Introduction to OO
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San Diego State University -- This page last updated August 30, 1995

Contents of Intro Lecture
- References
- Introduction
- History and Languages
- Methodologies
- Meyer's Criteria for Evaluating for Modularity
- Principles for Software Development
- Simple C++ IO
- IO Operators
- Some IO Goodies
- File IO
- How to find out more about Streams
- What is Object-Oriented Programming
- Language Level Definition
- Conceptual Level Definition
C++ Primer 2nd Ed., Lippman, Addison Wesley, 1991, Appendix A
Object-Oriented Software Construction, Bertrand Meyer, Prentice Hall,
Object-Oriented Software Development, Mark Lorenz, Prentice Hall, 1993,
page 185
The C++ Programming Language, 2nd Ed., Stroustrup, Addison Wesley, 1991,
chapter 10 Streams
1967 Simula
1970 to 1983 Smalltalk
1979 Common LISP Object System
1980 Stroustrup starts on C++
1981 Byte Smalltalk issue
1983 Objective C
1986 C++
1987 Actor, Eiffel
1991 C++ release 3.0
199x Volume of OO books/articles
deforests Oregon
1995 Java
1983 to 1989 Language books with OO concepts
1989 to 1992 Object-oriented design books
1992 to present Object-oriented methodology books
Other Languages
Modula 3
Smalltalk Venders
ParcPlace, Digitalk, Quasar
Ada 9X
Object Pascal (Delphi)
Object X, X = fortran, cobal, etc.
Approach to developing software
Methodologies encompass
- Step-by-step methods
- Graphical notation
- Documentation techniques
- Principles, guidelines, policies
Object-Oriented Design (OOD)
- Booch
Object-Oriented Systems Analysis (OOSA)
- Shlaer & Mellor
Object Modeling Technique (OMT)
- Rumbaugh et al.
Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA)
- Coad & Yourdon
Hierarachial Object Oriented Design (HOOD)
- European Space Agency, HOOD Working Group
Responsibility-Driven Design
- Wirfs-Brock et al.
Object-Oriented Software Engineering (Objectory)
- Jacobson
What is the Big Deal?
Category | # of Programmers | Duration | Size (loc) |
Trivial | 1 | 1-4wks | 500 |
Small | 1 | 1-6mos | 1-2K |
Medium | 2-5 | 1-2yrs | 5-50K |
Large | 5-20 | 2-3yrs | 50-100K |
Very Large | 100-1000 | 4-5yrs | 1M |
Extremely large | 2000-5000 | 5-10yrs | 1-10M |
Need better ways to develop software
Need to develop better software
Software Crises
Manager's View
- Behind schedule
- Over budget
- Foreign competition
Customer's View
- Buggy software lacks features
- Too expensive
- Why can't you make this "little" change?
Programmer's View
- Multiple platforms
- Unix
- PowerPC
- Dos
- Macintosh
- Client/Server Applications
- GUIs
- X Windows
- Motif
- Microsoft Windows
Decompose problem into smaller subproblems
that can be solved separately
Example: Top-Down Design
Counter-example: Initialization Module

Meyer's Criteria for Evaluating for Modularity
Freely combine modules to produce new systems
Examples: Math libraries
Unix command & pipes

Meyer's Criteria for Evaluating for Modularity
Individual modules understandable by human reader
Counter-example: Sequential Dependencies

Meyer's Criteria for Evaluating for Modularity
Small change in specification results in:
Changes in only a few modules
Does not affect the architecture
Example: Symbolic Constants
const MaxSize = 100

Meyer's Criteria for Evaluating for Modularity
Effects of an abnormal run-time condition is confined to a few modules
Example: Validating input at source

KISS Keep it simple, stupid
- Understandablity
- Composability
Small is Beautiful
Upper bound for average size of an operation[1]
Language | Lines of Code |
Smalltalk | 8 |
C++ | 24 |
- Decomposability
- Composability
- Understandability
Applications of Principles
First program:
- #include <iostream.h>
- void main()
- {
- cout << "Hello World\n";
- }
Grow programs
- Start with working program
- Add small pieces of code and debug

Learning new language features
Look it up first
Test the new feature in a separate small program
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
int accessCode;
float transactionAmount;
char userName[50];
cout << "Please enter:
your name, access code and amount\n";
cin >> userName>> accessCode>> transactionAmount;
cout << "Your input: ";
cout << userName
<< accessCode
<< transactionAmount
<< endl ;
- Removes all white space
- Accepts multiple input values in order - left to right
- Returns false when reaches end-of-file condition
- add "\n" and flush output buffer
More IO
Predefined Streams
- cin
- standard input
- cout
- standard output (buffered)
- cerr
- standard error
- clog
- standard error, but buffered
Problems with cin
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
int integerInput;
for (int K = 0; K < 8;K++)
cin >> integerInput;
cout << integerInput;
Input Output
1 2 3 4.5 6 7 8 9 12344444
get(char& ch);
- Removes a single character from the input stream and places it in
get(char *dest, int length, char delim = '\n');
- Stores characters in the array dest, until
- it encounters the delimiter, delim
- or it has read length -1 characters
- or reaches end of file
- dest is terminated with a null character
- delim is not removed from the input stream
put(char& ch);
- Places a single character into the output stream
"get(char&)" Example
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
char userInput;
while (cin.get(userInput))
"get()" Example
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
int userInput;
while ((userInput = cin.get()) != EOF)
Using the ">>" operator
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
char userInput;
while ( cin >> userInput )
cout << userInput;
More Get
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
char buffer[100];
cin >> buffer; // Not safe, can overflow
cin.get(buffer, 100, '\n'); // Safe
char next;
if ( (cin.get(next) && next) != '\n') {
// If reach here input line was longer than
// 99 characters
More Operators You Should Know About
getline( char *buffer, int limit, char delimiter = '\n')
- Reads either limit-1 characters, or to the delimiter, which ever comes
first. Places characters read in buffer, Adds null character to buffer. Does
not flush input to next line.
read( char* buffer, int size)
- Reads the size number of bytes from the input, places them in
putback(char c)
ignore( int limit = 1, int delimiter = eof)
- Disregards up to limit characters in input stream, stops if encounters
delimit character
#include <iostream.h>
void main() {
char buffer[10];
char overFlow[10];
cin.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
cin.getline(overFlow, sizeof(buffer), 'x');
cout << buffer<<'\t'
<< overFlow << endl;
Manipulators - Formating
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
void main()
int x;
x = 8;
cout << setw(12) << x << endl;
cout << oct << x << '\t'
<< x
<< endl; // 8 in octal is 10
cout << hex << x << endl;
10 10
Other manipulators
cout << flush // flush io buffer
cout << endl // insert newline (\n) and then flush buffer
cout << ends // insert a null(0) character
// used for array output with strstreams
Common Problems
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
void main()
char name[10];
char address[10];
cout << "Input your name: "; // buffered output!
cin >> name; // overflow of name!
cout << "Your input: ";
cout << name << endl;
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
char name[10];
char address[10];
cin.tie(cout);// cout is flushed if cin needs input
cout << "Input your name: ";
cin >> setw(sizeof(name)) >>name;
cout << "Your input: ";
cout << name << endl;
cin.tie(0); // unties cin and cout, makes cin faster
iostream header files
- Declares basic io features
- Do not use with stdio functions (scanf, etc)
- Basic file io
- io for arrays
- Declares manipulators, which are values you insert into or extract from
iostreams to have different effects
- Allows use of iostreams (cin, cout) and stdio functions
- Some compilers require that you call
- cin.sync_with_stdio()
- if you mix stdio functions (scanf, etc) with iostreams
- For backward-compatibility only
See the above files in /opt/SUNWspro/SC3.0.1/include/CC on rohan for more
information about the contents of these files.
File Streams (in fstream.h)
- ifstream
- input file
- ofstream
- output file
- fstream
- input/output file
fstream with File Modes
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
void main()
fstream inputFile("test.cc", ios::in);
if (!inputFile)
cerr << "Could not open 'test.cc'";
fstream outputFile("backup.cc", ios::out);
if (!outputFile)
cerr << "Could not open backup.cc'";
char c;
while (outputFile && inputFile.get(c))
outputFile .put(c);
File Modes
- Open file at the end of the file
- File is write only
- Open file at the end of the file
- Open file as read only
- Open file as write only
- if file already exists, delete contents
- If file already exists, delete contents
- If file does not already exists, open will fail
- If file already exists, open will fail
ifstream and ofstream - Implicit File Modes
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
void main()
ifstream inputFile("test.cc");
if (!inputFile)
cerr << "Could not open 'test.cc'";
ofstream outputFile("backup.cc");
if (!outputFile)
cerr << "Could not open 'backup.cc'";
char c;
while (outputFile && inputFile.get(c))
File Position
fstream keeps track of the current location of the file
The current location can the changed
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
void main()
fstream readWriteFile("test.cc",
ios::in | ios::out);
if (!readWriteFile)
cerr << "Could not open 'test.cc'";
char x;
readWriteFile >> x;
cout << x;
streampos here = readWriteFile.tellp();
readWriteFile << "Hi mom";
readWriteFile.seekg(x, ios::cur)
// positions x bytes from current location
readWriteFile.seekg(x, ios::beg)
//positions x bytes from beginning of file
C++ Primer 2nd Ed., Lippman, Addison Wesley, 1991, Appendix A
The C++ Programming Language, 2nd Ed., Stroustrup, Addison Wesley, 1991,
chapter 10 Streams
When you know more about classes read the following file on Rohan
Language Level Definition
Conceptual Level Definition
Object-Oriented Programming
Object-Oriented Programming
Language Level Definition
Object-Oriented Programming
Language Level DefinitionInheritance
Object-Oriented Programming
"Extracting the essential details about an item or group of items, while
ignoring the unessential details."
Edward Berard
"The process of identifying common patterns that have systematic variations; an
abstraction represents the common pattern and provides a means for specifying
which variation to use."
Richard Gabriel
Pattern: Priority queue
Essential Details: length
items in queue
operations to add/remove/find item
Variation: link list vs. array implementation
stack, queue
Object-Oriented Programming
Conceptual Level DefinitionEncapsulation
Enclosing all parts of an abstraction within a container
Object-Oriented Programming
Conceptual Level DefinitionInformation Hiding
Hiding parts of the abstraction
Object-Oriented Programming
Conceptual Level DefinitionHierarchy
Abstractions arranged in order of rank or level
Class Hierarchy
Object-Oriented Programming
Conceptual Level DefinitionHierarchy
Object Hierarchy