SDSU CS660 Combinatorial Algorithms
Fall Semester, 1996
AVL Trees

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San Diego State University -- This page last updated Oct 17, 1996

Contents of AVL Trees

  1. References
  2. Height-Balanced Trees
  3. AVL Trees
    1. Insertion into a AVL Tree
    2. Deletions from an AVL Tree
    3. Performance of AVL Trees


Data Structure Techniques, Standish, 1980, section 3.7.3

Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures, Gonnet, 1984, section 3.4.1

AVL Trees Slide # 1

Height-Balanced Trees

Height of a tree is the length of the longest path from the root to a leaf.

A binary search tree T is a height-balanced k-tree or HB[k]-tree, if each node in the tree has the HB[k] property

A node has the HB[k] property if the height of the left and right subtrees of the node differ in height by at most k.
Some HB[2] Trees

AVL Trees Slide # 2

AVL Trees

A HB[1] tree is called an AVL tree.
Adel'son-Vel'skii and Landis first defined HB[1] trees
Worst Case AVL Trees

Let = the number of nodes in worst case AVL tree of height n

We have:

AVL Trees Slide # 3
Fibonacci Numbers

, ,

We get

But where


AVL Trees Slide # 4

Now take any AVL tree of height h with M nodes, we have

M >=

So M + 2 >

h < 1..4404 lg(M + 2) - 0.328

Theorem ( Adel'son-Vel'skii and Landis 1962) The height of a balanced tree with N internal nodes always lies between lg (N +1 ) and 1..4404 lg(M + 2) - 0.328

AVL Trees Slide # 5

Insertion into a AVL Tree

Some notationBalance Information

Height of Subtrees

Insert key as normal binary search tree
Restructure the tree if some node are unbalanced

AVL Trees Slide # 6
Case 0Inserting into Short Subtree
Balance Information ChangesNo Restructure of Tree
General Case

AVL Trees Slide # 7
Case 1a
Insert into taller subtreeTaller subtree balancedTaller subtree on RightInsert into outer subsubtree
Perform Single Rotation

Tree is balanced

AVL Trees Slide # 8
Need for Generalized Case 1a

AVL Trees Slide # 9
Case 1a
Insert into taller SubtreeTaller Subtree balancedTaller subtree on RightInsert into outer subsubtree
Add node to subtree 3
Perform Single Rotation

Tree is balanced

AVL Trees Slide # 10
Case 1b
Insert into taller subtreeTaller subtree balancedTaller subtree on LeftInsert into outer subsubtree
This is symmetric to case 1a

AVL Trees Slide # 11
Case 2a
Insert into taller subtreeTaller subtree balancedTaller subtree on RightInsert into inner subsubtree

Double Rotation

AVL Trees Slide # 12
Case 2a
Insert into taller subtreeTaller subtree balancedTaller subtree on RightInsert into inner subsubtree
Insert into subtree 2 or 3

Double Rotation

AVL Trees Slide # 13
Case 2b
Insert into taller subtreeTaller subtree balancedTaller subtree on LeftInsert into inner subsubtree
This is symmetric to case 2a

AVL Trees Slide # 14
Case 3a
Insert into taller subtreeTaller subtree unbalancedTaller subtree on RightTaller subsubtree on RightInsert into outer subsubsubtree
Insert K
Reduces to Case 1aInsert K

We have covered all cases!

AVL Trees Slide # 15

Deletions from an AVL Tree

Delete the node as in a binary search tree

The node deleted will be either a leaf or have just one subtree

Since this is an AVL tree if the deleted node has one subtree, then that subtree contains only one node

Traverse up the tree from the deleted node checking the balance of each node

AVL Trees Slide # 16
Case 1a
Traversing Up from Left subtreeDeletion reduced the height of the left subtreeNode has equal balance

Change balance of the node and stop
Have not effected the balance of any higher nodes
Case 1b
Traversing Up from Right subtreeDeletion reduced the height of the Right subtreeNode has equal balance

Same as 1a

AVL Trees Slide # 17
Case 2a
Traversing Up from Left subtreeDeletion reduced the height of the left subtreeLeft subtree was greater then the right subtree

Change balance of the node and stop
May have effected the balance of any higher nodes, so continue up tree

Case 2b
Traversing Up from Right subtreeDeletion reduced the height of the Right subtreeRight subtree was greater then the Left subtree

Similar to 2a

AVL Trees Slide # 18
Case 3a
Traversing Up from Left subtreeDeletion reduced the height of the left subtreeRight subtree was greater then the Left subtree Left subtrees has equal subsubtrees

Perform single rotation, Adjust the balance
Have not effected the balance of any higher nodes
Stop here
Single Rotation

AVL Trees Slide # 19
Case 4a
Traversing Up from Left subtreeDeletion reduced the height of the left subtreeRight subtree was greater then the Left subtree One or both of B subtrees has height h-1

Double rotation at B
May have effected the balance of any higher nodes, so continue up tree
Double Rotation

AVL Trees Slide # 20
Case 5a
See picture

Single rotation at B
May have effected the balance of any higher nodes, so continue up tree

AVL Trees Slide # 21

Performance of AVL Trees

Theorem. An insertion into an AVL tree requires at most one rotation to rebalance a tree. A deletion may require lg(N) rotations to rebalance the tree.
Simulation Results AVL
nC(n)E[ h(n) ]R(n)
n = number of nodes in the tree
C(n) = average number of comparisons to find a key
E[ h(n) ] = expected height of tree
R(n) = average number of rotations per insertion/deletion
