the words "near" or "far". Examples are:

Player> moveTo near gold
Player> moveTo B door

If a modifier is not given and more than one option is possible, the modifier near is assumed. When you are at a door, the command "exit" brings the player though the door into the next room/corridor. The player can not pass a troll in a corridor, as corridors are too narrow.

Picking Up/Dropping

The command pickUp x will pick up item x if the player is next to item x. The command drop x will drop on of item x if the player is holding at lease one of item x.

Future Extensions

The following will be added in future versions of the game:
Different type of rooms
Different types of magic potions
Trolls will attach a player
Trolls will roam
Other creatures will be added

The game does not display a map of the game layout. The game is purely an ASCII game. The player types in legal commands, and the game responses.

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
1999 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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