SDSU CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming
Fall Semester, 2003
Testing, Debugging, Object
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© 2003, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 22-Sep-03

Contents of Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object


VisualWorks Application Developer’s Guide, doc/vwadg.pdf in the VisualWorks installation. Chapter 9 & 23.

(DevGuide) Chapter 23 Coding Tools
Pages 476-478, 483-488 Code Critic & Unit Testing Sections

(DevGuide) Chapter 1 - VisualWorks Environment Inspectors section

(DevGuide) Chapter 9 - Debugging Techniques pp 197-206

(Beck) Chapter 7 - Formatting

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 2


Johnson's Law

If it is not tested it does not work

Types of tests

Tests individual code segments

Test functionality of an application

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 3

Why Unit Testing

If it is not tested it does not work

The more time between coding and testing

Without unit tests

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 4
Unit Tests Must be Easy To Run

Must be able to

Test stored in a workspace

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 5

Testing First

First write the tests

Then write the code to be tested

Writing tests first:

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 6


Testing framework for automating running of unit tests in Smalltalk

In SUnit

Ports to other languages can be found at:

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 7
Two GUI Interfaces for viewing Test Results

Already loaded in Image

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 8
Loading Browser SUnit Extensions

Open the Parcel Manager by selecting the “Parcel Manager” item in the “System” menu of the launcher.

In the parcel manager:

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 9
How to Use SUnit

We will test the following class

Smalltalk defineClass: #Counter
   superclass: #{Core.Object}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'count '
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-Examples'

Class method
   ^super new initialize 

Instance Methods

   self increment: 1      "Note the error"

   self increment: 1 

increment: anInteger
   self halt.
   count := count + anInteger

   count := 0 

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 10
Creating and Using Unit Tests

1. Make test class a subclass of TestCase

   Smalltalk defineClass: #TestCounter
   superclass: #{XProgramming.SUnit.TestCase}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: ''
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-Examples'

You do not have to remember the full name of TestCase. Just use the name TestCase. The browser will expand it to the full name for you.

2. Make test methods
The framework treats methods starting with 'test' as test methods
   | aCounter |
   aCounter := Counter new.
   self assert: aCounter count = 0.
   aCounter increase.
   self assert: aCounter count = 1.

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 11

TestCase methods of interest

Methods to assert conditions:

   assert: aBooleanExpression
   deny: aBooleanExpression
   should: [aBooleanExpression]
   should: [aBooleanExpression] raise: AnExceptionClass
   shouldnt: [aBooleanExpression]
   shouldnt: [aBooleanExpression] raise: AnExceptionClass
   signalFailure: aString
Called before running each test method in the class.
Used to:
Open files
Open database connections
Create objects needed for test methods
Called after running each test method in the class.

Used to:
Close files
Close database connections
Nil out references to objects

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 12
Running the Test using Browser SUnit Extensions

If you have loaded RBSUintExtensions you will see a Run button below the code pane in any method whose selector starts with “test” in a subclass of TestCase. Just click on the run button to run the test. It the test passes you will get a green bar below the code pane, if it fails you will get a red bar. If you get a red bar you can click on the “Debug” button to run the test in the debugger. When you have more tests, you can select just the class and the run button will run all the tests in the class. If the test(s) pass you will get a green bar as shown below.

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 13
A Failed Test

When a test fails you get a red bar.

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 14
How to Use TestRunner

   TestRunner open

The list pane between Refresh and Run contains a list of all the Test classes in the system. Select the test class you wish to run. The click on the run button. If all tests work, then the middle panel will turn green. If some of them fail, then the middle panel will turn red. The list pane on the bottom of the window will list all tests that failed. Select one and click on the Debug button to open the debugger on the test method that failed.
Note VisualWorks ships with a number of test classes in the image. When working on a project I remove them. Then all the test classes in the image are for my project. I then always click on the RunAll button to run all the tests. Sometimes when you change a method, you break code that uses that method. Running all the tests uncovers those problems early.

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 15
More Test Examples to Show Syntax

Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #TestCounter
   superclass: #{XProgramming.SUnit.TestCase}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'counter '
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-Examples'

CS535.TestCounter methodsFor: 'testing'

   counter := Counter new.

   counter := nil.

   counter decrease.
   self assert: counter count = -1.

   "Just an example to show should: syntax"
   counter decrease.
   self should: [counter count = -1].

   self deny: counter isNil.
   counter increase.
   self assert: counter count = 1.

   "Just an example to show should:raise: syntax"
      should: [1/0]
      raise: ZeroDivide.
      shouldnt: [1/2]
      raise: ZeroDivide 

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 16


Ways the debugg is called

To illustrate how the debugger works we will go through an example

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 17
When we run our testDecrease method it fails and shows a red bar.

If one clicks on the Debug button you get the standard exception window.

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 18
When you click on the debug button in the exception window, you get the debugger. The debugger looks like:

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 19
Debugger Components
Execution Stack Pane
Lists the methods calls that are on the execution stack. Selecting any of the listed method calls shows the state and code for the method

Code Pane
Shoes the source code of the selected method. You can make changes to the code shown. To make changes just edit the code and accept the changes. When you run the code, it starts from the selected method with the new changes

Instance Variable List Pane
This pane lists all the instance variables in the receiver of the method selected in the execution stack pane. Selecting an instance variable will show its current value in the instance variable value pane.
Instance Variable Value Pane
Displays the value of the selected instance variable. By editing this pane you can change the value of the instance variable. Just type in the new value or code that will return the new value and accept the changes.
Local Variable List Pane
This pane lists all the local variables in the method selected in the execution stack pane. Selecting a local variable will show its current value in the local variable value pane.
Local Variable Value Pane
Displays the value of the selected local variable. By editing this pane you can change the value of the local variable. Just type in the new value or code that will return the new value and accept the changes.

Executes the currently selected message in the Code pane

Step Into
Calls the currently selected message in the code pane and shows the code for the method. Allows you to step through this method.

For more information on using the Debugger see Chapter 9 Debugging Techniques of the VisualWorks Application Developer's Guide.

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 20
Self halt Example

The statement "self halt." opens the exception window when executed, which allows one to enter the debugger.

Smalltalk defineClass: #Counter
   superclass: #{Core.Object}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'count '
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-Examples'

Class method
   ^super new initialize 

Instance Methods

   self increment: 1      "Note the error"

   self increment: 1 

increment: anInteger
   self halt.
   count := count + anInteger

   count := 0 

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 21
Sample Test code in Workspace

Execute the following code with "Do it"

| count |
count := Counter new.

When the statement "self halt" is executed you will see the exception window.

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 22


All 'things' in Smalltalk are objects

Objects are created from classes

The class Object is the parent class of all classes

Object class contains common methods for all objects

Determines behavior for all objects

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 23
Some Important Behavior Defined in Object

Returns a string representation of the receiver
Similar to toString in Java
isNil, notNil

Tests to see if the receiver has been initialized or is still nil

| a |
Result printed


   print: a isNil; 

   show: a printString; 

   print: a class; 

a := 5.


   print: a isNil; 

   show: a printString; 

   print: a 

When the above code is compiled the compiler notices that a is used before it is assigned a value. The compiler will ask you if want use a before it is assigned.

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 24


Since implemented in Object all objects inherit the method

printString is sent to an object when

Expression is evaluated with "Print it"
When the object is displayed in some VW windows
When sent to the Transcript via print:

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 25
Overriding Default printString Behavior

Implement printOn: not printString

printOn:'s argument is a stream

Stream Writing methods:

nextPutAll: aString
nextPut: aCharacter
print: anObject

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 26
Example - Counter

Add the following method to the Counter class

Counter>>printOn: aStream
      nextPutAll: 'Counter(';
      print: count;
      nextPutAll: ')' 

Now execute the following with a "Print it"

| test |
test := Counter new.
test increase.

Now instead of printing “a Counter” you will get “Counter(1)”

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 27
Who does printOn: change printString?

printString uses printOn:

   "Answer a String whose characters are a description of the receiver."
   | aStream |
   aStream := WriteStream on: (String new: 16).
   self printOn: aStream.
   ^aStream contents

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 28


All objects are allocated on the heap

Variables are references (like a pointer) to objects

A == B
Returns true if the two variables point to the same location

A = B
Returns true if the two variables point to equivalent objects

In Smalltalk you want to use '=' nearly all the time

A ~= B
Means (A = B) not

A ~~ B
Means (A == B) not

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 29
Equality Example - Counter
| a b |
a := SimpleCircle origin: (0 @ 0) radius: 1.
b := a.

Now a == b and a= b are both true

a := SimpleCircle origin: (0 @ 0) radius: 1.
b := SimpleCircle origin: (2 @ 5) radius: 3.

Now a == b and a= b are both false

a := SimpleCircle origin: (0 @ 0) radius: 1.
b := SimpleCircle origin: (0 @ 0) radius: 1..

Now a == b is false

Should a = b be true or false?

Doc 7, Testing, Debugging, Object Slide # 30
Defining the Meaning of =


Does not know what ='s means for your class

Default definition is to use ==

If you override = also override #hash

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2003 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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