SDSU CS 660: Combinatorial Algorithms
Intro To Binary Search Trees

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San Diego State University -- This page last updated Sept. 18, 1995

Contents of BST Lecture

  1. References
  2. Search Trees
    1. Tree Operations - Performance
    2. General Terms


Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest. Chapter 13

Data Structures and Algorithms 1: Sorting and Searching, Mehlhorn, Kurt, pages 174-177

Search Trees

Access (k, t): Return the item in tree t with key k; if no item in t has key k, return null

Insert (j, t): Insert item j into t, not previously containing j

Delete (j, t): Delete item j from t

Minimum (t): Return the item in t with the smallest key

Maximum (t): Return the item in t with the largest key

Successor (k, t): Return the item in t with the smallest key larger than k

Predecessor (k, t): Return the item in t with the largest key smaller than k

Join (a, i, b): Return tree formed by combining tree a, item i, and tree b. Assumes that every item in a has key less then key(i) and every item in b has key larger than key(i)

Split (i, s): Split tree s, containing item i, into three trees: a, containing all items with key less than key(i); single tree i; and b, containing all items with key greater than key(i)

Types of Algorithms

Totally balanced BST
Know all items in list
Minimize worst case search
Optimum BST
Know all items and probability of access
Minimize total search cost over all access

Balanced BST (Weight, Height), Skip lists
Add items as they show up
Minimize worst case search
Self-Adjusting BST
Modify tree based on access pattern

Tree Operations on BST
Access, Minimum, Maximum, Successor, Predecessor, Insert

Tree Operations
Case 1 Delete leaf
Tree Operations
Case 2 Delete node with one child
Tree Operations
Case 3 Delete node with two children

Tree Operations - Performance

The operations Access, Minimum, Maximum, Successor, Predecessor, Insert, and delete run in O(h) on a BST of height h

Randomly Built BST

Assume that we have n distinct keys in random order

Each n! permutations of the input keys is equally likely

Insert the keys in an empty tree, using random order

The average height of a randomly built BST on n distinct keys is O( lgn )

General Terms

We have a list of n items: a1, a2, ..., an in BST

Probability of accessing item ak is P(ak) = Alphak

Let Betak be the probability of accessing a key that is between ak and ak+1

Let bk be the leaf between ak and ak+1

Betak is the probability of accessing leaf bk

Ordered by keys we have , b0< a1 <b1< a2 < ... < an < bn

(Beta0 ,Alpha1 ,Beta1 , Alpha2, Beta2,... , Alphan, Betan)1 is called the access distribution


Weighted path length of a tree

Let D(ak) = depth of node ak

Define the weighted path length of tree T as:

is the average number of comparisons in a search of T

Let (Gamma1 ,Gamma2,... , Gamman) be a discrete probability distribution, i.e.

Gammak >= 0 and SigmaGammak =1

H(Gamma1 ,Gamma2,... , Gamman) =

is the entropy of the distribution.

Use convention that 0*lg 0 = 0

Lower bound on weighted Path Length

We have a list of n items: a1, a2, ..., an in BST

Probability of accessing item ak is P(ak) = Alphak

Let bk be the leaf between ak and ak+1

Betak is the probability of accessing leaf bk


H = H(Beta0 ,Alpha1 ,Beta1 , Alpha2, Beta2,... , Alphan, Betan)

P =

Theorem 5[2] For any BST we have:

Self Organizing Linear List and BST

Is there the equivalent of Move-to-Front, Transpose and Optimal Static Ordering in BST?