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CS 580 Client-Server Programming Fall Semester, 2002 VisualWorks Database Connection |
© 2002, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 26-Nov-02 |
VW Database Interface
Load the PostgreSQLEXDI parcel
See the Database section of the Parcel manager
Converting between Types
text, |
varchar(4), |
char(4), |
integer, |
int2, |
int8, |
oid, |
numeric(6,2), |
float, |
float4, |
date, |
time, |
timestamp, |
interval, |
bool, |
point, |
lseg, |
path, |
box, |
circle, |
polygon, |
inet, |
cidr, |
ByteString |
macaddr |
Sample Connection
“Prints all rows of table pg_tables” | connection session answer columns | connection := PostgreSQLEXDIConnection new. connection username: 'whitney'; password: 'notsoEasy'; environment: 'rugby.sdsu.edu_test'; connect. (session := connection getSession) prepare: 'SELECT * FROM pg_tables'; execute. answer := session answer. columns := answer columnDescriptions. Transcript clear. columns do: [:each | Transcript show: each name] separatedBy: [Transcript tab]. Transcript cr. [answer atEnd] whileFalse: [| row | row := answer next. row do: [:each | Transcript print: each] separatedBy: [Transcript tab]. Transcript cr]. connection disconnect. Transcript flush
Environment string format: host:port_databaseName
Isolating Database Vender Information
ExternalDatabaseConnection isolates the selection of
ExternalDatabaseConnection defaultConnection: #PostgreSQLEXDIConnection.
ExternalDatabaseConnection defaultEnvironment: 'rugby.sdsu.edu_test'.
connection := ExternalDatabaseConnection new. connection username: 'whitney'; password: 'idontthnkso'; connect. "some work done here" connection disconnect
Exceptions from Database
Errors in the SQL results in exceptions in Smalltalk
[(session := connection getSession) prepare: 'put your sql here'; execute] on: connection class externalDatabaseErrorSignal do: [:exception | Put your error hanlder code here].There are several subexceptions that are possible
See the documentation for details
Simple Example
CreationThe Table
abstract |
connection := ExternalDatabaseConnection new. connection username: 'whitney'; password: 'idontthnkso'; connect. session := connection getSession. createSQL := 'CREATE TABLE events(title text, starttime timestamp, abstract text)'. [session prepare: createSQL execute] on: connection class externalDatabaseErrorSignal do: [:exception | Dialog warn: exception parameter first dbmsErrorString]. connection disconnect.
acm := 'INSERT INTO events(title, starttime, abstract) VALUES (''BREW'', ''11-21-2002 18:30:00'', ''Qualcomm ...'') '. session := connection getSession. [session prepare: acm; execute] on: connection class externalDatabaseErrorSignal do: [:exception | Dialog warn: exception parameter first dbmsErrorString]. connection disconnect.Connection is obtained as previous slide
The values are in two single quotes
The Count of Rows Affected
PostgreSQL does not implement the rowCount method
PostgreSQLAdditions package on course STORE adds the method
Returns the number of rows add/modifed
acm := 'INSERT INTO events(title, starttime, abstract) VALUES (''BREW'', ''11-21-2002 18:30:00'', ''Qualcomm ...'') '. session := connection getSession. [session prepare: acm; execute] on: connection class externalDatabaseErrorSignal do: [:exception | Dialog warn: exception parameter first dbmsErrorString]. connection disconnect. ^session rowCount
Variables in Queries
There are three ways to indicate variables
acm := 'INSERT INTO events(title, starttime, abstract) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'. [session := connection getSession. session prepare: acm. session bindInput: #('BREW' '11-21-2002 18:30:00' 'Qualcomm ...'); execute] on: connection class externalDatabaseErrorSignal do: [:exception | Dialog warn: exception parameter first dbmsErrorString]. connection disconnect.
:index as Variable
:n represents the n’th location in the input
acm := 'INSERT INTO events(title, starttime, abstract) VALUES (:1, :2, :3)'. [session := connection getSession. session prepare: acm. session bindInput: #('BREW' '11-21-2002 18:30:00' 'Qualcomm ...'); execute] on: connection class externalDatabaseErrorSignal do: [:exception | Dialog warn: exception parameter first dbmsErrorString]. connection disconnect.
acm := 'INSERT INTO events(title, starttime, abstract) VALUES (:1, :3, :2)'. [session := connection getSession. session prepare: acm. session bindInput: #('BREW' 'Qualcomm ...' '11-21-2002 18:30:00'); execute] on: connection class externalDatabaseErrorSignal do: [:exception | Dialog warn: exception parameter first dbmsErrorString]. connection disconnect.
Objects and Variables in QueuesClass used in Examples
Smalltalk defineClass: #Event superclass: #{Core.Object} instanceVariableNames: 'title startTime abstract ' category: 'DatabseExamples' Event class methodsFor: 'instance creation' title: aString time: aTimeStamp ^self new title: aString; time: aTimeStamp Event methodsFor: 'accessing' abstract ^abstract abstract: aString abstract := aString time ^startTime time: aString startTime := aString title ^title title: aString title := aString
Using an Object for input
:n indicates which instance variable in the object to select
acm := 'INSERT INTO events(title, starttime, abstract) VALUES (:1, :2, :3)'. data := Event title: 'brew' time: '11-21-2002 17:30:00'. data abstract: 'test'. [session := connection getSession. session prepare: acm. session bindInput: data; execute] on: connection class externalDatabaseErrorSignal do: [:exception | Dialog warn: exception parameter first dbmsErrorString]. connection disconnect.
Name Input Binding
Positional binding can be error prone
Can indicate a method to get values for variables
Class just needs getter methods
acm := 'INSERT INTO events(title, time, abstract) VALUES (:title, :time, :abstract)'. data := Event title: 'brew' time: '11-21-2002 17:30:00'. data abstract: 'test'. [session := connection getSession. session prepare: acm. session bindInput: data; execute] on: connection class externalDatabaseErrorSignal do: [:exception | Dialog warn: exception parameter first dbmsErrorString]. connection disconnect.
Select Queries
recent := 'SELECT * FROM events WHERE starttime > ''11-21-2002 12:30:00'''. [session := connection getSession. session prepare: recent; execute] on: connection class externalDatabaseErrorSignal do: [:exception | Dialog warn: exception parameter first dbmsErrorString]. answer :=session answer. allRows := answer upToEnd. connection disconnect. ^allRows
session answer
Some useful methods
[session := connection getSession. session prepare: recent; execute] on: connection class externalDatabaseErrorSignal do: [:exception | put handler here]. answer :=session answer. rowArray := answer next.
Getting Objects Back
recent := 'SELECT * FROM events WHERE starttime > ''11-21-2002 12:30:00'''. [session := connection getSession. session prepare: recent; bindOutput: Event new; execute] on: connection class externalDatabaseErrorSignal do: [:exception | Dialog warn: exception parameter first dbmsErrorString]. answer :=session answer. anEventObject := answer next. connection disconnect. ^anEventObjectColumns are mapped to instance variables
First column is mapped to first instance variable in definition
If instance variable containing an instance of Object are skipped
Using Column Names as Setters
[session := connection getSession. session prepare: recent; bindOutputNamed: Event new; execute] on: connection class externalDatabaseErrorSignal do: [:exception | Dialog warn: exception parameter first dbmsErrorString]. answer :=session answer. anEventObject := answer next. connection disconnect. ^anEventObject
When using bindOutputNamed: Event new;
The columns names of the table are used to form names of setter methods to set values in the object
Adding SQL to Objects
Object should know how to
CREATE TABLE events(title text, starttime timestamp, abstract text, id serial)
New Events Class
Smalltalk defineClass: #Event superclass: #{Core.Object} indexedType: #none private: false instanceVariableNames: 'title startTime abstract id ' classInstanceVariableNames: '' imports: '' category: 'DatabseExamples'
Event class methodsFor: 'instance creation'
title: aString time: aTimeStamp ^self new title: aString; startTime: aTimeStamp
Event class methodsFor: 'database connection'
connection ^DatabaseProxy connection “DatabaseProxy not shown”
Event class methodsFor: 'sql'
save: anEvent | connection saveSQL session | connection := self connection. saveSQL := 'INSERT INTO events(title, starttime, abstract) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'. [session := connection getSession. session prepare: saveSQL. session bindInput: anEvent; execute] on: connection class externalDatabaseErrorSignal do: [:exception | Dialog warn: exception parameter first dbmsErrorString]. connection disconnect. ^session rowCount
Event methodsFor: 'accessing'
abstract ^abstract
abstract: aString abstract := aString
save self class save: self
startTime: aTimestamp startTime := aTimestamp
time ^startTime
title ^title
title: aString title := aString
Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2002 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.
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