SDSU CS 635 Advanced Object-Oriented Design & Programming
Spring Semester, 2001
Object Coupling & Cohesion
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Contents of Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion


Object Coupling and Object Cohesion, chapter 7 of Essays on Object-Oriented Software Engineering , Vol 1, Berard, Prentice-Hall, 1993,

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 2

Object Coupling

Very little is written about object coupling. For more information see “Managing Class Coupling: Apply the Principles of Structured Design to Object-Oriented Programming,” UNIX Review, Vol. 2, No. 1, May/June 1989, pp. 34-40.

Coupling measures the strength of the physical relationships among the items that comprise an object

Cohesion measures the logical relationship among the items that comprise an object

Interface coupling is the coupling between an object and all objects external to it. Interface coupling is the most desirable form of object coupling. Internal coupling is coupling among the items that make up an object.

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 3
Object Coupling

Interface Coupling

Interface coupling occurs when one object refers to another specific object, and the original object makes direct references to one or more items in the specific object's public interface

Includes module coupling already covered

Weakest form of object coupling, but has wide variation

Object abstraction decoupling
Selector decoupling
Constructor decoupling
Iterator decoupling

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 4

Object Abstraction Decoupling

Assumptions that one object makes about a category of other objects are isolated and used as parameters to instantiate the original object.

Example: List items
C++ templates and Ada’s generics are the constructs Berard is talking about. Making the LinkedListCell a template removes any type specific code from the LinkedListCell class. This helps insure that the class can hold any type.

C++ Example
class LinkedListCell {
   int cellItem;
   LinkedListCell* next;
   // code can now use fact that cellItem is an int
   if ( cellItem == 5 ) print( "We Win" );
template <class type>
class LinkedListCell#2 {
   type cellItem;
   LinkedListCell* next;
   // code does not know the type, it is just a cell item,
   // it becomes an abstraction

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 5
Java Example
Java does not support templates. Instead it supports Object as a root type. Using an Object as a type in the LinkedListCell class has some of the decoupling that Ada generics or C++ templates achieve. However, it provides only one category of objects (all of them). This solution that Smalltalk (with no compile time type checking) also supports. The no compile time type checking solution is a common source of flame wars in the net. Java interfaces can be used to achieve decoupling in the same situations as Ada generics or C++ templates.

class LinkedListCellA {
   int cellItem;      
   LinkedListCell* next;
   if ( cellItem == 5 ) print( "We Win" );
class LinkedListCellB {
   Object  cellItem;
   LinkedListCell* next;
   if ( cellItem.operation1() ) print( "We Win" );

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 6

Selector Decoupling

Example: Counter object

class Counter{
   int count = 0;
   public void increment()    {  count++; }
   public void reset()    { count = 0; }
   public void display()    {
      code to display the counter in a slider bar

Display of Counter

"display" couples the counter object to a particular output type

The counter class can not be used in other setting due to this coupling

Better Counter Class
class Counter{
   int count = 0;
   public void increment()    {  count++; }
   public void reset()    { count = 0; }
   public String toString() {return String.valueOf( count );}

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 7

Primitive Methods

A primitive method is any method that cannot be implemented simply, efficiently, and reliably without knowledge of the underlying implementation of the object

Primitive methods are:

Functionally cohesive, they perform a single specific function
Small, seldom exceed five "lines of code"

A composite method is any method constructed from two or more primitive methods – sometimes from different objects

Types of Primitive Operations

Selectors (get operations)
Constructors (not the same as class constructors)

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 8


Selectors are encapsulated operations which return state information about their encapsulated object and do not alter the state of their encapsulated object


   public void display()    {
      code to display the counter


   public String toString() {return String.valueOf( count );}

is an example of Selector decoupling.

By replacing a composite method (display) with a primitive method the Counter class is decoupled from the display device

This makes the Counter class far more useful

It also moves the responsibility of displaying the counter elsewhere

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 9


Operations that construct a new, or altered version of an object

Java and C++ both have language constructs called constructors. Berard has in mind a larger class of operations than those. Often static methods are used as constructors to create new objects.

Berard’s example illustrating constructor decoupling is extremely vague. The fromString method below does make it clear what type of parameter is needed to create a new calendar object. One point to learn from his discussion is the desirability to have well defined interface to creating objects from primitive objects.

class Calendar {
   public void getMonth( from where, or what) { blah }

class Calendar {
   public static Calendar fromString( String date ) { blah}

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 10
Primitive Objects

Primitive objects are objects that are both:

This can include standard libraries and standard environments

That is any object that is known in any part of any application created using the implementation language

Primitive objects don't count in coupling with other objects

"An object that refers to itself and to primitive objects is considered for all intents and purposes, totally decoupled from other objects "

The motivation here is that primitive objects are very stable, that is will not change. If they do not change, then we do not have to be concerned about coupling with them. One reason to reduce coupling is to make it easier to deal with changes. A second reason to reduce coupling is to improve reuse. If class A uses class B, which is universally available to all programs using the language, then class A’s reusability is not affected by using class B. Berard’s argument has two problems. First, standard libraries do change over time. Look at the number of deprecated methods in the Java API. Of course, the Java API is very young. As the language ages, its core API should be more stable. The second problem is one can delude oneself about a company’s or personal class library as being “standard” and stable (and hence primitive) when they are not.

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 11
Composite Object

Object conceptually composed of two or more objects

Heterogeneous Composite Object

Object conceptually composed from objects which are not all conceptually the same

The date class below is composed of three items that are the same type: ints. However, these ints represent different conceptual entities.

class Date{
   int year;
   int month;
   int day;

Homogeneous Composite Object

Object conceptually composed from objects which are all conceptually the same

list of names - each item is a member of the same general category of object – a name

Berard’s homogeneous composite objects are basically container objects.

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 12

Allows the user to visit all the nodes in a homogeneous composite object and to perform some user-supplied operation at each node

Both Java and C++ support iterators

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 13
Passive Iterator

Neither Java nor C++ support passive iterators. Smalltalk does support them. In a passive iterator, you pass a method or function to the composite object, and the object then applies the method to all elements in the object. Passive iterators in Smalltalk are very powerful. Passive iterators require very minimal code to use. They require efficient ways to deal with method/functions as parameters. Only one passive iterator can be active on an object at a time.

class List {
   Object[] listElements = new Object[ size ];
   public void do( Function userOperation ) {
      for ( int k = 0; k < listElements.length(); k++ )
         userOperation( listElements[ k ] );

In Main

   List grades = new List();
   aFunction = ( item ){ print( item ) }; ( aFunction );

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 14
Active Iterator
Java (Enumeration, Iterator (JDK1.2), ListIterator (JDK1.2), StringCharacterIterator) and C++ (in STL) use active iterators.

List grades = new List();
Iterator gradeList = grades.iterator();
while ( gradeList.hasNext() ){
   listItem =;
   print ( listItem );

Java Enumeration/Iterator









Iterators go through elements of a collection.

Iterator and ListIterator are fail-fast

If the underlying collection is changed (elements added or removed) by means other than the iterator, then the next time the iterator is accessed it will throw a java.util.ConcurrentModificationException

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 15
Iterators and Coupling

Using iterators reduces coupling by hiding the details of traversing through elements of a collection. If one used the non-iterator method of accessing the elements of collections, it becomes a lot of work to replace the use of one collection with another. One might want to replace an array with a binary search tree for better performance.

int[] list 
for (int k = 0; k < list.length; k ++ )
   System.out.println( list[k] );
Vector list 
for (int k =0; k < list.size(); k++ )
   Sytem.out.println( list.elementAt( k ) );
Binary Search Tree
BinarySeachTree list
Node current = list.root();
Stack previous = new Stack();
Previous.push( current );
while (current != null )
   a lot of code here

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 16
Java Collection Classes

There are synchronized, unsynchronized, modifiable unmodifiable versions of each collection/map

One can set the modifiable and synchronized property separately

What about Arrays?

One of Java's defects is not making an Array class and making it part of the collection class hierarchy. As a result one has to treat arrays differently from all other collections. Since arrays are very common, the effectiveness of the collection class hierarchy is greatly lessened. However, since most programmers have not used a uniform collection class structure they do not realize how much easier life can be.

One can convert an array of objects to a list

String[] example = new String[10];
List listBackedByArray = Arrays.asList( example );

Changes to the array(list) are reflected in the list(array)

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 17
Less Coupling with Iterators

Collection list;
Iterator elements = list.iterator();
while (elements.hasNext() ) {
   System.out.println( );

In this code list could be any type of collection, so is more flexible. It is not coupled to a particular type of collection.

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 18

Inside Internal Object Coupling

Coupling between state and operations of an object

The big issue: Accessing state

Changing the structure of the state of an object requires changing all operations that access the state including operations in subclasses

Solution: Access state via access operations

C++ implementation
Provide private functions to access and change each data member

Simple Cases:

One function to access the value of the date member
One function to change the value of the data member
Only these two functions can access the data member

When an object is used as state, then providing access methods for that object can be far more complex. Assume that the state object itself has 10 methods. Now we may need to provide 12 access methods not just two. If a class have three such state objects, then it may need far too many access methods to be practical.

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 19
Accessing StateC++ Example

class Counter{
   void increment(void);
   int  value;
   void  setValue(int newValue);
   int  getValue(void);
void Counter::increment(void)    //Increase counter by one {
   setValue(getValue() + 1);
void Counter::setValue(int newValue) {
   value = newValue;
int Counter::getValue {
   return value;

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 20

Outside Internal Coupling from Underneath

Coupling between a class and subclass involving private state and private operations

Major Issues:

Direct access to inherited state
See inside internal object coupling
Access via operations
Inherited operations may not be sufficient set of operations to access state for subclass

Parent class may have operations and state not needed by subclass
Unwanted inheritance makes the subclass unnecessarily complex. This reduces understandability and reliability.

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 21

Outside Internal Coupling from the Side

Class A accesses private state or private operations of class B

Class A and B are not related via inheritance

Main causes:

Using nonobject-oriented languages
Special language "features"
C++ friends

Donald Knuth

"First create a solution using sound software engineering techniques, then if needed, introduce small violations of good software engineering principles for efficiency's sake."

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 22

Object Cohesion

The degree to which components of a class are tied together

Evaluating cohesion requires:

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 23
Questions to probe cohesiveness of an object

Does the object represent a complete and coherent concept or does it more closely resemble a partial concept, or a random collection of information?

Does the object directly correspond to a "real world entity," physical or logical?

Is the object characterized in very non-specific terms?

Collection of data, statistics, etc.

Do each of the methods in the public interface for the object perform a single coherent function?

If the object (or system of objects) is removed from the context of the immediate application, does it still represent a coherent and complete object-oriented concept?

For objects that are "system of objects"

Does the system represent an object-oriented concept?

Do all the objects directly support, or directly contribute to the support of, the object-oriented concept that the system represents?

Are there missing objects?

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 24
Objects in Isolation

Isolation means without considering any hierarchy that may contain the object or class

Does not discuss non-objects:

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 25
Individual Objects

A primitive method is any method that cannot be implemented simply, efficiently, and reliably without knowledge of the underlying implementation of the object

A composite method is any method constructed from two or more primitive methods – sometimes from different objects

A sufficient set of primitive methods for an object is a minimum set of primitive methods to accomplish all necessary work with on the object

A sufficient set of primitive methods has two major problems:

A complete set of primitive methods is a set of primitive methods that both allows us to easily work with the object, and fully captures the abstraction represented by the object.

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 26
An object is not as cohesive as it could be if the public interface contains:


Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 27
Composite Objects

A composite object is an object that is conceptually composed of two, or more, other objects, which are externally discernable.

Component objects are those that make up the composite object.

Component objects are externally discernable if

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 28
Ranking of Cohesion of Composite ObjectsIncreasing order of Goodness

Doc 3, Object Coupling & Cohesion Slide # 29
Accessing Cohesion of an Individual Object

Accessment of the public methods/public non-methods/component objects

Are all the items appropriate for the given object?

Do we have at least a minimally sufficient set of items?

Do we have extra or application-specific items?

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2001 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
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