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CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design Fall Semester, 2001 More Collections |
© 2001, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 11-Oct-01 |
Similar to arrays in other languages
Once created can not grow
Some Array Operations
a := #( 1 3 5 7 6 4 2 ). b := Array with: 2 with: 9. secondElement := a at: 2. firstElement := a first. a at: 1 put: 12. jointList := a , b. "Comma concatinates collections" sublist := a copyFrom: 2 to: 4. copyList := a copyUpTo: 6. copyWithout := jointList copyWithout: 2. fiveIndex := a indexOf: 5. location := a indexOfSubCollection: #( 6 4) startingAt: 2 ifAbsent: [-1]. a replaceAll: 3 with: 12. numberOfElements := a size. even := jointList select: [:each | each even].
A growable array
a := #( 1 3 5 7 6 4 2 ) asOrderedCollection. b := OrderedCollection new. b add: 2; add: 5. secondElement := a at: 2. firstElement := a first. a at: 1 put: 12. jointList := a , b. sublist := a copyFrom: 2 to: 4. copyList := a copyUpTo: 6. copyWithout := jointList copyWithout: 2. fiveIndex := a indexOf: 5. location := a indexOfSubCollection: #( 6 4) startingAt: 2 ifAbsent: [-1]. a replaceAll: 3 with: 12. numberOfElements := a size. evenElements := jointList select: [:each | each even]. a remove: 5
A hash table, like Java's Hashtable or HashMap
In arrays and ordered collections indexes are integers
In hash tables indexes can be any object
| phoneNumbers | phoneNumbers := Dictionary new. phoneNumbers at: 'whitney' put: '594-3535'. phoneNumbers at: 'beck' put: '594-6807'. phoneNumbers at: 'donald' put: '594-7248'. phoneNumbers at: 'donald' "Returns '594-7248' " phoneNumbers at: 'sam' ifAbsent: ['Not found']. phoneNumbers do: [:value | Transcript show: value; cr].
"Continued from previous slide"
keyphoneNumbers keysDo: [:key | Transcript show: key; cr]. phoneNumbers keysAndValuesDo: [:key :value | Transcript show: key; tab; show: value; cr].
Strings & Symbols
A String is an array of characters
'cat' = 'cat' "true" 'cat' == 'cat' "false" #cat = #cat "true" #cat == #cat "true"
Identity Problem
| phoneNumbers | phoneNumbers := Dictionary new. phoneNumbers at: 'whitney' put: '594-3535'. phoneNumbers at: 'beck' put: '594-6807'. phoneNumbers at: 'donald' put: '594-7248'. phoneNumbers "Returns 'Not Found' " keyAtValue: '594-3535' ifAbsent: ['Not found']keyAtValue:ifAbsent: compares values using ==
Using Symbols
| phoneNumbers | phoneNumbers := Dictionary new. phoneNumbers at: 'whitney' put: '594-3535' asSymbol. phoneNumbers at: 'beck' put: '594-6807' asSymbol. phoneNumbers at: 'donald' put: '594-7248' asSymbol. "This works" phoneNumbers keyAtValue: '594-3535' asSymbol
Blocks and Returns
When a block evaluates a return (^) it exits the method the block was defined in
Example Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #BlockExample superclass: #{Core.Object} etc doExample Transcript show: 'Start doExample'; cr. self start. Transcript show: 'End doExample'; cr.! evaluate: aBlock Transcript show: 'Start evaluate'; cr. aBlock value. Transcript show: 'End evaluate'; cr.! start Transcript show: 'Start start'; cr. self evaluate: [^nil]. Transcript show: 'End start'; cr.! !
Running the Example
BlockExample new doExample
The output in the Transcript is:
Start doExample Start start Start evaluate End doExample
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2000 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.
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