CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design Fall Semester, 2001 Assignment 1 Comments |
© 2001, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 24-Sep-01 |
One Possible Solution
Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #SimpleCircle superclass: #{Core.Object} indexedType: #none private: false instanceVariableNames: 'origin radius ' classInstanceVariableNames: '' imports: '' category: 'Course-Examples'
CS535.SimpleCircle class methodsFor: 'instance creation'
origin: aPoint radius: aNumber ^super new setOrigin: aPoint setRadius: aNumber
radius: aNumber origin: aPoint ^self origin: aPoint radius: aNumber
CS535.SimpleCircle methodsFor: 'accessing'
area ^radius * radius * Float pi
includes: aPoint ^(origin dist: aPoint) <= radius
origin ^origin
radius ^radius
CS535.SimpleCircle methodsFor: 'initialize'
setOrigin: aPoint setRadius: aNumber origin := aPoint. radius := aNumber
Keep in mind this was the first assignment in a language you are starting to learn. Some of the points covered below I did not expect people to know. However, since some solutions turned in raised these issues I discuss them here.
Calculating Distance between Points
Some people used the method "dist:" in the Point class that computes distance between two points others did not. I suspect that those that did not use it did not find it.
In Smalltalk all work is done by sending a message to an object. Since we are dealing with Point objects the place to look is the Point class. Finding Point class and searching its methods requires knowing the how to use VisualWorks environment. Often a Smalltalk programmer will spend more time looking for code to use than writing new code.
Student solution A.
includes: aPoint (origin dist: aPoint) <= radius ifTrue: [Transcript show: 'the point is in the circle'] ifFalse: [Transcript show: 'the point is outside the circle']
This solution sends the result to the Transcript instead of returning the result. This is not what was asked in the assignment. Such code can not be used anywhere else. Say for example in a program that determined if a coordinate is within a given distance of a building. When you compute a value in a method return the value. If the program wants to print the value on the Transcript (or to a file, display in a GUI widget, etc) it can do that.
Student solution B.
includes: aPoint (origin dist: aPoint) <= radius ifTrue: [^True] ifFalse: [^False]
Smalltalk uses true and false (starting with lower case characters) for boolean values. These are unique instances of the True and False classes.
Student solution C.
includes: aPoint (origin dist: aPoint) <= radius ifTrue: [^true] ifFalse: [^false]
Here the correct values are being returned, but the code is longer that needed. The following is shorter and takes less time to understand.
includes: aPoint ^(origin dist: aPoint) <= radius
Why origin:radius: and radius:origin:?
Both methods were given just to show that one could have multiple methods to create objects. Users of the class do not have to remember which order is correct. However for three or more arguments providing all possible permutations becomes too much.
Once and Only Once
origin: aPoint radius: aNumber ^super new setOrigin: aPoint setRadius: aNumber
radius: aNumber origin: aPoint ^self origin: aPoint radius: aNumber
Do things only once. Since origin:radius: creates and initializes a SimpleCircle object, radius:origin: calls
setOrgin: t1 radius: t2 origin := t1. radius := t2
includes: aPoint | t1 t2 t3 t4 | t1 := origin x. t2 := origin y. etc.
Names should help convey meaning to the programmer
In Smalltalk
origin "return the origin" ^origin
Comments are to help a reader understand the code
Does the comment in the code above help?
Ralph Johnson at UIUC subtracts points from student's work when they comment methods that just set and get values.
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2000 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
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