problem with rmi is the inability to restart the registry and automatically
reload all previously registered server objects. Hence, if the machine
containing the registry is temporarily turned off, all the server objects need
to be restarted. If different programs were used to initially register objects,
reregistering the all the objects can be difficult.
Write a program that obtains all the labels and remote references in a
rmiregistry and saves them in a file. With another program (or the same
program) read the labels and remote references from the file, and register them
with a new rmiregistry.
For the restored remotes to work they been to be registered with rmid and be
activatable. Convert your rmi remote classes from assignment 1 to be
activatable. Test your work by registering a number of server objects, run the
program from part 1 to save the remote references & labels, kill
rmiregistry, stop the rmid, restart the rmiregistry and rmid. Now use your rmi
client from assignment one to verify the server objects are working.