SDSU CS 660: Combinatorial Algorithms
Graphs and Network Flows

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San Diego State University -- This page last updated November 16, 1995

Contents of Graphs and Network Flows Lecture

  1. Definitions
    1. Graph
    2. Digraph
    3. Subgraph
    4. Complete Graph
    5. Path
    6. Adjacent Vertices
    7. Connected Graph
    8. Cycle
    9. Simple Cycle
    10. Weighted Graph
  2. Representation of Graphs
    1. List of edges
    2. Adjacency Matrix
    3. Adjacency list
    4. Incidence Matrix
  3. Traversing Graphs
    1. Breath-first(Graph, startNode)
  4. Analysis of Breath-First Search
    1. Depth-first(Graph, startNode)
  5. Network Flow
  6. The Max-flow min-cut theorem



A graph G is a pair (V,E) where
V is a set of vertices (or nodes)
E is a set of edges connecting the vertices
V = {1,2,3,4,5}
E = {(1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (1,5), (2,3), (3,4), (4,5),(5,2)}


A Digraph is a graph in which each edges has a direction.

V = { 1,2,3,4,5}


A Subgraph G'= (E',V') of a graph G = (E,V) is a graph where V' is a subset of V and E' is a subset of E

Complete Graph

A graph with an edge between each pair of vertices
Note for any G = (E,V) we have  0 <= |E| <= |V|*(|V|-1)/2


A path in a graph from vertex V to vertex W is a sequence of edges (V1,V2), (V2,V3),... (Vk-2,Vk-1), (Vk-1,Vk) such that V = V1, and W = Vk. The path is usually given as V1,V2,V3,...Vk
The above path has length k.

Adjacent Vertices

Two vertices are adjacent if there is an edge connecting them

Connected Graph

A graph is connected if there is a path between any two vertices


A path starting and ending on the same vertex

Simple Cycle

A cycle in which all vertices are visited exactly once except the starting vertex: which is visited only twice

Weighted Graph

A weighted graph G = (V,E,W) is a graph where each edge e in E has a weight denoted by W(e)

The weight of a Graph is the sum of the weights of the edges of the graph

Representation of Graphs

List of edges

1, 2
1, 3
1, 4
1, 5
2, 3
3, 4
4, 5
5, 2

Space - O(|E|) ( actually 2|E|)

Adjacency Matrix


Space - O(|V|2) (can be ~ |V|2/2)

For weighted graph

Adjacency list

Space - O(|E| + |V|)

Incidence Matrix


Space - O(|E|*|V|)

Traversing Graphs

Breath-first(Graph, startNode)

                                  Line number
for X := 1 to |V| do                      1
	Type[X] := unvisited;                  2

Create(Queue);                             3
Type[startNode] := inQueue                 4
Insert(startNode, Queue);                  5
visitOrder := 1;                           6

while not IsEmpty(Queue) do              7
	nextNode := GetFirst(Queue);            8
	List[nextNode] := visitOrder;           9
	visitOrder := visitOrder + 1;          10
	Type[nextNode] = visited;              11
	for each node adjacent to nextNode do 12
		if Type[node] = unvisited then     13
			Type[node] := inQueue;           14
			Insert(node, Queue);             15
		end if;
	end for;
end while;

return List

Analysis of Breath-First Search

Measure of size of input: |E| and |V|
Structures used:

array of size |V|
Each element changed at most three times:
random -> unvisited -> inQueue -> visited

array of size |V|
Each element changed once

Contains at most |V| - 1 elements
At most |V| adds and |V| deletes from queue
At most |V| calls to IsEmpty

Increased |V| times

Analysis of Breath-First Search - Cont.

Must find all neighbors of each node in graph

Adjacency Matrix O(|V|2)

Adjacency list O(|E| + |V|)

Traversing Graphs

Depth-first(Graph, startNode)

                                  Line number
for X := 1 to |V| do                      1
	Type[X] := unvisited;                  2

Create(Stack);                             3
Type[startNode] := inStack;                4
Insert(startNode, Stack);                  5
visitOrder := 1;                           6

while not IsEmpty(Stack) do              7
	nextNode := Pop(Stack);                 8
	List[nextNode] := visitOrder;           9
	visitOrder := visitOrder + 1;          10
	Type[nextNode] = visited;              11
	for each node adjacent to nextNode do 12
		if Type[node] = unvisited then     13
			Type[node] := inStack;           14
			Push(node, Stack);               15
		end if;
	end for;
end while;

Network Flow

A flow network G = (V, E) is a directed graph where each edge (u, v) [[propersubset]] E has a capacity c(u, v) >= 0

Source (s) - node with only outflows

Sink (t) - node with only inflows

Assume graph is connected

Multiple Sources/Sinks
Super Sources and Sinks

A flow in G is a real-valued function f : V * V -> R such that:

Value of a flow f is

Positive Net Flow entering vertex v is

Positive Net Flow leaving vertex v is

f(a, b) = 9 f(b, a) = -9 c(b, a) = 0 c(a, d) = 0 f(a, d) = 0
Oh Boy More Notation

Implicit Summation Notation

Let then

X = {a, c}, Y = {b, d } then

f(X, Y) = f(a, b) + f(a, d) + f(c, b) + f(c, b)
= 12 + 0 + -9 + 14
= 17

Lemma. Let G = (V, E) be a flow network and f be a flow in G

a. If then f(X, X) = 0

b. If then f(X, Y) = -f(Y, X)

c. If then

proof of a
For every term f(x, y) we also have f(y, x)
Since f(x, y) = -f(y, x) we have f(X, X) = 0


Let G = (V, E) be a flow network and f a flow in G

residual capacity of (u, v) is cf(u, v) = c(u, v) - f(u, v)

residual network of G induced by f is Gf = (V, Ef) where
Ef = { (u, v) V * V : cf(u, v) > 0}
Residual Network

NetworkFlow on Network

Residual NetworkFlow in Residual Network

Resultant Flow in Original Network

Let G = (V, E) be a flow network and f be a flow in G.

Let Gf = (V, Ef) be the residual network of G induced by f.

Let h be a flow in Gf.

Define f + h to by (f + h )(u, v) = f(u, v) + h(u, v)

Lemma. f + h is a flow in G with value |f + h|= |f|+|h|

proof of Capacity constraint

(f + h )(u, v) = f(u, v) + h(u, v)

= -f(v, u) - h(v, u)

= -(f(v, u) + h(v, u))

= -(f + h )(v, u)

Augmenting Paths

Let G = (V, E) be a flow network and f be a flow in G.

Let Gf = (V, Ef) be the residual network of G induced by f.

An augmenting path p is a simple path from s to t in Gf

Residual capacity of p is the maximum amount of net flow that we can ship along the edges of p

cf(p) = min { cf(u, v) : (u, v) is on path p}
Residual NetworkFlow in Residual Network

Lemma. Let G = (V, E) be a flow network and f be a flow in G.

Let p be an augmenting path in Gf. Define hp : V * V -> R by:

Then hp is a flow in Gf with value |hp| = cf(p).


Let G = (V, E) be a flow network and f be a flow in G.

Let p be an augmenting path in Gf. Define hp as above.

Let k = f + hp. Then k is a flow in G with value

|k| = |f|+ | hp | > |f|

Ford-Fulkerson Method to find Maximum Flow

Let G = (V, E) be a flow network

initialize flow f to 0

while there exits an augmenting path p
do add hp to f

return f

Let G = (V, E) be a flow network and f a flow in G

A cut (S, T) of G is a partition of V into S and T = V - S such that:
s [[propersubset]] S and t [[propersubset]] T

The net flow across the cut (S, T) is f(S, T)

The capacity of the cut (S, T) is c(S, T)

S = {s, c} T = { a, b, d, t}

f(S, T) = 3 + 6 - 4 + 8 = 13

c(S, T) = 16 + 10 + 14


Let G = (V, E) be a flow network and f be a flow in G.

Let (S, T) be a cut of G. Then the net flow across (S, T) is
f(S, T) = |f|

f(S, T)
= f(S, V - S)
= f(S, V - S)
= f(S, V) - f(S, S)
= f(S, V)
= f(s, V) + f(S - s, V)
= f(s, V)
= |f|

Corollary The value of any flow f in a flow network G is bounded from above by the capacity of any cut of G

The Max-flow min-cut theorem

Let f be a flow in G = (V, E) be a flow network with source s and sink t.

The following are equivalent:

1. f is a maximum flow in G

2. The residual network Gf contains no augmenting paths

3. |f| = c(S, T) for some cut (S, T) of G.

Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm to find Maximum Flow

Let G = (V, E) be a flow network

for each edge (u, v) [[propersubset]] E do
f[u, v] = 0
f[v, u] = 0

while there exits a path p from s to t in residual network Gf do
do cf(p) = min { cf(u, v) : (u, v) is on path p}
for each edge (u, v) in p
f[u, v] = f[u, v] + cf(p)
f[u, v] = -f[v, u]
return f

How long does it take?

Edmonds-Karp Algorithm
Find shortest path from s to t in Ford-Fulkerson

Let G = (V, E) be a flow network and f be a flow in G.

Let Gf = (V, Ef) be the residual network of G induced by f.

Let p be shortest path from s to t in Gf.

Define the flow

Let df(x, y) be the shortest-path distance from x to y in Gf

Let dh(x, y) be the shortest-path distance from x to y in Gh

Lemma 27.8 For all v [[propersubset]] V - {s, t} we have df(s, v) <= dh(s, v)

Assume that there exists v such that df(s, v) > dh(s, v)
Let v be the closes vertex to s for which this is true
Let sp be the shortest path from s to v in Gf
Let u be the vertex before v on sp and f[u, v] < c(u,v) then
df(s, v)
= df(s, u) + 1
<= dh(s, u) + 1
= dh(s, v)
So we must have f[u, v] = c(u, v)
Thus (u, v) is not in Ef which means (v, u) is in Ef
So df(s, u)
= df(s, v) + 1
df(s, v)
= df(s, u) - 1
<= dh(s, u) - 1
= dh(s, v) - 2
< dh(s, v)

Theorem The Edmonds-Karp Algorithm will perform at most O(V*E) flow augmentations.

An edge (u, v) in a residual network Gf is critical on an augmenting path p if the residual capacity of p is the residual capacity of (u, v)
How many times can an edge be critical?
We have (draw picture)
df(s, v)
= df(s, u) + 1
dh(s, u)
= dh(s, v) + 1
So dh(s, u)
= dh(s, v) + 1
>= df(s, v) + 1
= df(s, u) + 2
Thus ( u, v) can be critical at most O(V) times
Since there are O(E) edges the total number of critical edges is O(E*V)