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CS 580 Client-Server Programming Fall Semester, 2000 Html Forms & Assignment 1 comments |
© 2000, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 11-Oct-00 |
HTML Forms
Sample Form <FORM ACTION="http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/faculty/whitney/foobar" METHOD="GET"> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="top" VALUE="on"> Press me.<P> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="bottom" VALUE="on"> Press me.<P> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="userText" SIZE= 30> Type here<P> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="dial" VALUE="low"> Press me.<P> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="dial" VALUE="high"> Press me.<P> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit"> <P> </FORM>
Resulting Request
GET /faculty/whitney/foobar/CGIEcho.cgi?top=on&bottom=on&userText=nm&dial=low HTTP/1.0
Form Data
Each form item has a name and a value
Text box value is the text typed by the user
If a form has items with values they are sent as:
name1=value1&name2=value2 etc
Button values sent only if button is selected
Text value sent only if user provides text
x-www-form-urlencoded Format
Form data is sent in x-www-form-urlencoded format
public static String encode(String s)
public static String decode(String s) throws Exception
Post is the same as GET except the form data in the body of the http request
<FORM ACTION="http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/faculty/whitney/fooBar" METHOD="POST"> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="top" VALUE="on"> Press me.<P> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="bottom" VALUE="on"> Press me.<P> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="userText" SIZE= 30> Type here<P> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="dial" VALUE="low"> Press me.<P> <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="dial" VALUE="high"> Press me.<P> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit"> <P> </FORM>The request:
POST /faculty/whitney/fooBar HTTP/1.0Request body
Form Examples
For more examples see:
Creating HTML in Java
First Method - By Hand
StringBuffer page = new StringBuffer();
page.append( "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>" );
page.append( pageTitle);
page.append( "</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>");
The gets old fast.
Try creating a table this way!
Creating HTML in Java Second Method - Don't
Use sdsu.html.Template
Basic idea:
public static Template fromFile( String fileName ) public Template( String templateText ) public void replace( String variableName, HTML variableValue ) public void replace( String variableName, String variableValue ) public void setVariableMarker( String newMarker ) public String toString()
Create a file with HTML: say payUp
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Collection Agency</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H2> <center>Time To Pay Up</center></H2> <P> Dear ; <P>According to our records you owe us . Pay now or <STRONG>else</STRONG>! Sincerely me@@
class ShowTemplate { public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception { Template overDue = Template.fromFile( "payUp" ) ; overDue.replace( "deadBeat", "George" ); overDue.replace( "amount", "$1,000,000" ); overDue.replace( "me", "Nice Guy" ); System.out.println( overDue ); } }
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Collection Agency</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H2> <center>Time To Pay Up</center></H2> <P> Dear George; <P>According to our records you owe us $1,000,000. Pay now or <STRONG>else</STRONG>! Sincerely Nice Guy
Creating HTML in Java Third Method - Use sdsu.html
Create classes to represent the elements in an html page
Button |
Image |
Form |
SelectionList |
Formatter |
TextInput |
HTMLTable |
WebPage |
Represents a page
WebPage() WebPage( String pageTitle ) append( Object ) appendLineBreak() clearPageBody() getPageBody() getPageEnding() getPageHeader() Returns in HTML format the header information of the page. setBackgroundColor(String color ) setBackgroundImage(String imageUrl) setTextColor(String color ) toString()
class SimplePage { public static void main( String args[] ) { WebPage simple = new WebPage( "Example" ); simple.setTextColor( WebPage.WHITE); simple.setBackgroundColor( WebPage.BLACK); simple.append( "Hi Mom"); System.out.println( simple ); } }
HTML Output <!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM "html.dtd"> <!-- Document generated via code written using java library sdsu.html version 0.8> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Example </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY TEXT="#FFFFFF" BGCOLOR="#000000">Hi Mom </BODY> </HTML>
All buttons must be in a form
Some static button methods for creating button types
checkBox(String name, String value) Has name and value) If checked returns name=value hidden(String name, String value) Store name-value pair hidden from users view radio(String name, String value) Has name and value All radio buttons with same name are in same group Selected button returns name=value reset(String value) Returns form to original state when pressed submit(String value) Sends form values to form URL
Create a dropdown menu or a scrollable list in an html form
scrolling(String name, int size) Shows items in a scrolling window Has a name int windowSize = 4; String name = "Fun"; SelectionList demo = SelectionList.scrolling(name,windowSize); DropDownMenu(String name) Shows items in a drop down menu Has a name String name = "drop"; SelectionList demo = SelectionList.dropDownMenu(name);
Adding items to list
String itemNameAndReturnValue = "Hi"; String itemName = "Bye"; String itemReturnValue = "a"; demo.append( itemNameAndReturnValue ); demo.append( itemName, itemReturnValue );
List name and return value of selected item is returned with form
Must be in a form
name is set to CGI program, its value is the text in the input area
password(name, numberOfColumns) Create a text input area for entering passwords. scrolling(name, numberOfColumns, numberOfRows) Create a scrolling text input area. singleLine(name, numberOfColumns) Create a single-line text input area. singleLine(name, numberOfColumns, maxNumberOfCharacters) Create a single-line text input area.
setInitalText(String) Sets the initial text seen in the text input.
TextInput sample = TextInput.passwird("userPassword", 5);
A container for Buttons, SelectionLists, TextInputs, and any other HTML items/tags you wish to add.
Needs at least one submit button.
String url = "http://www.eli.sdsu.edu/cgiExamples/test.cgi"; Form get = Form.methodGet( url ); Form post = Form.methodPost( url );
append( ... ); appendLine( ... );
Form simple = Form.methodGet("http://www.eli.sdsu.edu/cgi bin/cgiExamples/CGIEcho"); // Show some Button examples simple.appendLine( "Programmer Desire" ); simple.appendLine( Button.radio( "desire", "low"), "Low"); simple.appendLine( Button.radio( "desire", "med"), "Meduim"); simple.appendLine( Button.radio( "desire", "high"), "High"); simple.append( Button.hidden( "suprise", "can't see me")); simple.appendLine(); // Show some TextInput examples simple.appendLine( "Please type in your name", TextInput.singleLine( "name", 8 )); // Show some SelectionList examples SelectionList language = SelectionList.scrolling( "language", 4); language.append( "C++", "a" ); language.append( "C"); language.append( "Java"); language.append( "Ada" ); language.append( "Pascal" ); simple.append( Button.reset( "Clear Form")); simple.append( Button.submit( "Send Now")); WebPage test = new WebPage( "Form Test"); test.append( simple );
HTMLTable(int, int) Create a new table with given number of rows and columns. HTMLTable(Table) Create a new html table with element given by the sdsu.util.Table
alignCenter() alignLeft() alignRight() elementAt(int, int) makeColumnAHeader(int) makeRowAHeader(int) setBorderWidth(int) setCaption(Formatter) Sets text caption displayed above the table. setElementAt(HTML, int, int) setElementAt(Object, int, int) setWidth(int) Suggests a width in pixels of the table. setWidthPercent(int) Suggests a width for the table in percent of window width.
Formats text and other items
alignCenter() alignLeft() alignRight() append(HTML) Append the existing HTML object to the current end of the text. append(String) appendBold(String) Append the string to the current end of the text as bold text appendHeading(String, int) appendHTMLTags(String) Appends the string without escaping special characters. appendItalic(String) appendLineBreak() appendLink(String, url) Append the string to the current end of the text as linked text. appendMailLink(String) Appends a mailTo reference. makeBlockQuote() makeParagraph() makePreformatted() toString() Converts the text to an string with proper html tags
Simple Concurrency
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { ServerSocket acceptor = new ServerSocket(0); System.out.println("On port " + acceptor.getLocalPort()); while (true) { Socket client = acceptor.accept(); ServerThread request = new ServerThread( client); Request.run(); } }
Comments on Homework 1
Code Layout Alignment is important
public abstract class HttpTransaction { HashMap headers = new HashMap(); byte[] body; abstract void parseFirstLine(ByteReader input ); abstract String firstLineToString(); public void fromStream( InputStream input) throws IOException { ByteReader bufferedInput = new ByteReader( input); parseFirstLine(bufferedInput); if ( hasHeaders() ) parseHeaders(bufferedInput); if (hasBody() ) parseBody(bufferedInput); } public byte[] toBytes() { if (!hasBody()) return toString().getBytes(); String headerString = toString(); int length = headerString.length() + body.length; byte[] transaction = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(headerString.getBytes(), 0, transaction, 0, headerString.length()); System.arraycopy(body, 0, transaction, headerString.length(), body.length); return transaction; } public boolean hasContentLength() { return (headers.containsKey( "Content-length" ) || headers.containsKey( "Content-Length" )); }
Comment Alignment
public abstract class HttpTransaction { HashMap headers = new HashMap(); byte[] body; abstract void parseFirstLine(ByteReader input ); abstract String firstLineToString(); public void fromStream( InputStream input) throws IOException { //Create a byte reader ByteReader bufferedInput = new ByteReader( input); //Parse a line parseFirstLine(bufferedInput); //Parse headers if exists if ( hasHeaders() ) parseHeaders(bufferedInput); //Parse body is exisits if (hasBody() ) parseBody(bufferedInput); } /*--------------------------- * Method here *-------------------------*/ public byte[] toBytes() { //See if there is a body if (!hasBody()) return toString().getBytes(); //Get headers String headerString = toString(); int length = headerString.length() + body.length; byte[] transaction = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(headerString.getBytes(), 0, transaction, 0, headerString.length()); System.arraycopy(body, 0, transaction, headerString.length(), body.length); return transaction; } public boolean hasContentLength() { // return true if has content length return (headers.containsKey( "Content-length" ) || headers.containsKey( "Content-Length" )); }
LineWrap (May not show in html)
public byte[] toBytes()
if (!hasBody())
return toString().getBytes();
String headerString = toString();
int length = headerString.length() + body.length;
byte[] transaction = new byte[length];
System.arraycopy(headerString.getBytes(), 0,
transaction, 0, headerString.length());
System.arraycopy(body, 0, transaction,
headerString.length(), body.length);
return transaction;
String requestLine = readLine(input);
while (requestLine.length() > 0 )
int separatorIndex = requestLine.indexOf(':');
String name = requestLine.substring(0,
String value =
requestLine.substring(separatorIndex + 1).trim();
headers.put( name, value);
requestLine = readLine(input);
catch (IOException readError )
How to Avoid Line wrap
12345678911234567892123456789312345678941234567895 etc
//234567891123455678 etc to your page limit
Names Use the Java standard
Don’t waste your time and the reader's time with useless comments
public class Proxy { //Constructor public Proxy() { blah } //main method public static void public static void main( String[] args ) { //Create a new socket ServerSocket acceptor = new ServerSocket(0); //Print out the port number System.out.println("On port " + acceptor.getLocalPort()); //runs forever, until program is manually killed while (true) { //Accept a new connection Socket client = acceptor.accept(); //Process the client request processRequest( client.getInputStream(), client.getOutputStream()); client.close(); } } }
Socket IO is not like File IO
Data on a socket is delivered in packets
One packet may not contain all the data
Some packets may be delayed
InputStream fromServer = getServerStream(); byte[] headers = new byte[10000]; //read headers int charsRead = fromServer.read( headers ); //now parse headers
IO needs to be reasonable fast
The following is not reasonably fast
InputStream fromServer = getServerStream(); StringBuffer theData = new StringBuffer(); int input; while (-1 != (input= fromServer.read() ) { theData.append( (char) input); if ( -1 < theData.toString.indexOf( "\r\n\r\n" ) ) return theData.toString(); }
Avoid using fields as method parameters
public class Proxy { int port; String host; String firstLine; InputStream fromBrowser; Socket toServer; public main() { blah; getFirstLine(); getPortAndHost(); connectToServer(); blah; } private getFirstLine() { firstLine = fromBrowser.readLine(); } private getPortAndHost() { do stuff with firstLine host = blah; port = more blah; } private connectToServer() { toServer = new Socket( host, port); }
public class Proxy { public main() { int port; String host; String firstLine; InputStream fromBrowser; Socket toServer; blah; firstLine = getFirstLine(fromBrowser); port = getPort(firstLine ); host = getHost( firstLine); toServer connectToServer(host, port)); } private String getFirstLine(InputStream in) { return in.readLine(); } private Socket connectToServer(host, port) { return new Socket( host, port); }
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2000 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.
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