SDSU CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design
Fall Semester, 2000
OO Design - Analysis Phase
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San Diego State University -- This page last updated 19-Sep-00

Contents of Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase


Designing Object-Oriented Software, Wirfs-Brock, chapters 6 - 8

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 2

Overview of Design Process

Exploratory Phase

Finding the objects
Determining responsibilities
Finding collaborations

Analysis Phase

Finding hierarchies
Finding subsystems
Refining the design

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 3

Analysis Phase

Determine which classes are related via inheritance
Finding abstract classes
Determine class contracts

Divide responsibilities into subsystems
Designing interfaces of subsystems and classes

Construct protocols for each class
Produce a design specification for each class and subsystem
Write a design specification for each contract

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 4


Hierarchy Graphs

Venn Diagrams

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 5

Building Good Hierarchies

Model a "kind-of" hierarchy

Multiple inheritance can be used in the design even if you use an implementation language with single inheritance.

Make sure that abstract classes do not inherit from concrete classes

Eliminate classes that do not add functionality

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 6
Factor common responsibilities as high as possible

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 7

Identifying Contracts


Set of requests that a client can make of a server
Cohesive set of responsibilities that a client can depend on
Abstraction of a set of responsibilities of a class
Example: Account Class

Contract: Access and modify the account balance
Know the account balance
Accept deposits
Accept withdrawals

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 8
Identifying Contracts

Group responsibilities used by the same clients

Maximize the cohesiveness of classes

Contract of a class should make sense together

Minimize the number of contracts
Use inheritance
Set of classes all supporting a common contract should inherit the contract from a common superclass
Applying the Guidelines

Start defining contract at the top of the hierarchies
Name and number each contract
For each collaboration, determine which contract represents that collaboration

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 9


Subsystems are groups of classes, or groups of classes and other subsystems, that collaborate among themselves to support a set of contracts

There is no conceptual difference between the responsibilities of a class and a subsystem of classes

The difference between a class and subsystem of classes is a matter of scale

A subsystem should be a good abstraction

There should be as little communication between different subsystems as possible

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 10
Top-Down, Bottom-Up
Large Systems

Most texts illustrate OO design "bottom-up"

Find objects
Determining responsibilities
Determine object collaboration
Find hierarchies
Determine subsystems

Large systems are designed "top-down"

Find top level subsystems
Determine subsystem responsibilities
Determine subsystem collaboration
Find hierarchies
Iterate above steps on each subsystem

Each level is built "bottom-up"

Levels are done "top-down"

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 11
Top-Down, Bottom-Up
Large Systems

Jacobson, 1991

"The subsystem division in small projects is normally made at the end of the analysis, when the architecture is clear. In larger projects, however, it often must be done earlier, in many cases even before the analysis model has been developed."

"In large systems it is often essential to develop the system in layers."

"For large projects there may be other criteria for subsystem division, for example:

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 12

Collaboration Graphs

Subsystem Contracts

A subsystem contract consists of all class contracts that provide services to clients outside the system

Subsystem contracts can be extended

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 13
Subsystem Cards

Class Cards

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 14

Identifying Subsystems

All objects which have strong coupling should be placed in the same subsystem

There should be as little communication between different subsystems as possible

Does a set of classes make sense as an abstraction?

Can you name a group of classes?

Does a group of classes interact frequently?

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 15
Simplifying Interactions


Reduce complexity of a design
Provide coherent structure to the design

Minimize the number of collaborations a class has with other classes or subsystems

Reassign responsibilities or expand the knowledge of another class to create fewer collaborations
Create subsystem to reduce collaborations

Minimize the number of classes and subsystems to which a subsystem delegates

Minimize the number of different contracts supported by a class or a subsystem

Too many contracts in one subsystem can be a sign that the subsystem has too much intelligence

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 16

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 17


Construct protocols for each class

Specify the signatures for the methods that each class will implement
Write a design specification for each class and subsystem

Write a design specification for each contract

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 18

Refining Responsibilities

Turn contracts into protocols

Account contract 1

Access and modify the account balance
Know the account balance
Accept deposits
Accept withdrawals
balance() returns Fixed Point Number
deposit(Fixed Point Number)
withdraw(Fixed Point Number)

In general, private responsibilities represent designs notes to an implementers

Select operation names carefully

Don't use one name to mean two different things
Don't use two names for the same thing

Make protocols as generally useful as possible

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 19
Refining Responsibilities

Define reasonable defaults

First, define the most general message, one that allows clients to supply all possible required parameters

Next, provide default values for any parameter for which it is reasonable to do so

Finally, analyze how each client uses this general message. From that analysis, define a set of messages that allows clients to specify only some of the parameters, while relying on defaults for the others.

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 20
Refining Responsibilities

Define reasonable defaults

Example: Display of Drawing Elements

Display device – printer or screen
Display region – clipping region
Drawing rule – how to combine new bits with old
Transformation – from element space to display space
Display device – active window
Display region – entire medium
Drawing rule – over, completely replace old bits
Transformation – identity
display(Display Device)
display(Display Device, Region)
display(Display Device, Region, Drawing Rule)
display(Display Device, Region, Drawing Rule, Transformation)

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 21

Specifying the Design

Class: Drawing (Concrete)
Superclasses: Displayable Object
Subclasses: none
Hierarchy Graphs: page 5
Collaborations Graph: page 8
Description: This class represents the structure of ...
1. Display itself
This contract is inherited from Displayable Object
2. Maintain the elements in a drawing
Know which elements are contained in the drawing
addElement (Drawing Element)
uses List
This method adds a drawing element ...
elementAt (Point) returns Drawing Element
uses List, Drawing Element (3)
This method returns the first drawing ...

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 22
Specifying the Design

behavioral constraints
implementation considerations

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 23
Specifying the Design

Subsystem: Drawing Subsystem
Classes: Control Point, Drawing, Drawing Element, Ellipse Element, Filled Element, Group Element, Line Element, Linear Element, Rectangle Element, Text Element
Collaborations Graphs: pages 6 and 8
Description: The Drawing subsystem is responsible for displaying, maintaining the contents of a drawing. The Drawing Subsystem supports three contracts. Two are supported by ...
1. Display itself
This contract is defined by Displayable Object, and supported by Drawing
Server: Drawing
2. Access and modify the contents of a drawing
Server: Drawing
3. Modify the attributes of a Drawing Element
Server: Control Point

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 24
Specifying the Design

Doc 8, OO Design - Analysis Phase Slide # 25
Specifying the Design
Formalizing Contracts

Contract 3: Modify the attributes of a drawing element
Server: Control Point
Client: Selection Tool
Description: This contract allows modification of a drawing element through the manipulation of a control point associated with that element. The result of moving the control point is specified by the drawing element at the time the control point is created.

For each contract include:
Contract name and number
Description of the contract

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2000 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
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