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CS 580 Client-Server Programming Fall Semester, 2002 Socket Options |
© 2002, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 15-Oct-02 |
Socket Options
Setting Socket Options - VisualWorks
One method to set standard TCP socket options
Uses Berkley sockets naming conventions
SocketAccessor>> setOptionsLevel: SocketAccessor SOL_SOCKET name: optionToSet value: optionValue.
setOptionsLevel: is always set to SocketAccessor SOL_SOCKET
Values for name: are found in SocketAccessor class under constants-socket options protocol
| serverSocket | serverSocket := SocketAccessor newTCPserverAtPort: 4444. serverSocket setOptionsLevel: SocketAccessor SOL_SOCKET name: SocketAccessor SO_RCVBUF value: 56 * 1024.
Reading Current Values
SocketAccessor>> getOptionsLevel: SocketAccessor SOL_SOCKET name: option
Returns result in a byte array
To interpret the bytes
| childSocket rawBytes bufferSize | childSocket := SocketAccessor newTCPclientToHost: 'rugby.sdsu.edu' port: 8008. rawBytes := childSocket getOptionsLevel: SocketAccessor SOL_SOCKET name: SocketAccessor SO_RCVBUF. rawBytes changeClassTo: UninterpretedBytes. bufferSize := rawBytes longAt: 1. ^bufferSize
Socket will time out after specified time of inactivity
Java JDK 1.4 and later
Both Socket and ServerSocket class support:
void setSoTimeout(int timeoutInMilliseconds) throws SocketException void getSoTimeout() throws SocketException
Must be sent before performing a read
Read throws SocketTimeoutException when socket times out
Not normally used on ServerSockets
Does not support SO_RCVTIMEO or SO_SNDTIMEO
Need to use non-stream access for timeouts
Buffer Size
Each TCP socket has
Default Buffer Size
Depends on platform
Has changed over time
OS |
buffer Size
Solaris |
32KB |
OS 10
(33304 bytes)
Setting the Buffer Size – VisualWorks
Setting the Receive buffer
aSocketAccesor setOptionsLevel: SocketAccessor SOL_SOCKET name: SocketAccessor SO_RCVBUF value: newBufferSize.
Setting the Send buffer
aSocketAccesor setOptionsLevel: SocketAccessor SOL_SOCKET name: SocketAccessor SO_SNDBUF value: newBufferSize.
Setting the Buffer Size – Java
void setReceiveBufferSize(int size) throws SocketException
int getReceiveBufferSize() throws SocketException
void setSendBufferSize(int size) throws SocketException
int getSendBufferSize() throws SocketException
A Socket object has both a send & receive buffer
A ServerSocket only has a receive buffer
Java Example
In this example the default buffer size will be fine
Setting the buffer size just to show how to do it
import java.net.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.Date; public class ServerWithTimeout extends Thread { static final int CLIENT_TIMEOUT = 3 * 1000; // in milliseconds static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 16 * 1024; ServerSocket acceptor; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { int port = Integer.parseInt( args[1]); ServerWithTimeout server = new ServerWithTimeout( port ); server.start(); } public ServerWithTimeout(int port ) throws IOException { acceptor = new ServerSocket(port); acceptor.setReceiveBufferSize( BUFFER_SIZE ); }
Java Example Continued public void run() { while (true) { try { Socket client = acceptor.accept(); processRequest( client ); } catch (IOException acceptError) { // for a later lecture } } } void processRequest( Socket client) throws IOException { try { client.setReceiveBufferSize( BUFFER_SIZE); client.setSoTimeout( CLIENT_TIMEOUT); processRequest( client.getInputStream(), client.getOutputStream()); } finally { client.close(); } }
Java Example Continued void processRequest(InputStream in,OutputStream out) throws IOException { BufferedReader parsedInput = null; PrintWriter parsedOutput = null; try { parsedInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); parsedOutput = new PrintWriter(out,true); String inputLine = parsedInput.readLine(); if (inputLine.startsWith("date")) { Date now = new Date(); parsedOutput.println(now.toString()); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException clientTooSlow) { parsedOutput.println("Connection timed out"); } } }
Nagle’s Algorithm
Delays transmission of new TCP packets while any data remains unacknowledged
Allows TCP to merge data into larger packets before sending
Introduced to avoid lots of small packets across a WAN
Delay is on be default
Java class Socket { void setTcpNoDelay(Boolean noDelay) throws SocketException void getTcpNoDelay() throws SocketException }
Set noDelay to true to turn delay off
aSocketAccesor setOptionsLevel: SocketAccessor SOL_SOCKET name: SocketAccessor TCP_NODELAY value: delayValue.
Set delayValue to
aSocketAccesor tcpNoDelay: noDelay
Linger on close
Determines what happens when a socket is closed
How long does the socket remain after close to
Keep Alive
Send packet on inactive connection to prevent timeouts
At least 2 hour delay between sending keep alive packets
Long delay limits it usefulness
Urgent (Out of Band) Data
Urgent data can be read out of order