SDSU CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming
Fall Semester, 2003
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Contents of Doc 17, WebToolkit

CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design
Fall Semester, 2003
Doc 17 WebToolkit


VisualWorks Web Application Developer’s Guide, WebAppDevGuide.pdf in the VisualWorks documentation folder

Copyright ©, All rights reserved. 2003 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA. OpenContent ( license defines the copyright on this document.

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 2

Useful VisualWorks Extras


After loaded the tab key will activate

Attempts to auto complete name of class, method, and variable you currently are typing

Load parcel in Environment Enhancements in Parcel Manager


Adds tab in browser for each view you create

Minor bug – when you restart VisualWorks tabs are not shown until you select a view

Load parcel in Environment Enhancements in Parcel Manager


When you save/compile code in browser that contains a new name, the pop window will allow you to define the name as a instance variable or class in addition to the standard options

Download from the class web site

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 3

VisualWorks Web Server


Can be run:

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 4
Servlets Verses Server Pages

Systems for dynamic web pages


Server Pages

VisualWorks WebToolkit supports both

We will use servlets

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 5
Configuration Files

Copy the files listed below from VisualWorks installation /web to the directory containing your image


These files help configure the VW web server

In default-site.ini edit the line

directory = $(VISUALWORKS)/web/examples

so that directory is set to the location you want the web server to look for web pages

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 6

Loading WebToolkit

First open the Parcel Manager by selecting “Parcel Manager” item in the “System” menu on the Launcher. Or you can click on the “Parcel Manager” icon on the Launcher.

In the “Parcel Manager” select “Application Sever” in the left pane. In the right pane select the “WebToolkit” parcel. To load the parcel select the “Load” item in the “Parcel” menu in the “Parcel Manager”.

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 7
Starting Web Server

To start the VW web server you need to use the “Server Console”. After loading the WebToolKit select the “Server Console” item of the “Web” menu item on the Launcher. The Web menu was added by the WebToolkit. One can also open the “Server Console” by clicking on the “Server Console” icon in the Launcher.

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 8
In the Server Console, click on the “Create Server” button. A pane will appear at the bottom of Server Console window. Set the “Server Type” to “TinyHttpServer”. You may use any port you wish. However, some platforms require root or administrator privileges to use ports under 1024. I will use the default port of 8008. Click on the “Create and Start” button to create and start the server.

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 9
Testing the Server
Using a browser on the same machine access the url:


This should list the headers sent to the web server. On some machines you may need to use:

The address is the local machine. Other urls to try are given below. From now on I will use and localhost interchangeably.

The first url is an example of a servlet in Smalltalk. The second provides some examples of Smalltalk server pages.

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 10
Some Useful URLS

A page that allows you to manage and configure the web server

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 11

Creating A Servlet

VW allows you to create servlets, using an API similar to Java’s servlets. To create a new servlet create a subclass of VisualWave.HttpServlet. Note that you need to type the full name of the class, including the VisualWave namespace. Here is a simple servlet.

Smalltalk defineClass: #HelloWorld
   superclass: #{VisualWave.HttpServlet}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: ''
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'CS535'!

!HelloWorld methodsFor: 'servering'!

doGet: aRequest response: aResponse
   aResponse write: 
      '<HTML><BODY>Hello world</BODY></HTML>'! !

Once you add this to your image you can access the servlet using the url:

The basic format is


Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 12
Important Servlet Methods


initialize is called when an instance of the servlet class is called



Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 13

doGet: aRequest response: aResponse

aResponse is an instance of VisualWave.Response

Useful methods

write: anObject

Writes a string representation of anObject to the output stream
Contents of the output stream are sent back to the web browser

Adds a cr to the output stream


Adds a space to the output stream

redirectTo: aUri

Sends a redirect back to the web browser to the uri given in string form

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 14

Form Example

   <title>Create a Survey</title>
<center>CS 535 Surveys </center>
<HR size=1 noshade>
<h2 align="center">Add a new Survey</h2>
<form action="" method="post">
<textarea name="definition" rows="20" cols="80">
<input type="submit"></input>

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 15

Smalltalk defineClass: #NewSurvey
   superclass: #{VisualWave.HttpServlet}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: ''
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'CS535'

doPost: aRequest response: aResponse 
   | surveyString |
   surveyString := aRequest anyFormValueAt: 'definition'.
   "Here we can do anything we want.
   Just return it for demonstration"
      write: '<html><body>You entered: ';
      write: surveyString;
      write: '</body></html>'

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 16

<form action="" method="post">

Html form action contains the url to the servlet

Uses post method

doPost: aRequest response: aResponse 

Servlet implements doPost:response: method

<textarea name="definition" rows="20" cols="80">

Textarea name is “definition”

   surveyString := aRequest anyFormValueAt: 'definition'.

Use the name of the textarea to get the value form the request

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 17
Request & Forms

VisualWave.Request>>allFormValuesAt: aString

"Return all the form values associated with aString"

VisualWave.Request>>anyFormValueAt: aString

"Return the first form value associated with aString. If there are none, return nil"


"Return a dictionary of all form data, with the name of the data as a key, and a collection of all values by that name as the value"

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 18

Query Data

Forms sent using get rather than post

Url format:

VisualWave.Request>>allQueryValuesAt: aString

"Return all the query data associated with aString"

VisualWave.Request>>anyQueryValueAt: aString

"Return the first query data associated with aString. If there are none, return nil"


"Return the query data associated with this request.
This is a dictionary, mapping from the name of a query parameter to the collection of values associated with it."

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 19

Smalltalk defineClass: #Information
   superclass: #{VisualWave.HttpServlet}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: ''
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'CS535'
Instance Method

doGet: aRequest response: aResponse
   | answer userRequest |
   userRequest := aRequest anyQueryValueAt: 'type'.
   answer := 'No valid request given'.
   userRequest = 'time' ifTrue:[answer := Time now printString].
   userRequest = 'date' ifTrue:[answer := Date today printString].
      write: '<html><body>Answer: ';
      write: answer;
      write: '</body></html>'

Example URLs

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 20
Form & Query Data

The following method work with post and get data

VisualWave.Request>>allParameterValuesAt: aString

VisualWave.Request>>anyParameterValueAt: aString


Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 21
Unused Path Information

Smalltalk defineClass: #Information
   superclass: #{VisualWave.HttpServlet}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: ''
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'CS535'

Instance Method

doGet: aRequest response: aResponse
   | pathString pathComponents answer |
   pathString := aRequest pathInfo.
   pathComponents := pathString tokensBasedOn: $/.
   answer := 'No valid request given'.
   pathComponents last = 'time' 
      ifTrue:[answer := Time now printString].
   pathComponents last = 'date' 
      ifTrue:[answer := Date today printString].
      write: '<html><body>Answer: ';
      write: answer;
      write: '</body></html>
Example URLs

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 22

Servlet Debugging

There is no need to stop & start the server to:

You can

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 23


Generating html in servlets can be difficult

Often much of the html is static

Store static html in a file

Add placeholders in file for html to be generated dynamically

Template class can be download from the course web site

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 24
@@@ indicates start/end of placeholder
Can have different place holders in one file
Same placeholder can occur in multiple places
 	CS 535 Surveys <br>
	Fall Semester, 2003
<HR size=1 noshade>

Doc 17, WebToolkit Slide # 25
Using the Template

Smalltalk defineClass: #HelloWorld
   superclass: #{VisualWave.HttpServlet}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: ''
   classInstanceVariableNames: 'template '
   imports: ''
   category: 'CS55Servlets'

Instance Methods

doGet: aRequest response: aResponse
   | template |
   template := Template fromFile: 'hello.html'.
   template at: 'body' put: 'Hello World'.
   aResponse write: template asString.

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2003 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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