SDSU CS 660: Combinatorial Algorithms
More NP Completness

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San Diego State University -- This page last updated November 29, 1995

Contents of More NP Completness Lecture

  1. Reference
  2. NP Completeness


Introduction to Algorithms, by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Chapter 36

NP Completeness

Abstract problem Q
Q is a binary relation on set of problem instances I and a set of problem solutions S

Example - Shortest Path
Find the shortest path in a graph between two vertices.
I = { (G, s, e) | G = (V, E) is unweighted undirected graph, s propersubset ofV is the start vertex, e propersubset ofV is the end vertex }
S = { (G, p) | G = (V, E), p is a path in G }
Let a =< G, s, e > propersubset ofI then
Q(a) = { (G, p) |p is the shortest path between s and e in G}
Usually use Shortest Path instead of Q

Decision Problems - Problems with yes/no answers

Given a graph G = (V, E) and two vertices s, e propersubset ofV does there exist a path in G between s and e whose length is at most k?
I = { (G, s, e, k) | G = (V, E) is unweighted undirected graph, s propersubset ofV is the start vertex, e propersubset ofV is the end vertex, k upper bound on shortest path }
S = { 0, 1 }

Let a =< G, s, e, k > propersubset of I then
Path(a) = 1 if shortest path from s to e has length <= k
Path(a) = 0 if shortest path from s to e has length > k
Decision problems simplify theory

Most problems can be restated as a decision problem

Concrete Problem is a problem whose instance is the set of binary strings

Let x be an integer, is x even?
Let I = { binary strings}, S = { 0, 1 }
Let x propersubset of I then we have
Even(x) = 1
if x1 = 1
Even(x) = 0
if x0 = 1

An algorithm solves a concrete problem in time O(T(n)) if
given a propersubset of I with n = |a| the algorithm finds the solution in at most O(T(n)) time

Polynomial-time solvable
A concrete problem is polynomial-time solvable if there exits an algorithm to solve it in time O(nk) for some constant k

Complexity class P = { concrete problem that are polynomial-time solvable }
An encoding "e" is a mapping from a set S to binary strings
Use encodings to map abstract problems to concrete problems

Example - Shortest Path
              s             a             b             c             d             e             
s             0             1             0             1             0             0             
a             1             0             1             0             1             0             
b             0             1             0             1             0             1             
c             1             0             1             1             0             0             
d             0             1             0             1             0             1             
e             0             0             1             0             1             0             

Encodings change the time complexity

Example Is K a prime number?
divide K by all integers 2, 3, 4, ..., K -1
If any integer divides K it is not prime
Worst case requires K -2 divisions (Use K for simplicity)
Embedding 1 K -> binary representation of K
Input length is n = lg(K)
Time Complexity T(n) = K = 2n
Embedding 2 Place the J'th bit of K in location 2J, fill rest of locations with 0.
Input length is n = K
Time Complexity T(n) = n
f : {0, 1}* -> {0, 1}* is polynomial-time computable if there exists a polynomial-time algorithm A that, given any input x propersubset of {0, 1}*, produces as output f(x)

Given set of problem instances I, encodings e1 and e2 are polynomially related if there exists polynomial-time computable functions f1 and f2 such that

a propersubset of I -> f1(e1(a)) = e2(a) and f2(e2(a)) = e1(a)

Let Q be an abstract decision problem on an instance set I, and let e1 and e2 be encodings polynomially related encodings on I. Then
e1(Q) propersubset of P if and only if e2(Q) propersubset of P

The Final Step - Formal-language

Alphabet Sigma a finite set of symbols

Language L over Sigma
any set of strings made up of symbols from Sigma

Empty string denoted by [[epsilon]]

Empty language by ø

Sigma* language of all strings over Sigma

Complement of L

Concatenation of two languages L1 and L2 is the language:
L = { xy : x propersubset ofL1 and y propersubset of L2}
Closure or Kleene Star of L is
L*={[[epsilon]]} [[union]] L [[union]] L1 [[union]] L2[[union]] L3 [[union]] L4[[union]] ...
Decision Problems as a language
Let Sigma = {0, 1} then set of binary strings = Sigma*
Let Q be a decision problem
L = {x propersubset ofSigma* : Q(x) = 1 }

Algorithm A accepts a string x propersubset of{ 0, 1 }* if A(x) = 1

Algorithm A rejects a string x propersubset of{ 0, 1 }* if A(x) = 0

The language accepted by algorithm A is
L = { x propersubset of{ 0, 1 }* : A(x) = 1}

A language L is decided by algorithm A if every binary string is either accepted or rejected by algorithm A

A language L is accepted in polynomial time by algorithm A if for any string of length n in L is accepted by A in time O(nk)

A language L is decided in polynomial time by algorithm A if for any string of length n in { 0, 1 }* is decided by A in time O(nk)

We can redefine P as:
P = { : there exists an algorithm A that decides L in polynomial time }

P = { L : L is accepted by a polynomial-time algorithm }
Polynomial-time Verification

Hamiltonian cycle of an undirected graph G= (V, E) is a simple cycle that contains each vertex in V

A hamiltonian graph is a graph that has a hamiltonian cycle.

Let m = |V|, it takes m! operations to determine if G= (V, E) is a hamiltonian graph

If Xiaojun claims a graph is hamiltonian graph and provides a the vertices in order on the hamiltonian cycle then we can verify his claim in polynomial time

The potential cycle is called the certificate.

A verification algorithm is a two-argument algorithm A

One argument is an ordinary input string x, the other is the certificate a binary string y.

"A" verifies input x if there exists a certificate such that
A(x, y) = 1

The language verified by A is:

L = { x propersubset of{ 0, 1 }* : there exists y propersubset of{ 0, 1 }* such that A(x, y) = 1}
Complexity Class NP

Complexity class NP is the class of languages that can be verified by a polynomial-time algorithm


If L propersubset ofP then L is accepted in polynomial time by algorithm B
That is for any x propersubset ofL we can compute B(x) in polynomial time and B(x) = 1
Now let A(x,y) = B(x)
Then A(x, y) verifies x in polynomial time
Language L1 is polynomial-time reducible to language L2 if there exists a polynomial-time computable function
f : { 0, 1 }* -> { 0, 1 }*
such that for all x propersubset of{ 0, 1 }* we have:
x propersubset ofL1 if and only if f(x) propersubset ofL2

We write L1 <=p L2

Lemma 36.3 Assume that L1 <=p L2, then L2 propersubset ofP implies L1 propersubset ofP

A language is NP-complete if

1. L propersubset of NP

2. L1 <=p L for all L1 propersubset of NP

Theorem 36.4
a. If any NP-complete problem is polynomial solvable then
P = NP.
b. If any NP-complete problem is not polynomial solvable then all NP-complete problems are not polynomial solvable