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CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design Fall Semester, 2000 Assignment 2 Comments |
© 2000, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 09-Oct-00 |
Assignment 2 Comments Indentation, White space
Use white space to make program readable
Use indentation to show the program structure
One space indentation is not enough
public Point getCenter() { return lowerLeft.add( upperRight).divide( 2); } public Point getCenter() { return lowerLeft.add( upperRight).divide( 2); } public Point getCenter() { return lowerLeft.add( upperRight).divide( 2); } public Point getCenter(){ return lowerLeft.add( upperRight).divide( 2); } public Point getCenter() { return lowerLeft.add( upperRight).divide( 2); }
Use full names
Use meaningful name
Follow Java's standards
Be consistent
public class Rectangle { Point p1; Point p2; Point p3; Point p4; Blah; }
public class Rectangle { Point origin; //Which origin? float width; float height; Blah }
public class Rectangle { Point lowerLeftCorner; float width; float height; Blah }
Make sure name matches the usage
Some assignments used the name upperLeft but meant lowerLeft
Java Standards
use equals() not identical() for a test of equality
public class Rectangle { public boolean containsRectangle( Rectangle ) { blah} public boolean containsPoint( Point ) {blah} }
public class Rectangle { public boolean contains( Rectangle ) { blah} public boolean contains( Point ) {blah} }
Set & Get
public class Rectangle { public void setOrigin( Point origin ) {blah} public Point getPointOrigin( ) {blah} }
public class Rectangle { public void origin( Point origin ) {blah} public Point origin( ) {blah} }
The Java Standard
public class Rectangle { public void setOrigin( Point origin ) {blah} public Point getOrigin( ) {blah} }
"Comments are easier to write poorly than well, and comments can be more damaging than helpful"
Comments should provide information that is not clear from the code
First see if you can make the code clearer
// A Constructor public Rectangle() {blah }
// Method: getCenter // Operation: computes the center of the rectangle by adding the // lowerleft corner and the upper right corner and dividing by 2 // Returns: point that is the center of the rectangle public Point getCenter() { return lowerLeft.add( upperRight).divide( 2); }
Commenting Efficiently
/*********************************** * module: Print * * * * author: Roger Whitney * * date: Sept. 10, 1995 * * * * blah blah blah * * * ***********************************/ /*********************************** module: Print author: Roger Whitney date: Sept. 10, 1995 blah blah blah ***********************************/
What does this do?
for i := 1 to Num do MeetsCriteria[ i ] := True; for i := 1 to Num / 2 do begin j := i + i; while ( j <= Num ) do begin MeetsCriteria[ j ] := False; j := j + i; end; for i := 1 to Mun do if MeetsCriteria[ i ] then writeln( i, ' meets criteria ' );
How many comments does this need? for PrimeCandidate:= 1 to Num do IsPrime[ PrimeCandidate] := True; for Factor:= 1 to Num / 2 do begin FactorableNumber := Factor + Factor ; while ( FactorableNumber <= Num ) do begin IsPrime[ FactorableNumber ] := False; FactorableNumber := FactorableNumber + Factor ; end; end; for PrimeCandidate:= 1 to Num do if IsPrime[ PrimeCandidate] then writeln( PrimeCandidate, ' is Prime ' );Don't patch poorly written code with comments
Make the code better
Kinds of Comments
X := X + 1 /* add one to X /* if allocation flag is zero */ if ( AllocFlag == 0 ) ...
*p++->*c = a /* first we need to increase p by one, then ..
(*(p++))->*c = a ObjectPointerPointer++; ObjectPointer = *ObjectPointerPointer; ObjectPointer ->*DataMemberPointer = a;
/* **** Need to add error checking here **** */
/*get current employee information */ intent /* update EmpRec structure */ what
Keep Code simple
Version 1
if ( a == true && b == true ) return true else return falseVersion 2
return ( a == true && b == true )Version 3
return a && bVersion 4
return isGreen && isNegative
assert( a == true )
assert( a )
assert( a == false )
assert( !a )
public class Rectangle { public boolean contains( Point origin ) { return true; } }
The above passes most of your tests for contains
Should use a point:
try { blah } catch (Exception error) { System.out.println(" There was an error "); System.exit( 0 ); }The above is almost always the wrong thing to do
The above should not be used in libraries
Points & Rectangles
Using points in rectangle class simplifies the implementation
There was no need to add getX getY to the point
Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2000 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.
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