SDSU CS535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design
Fall Semester, 1996
Doc 32, Law of Demeter

[To Lecture Notes Index]
San Diego State University -- This page last updated Dec 10, 1996

Contents of Doc 32, Law of Demeter

  1. References
  2. Principles for Achieving Modularity
  3. Law of Demeter1

Doc 32, Law of Demeter Slide # 1


Meyer, Object-Oriented Software Construction, 1988

Lieberherr, Holland, Riel, Object-Oriented Programming: An Objective Sense of Style, OOPSLA 1988 Proceedings

Doc 32, Law of Demeter Slide # 2

Principles for Achieving Modularity

Few Interfaces

Every module should communicate with as few others as possible

Required for:

Small Interfaces

Modules should exchange as little information as possible

Required for:

Fortran Garbage Common Block

Doc 32, Law of Demeter Slide # 3
Principles for Achieving Modularity
Explicit Interfaces

Communication between modules must be obvious from the text of the modules

Required for:
Decomposability Composability                 Continuity Understandability                  

Aliasing with pointers

Information Hiding

All information about a module should be private unless it is specifically declared public

Required for:
       Decomposability Composability          Continuity Understandability                  

Doc 32, Law of Demeter Slide # 4

Law of Demeter[1]

Weak Form

Inside of a method M of a class C, data can be accessed in and messages can be sent to only the following objects:

Law of Demeter
Strong Form

* Use accessor function to access data members defined in parent classes

Doc 32, Law of Demeter Slide # 5

Law of Demeter Example
class Inside {
   Instructor boring = new Instructor();
   int pay = 5;

   public Instructor getInstructor() {
      return boring;

   public Instructor getNewInstructor() {
      return new Instructor();

   public int getPay() {
      return pay ;

   other public & private methods
class C {
   Inside test = new Inside();

   public void badM() {

   public void goodM() {

   public int goodOrBadM() {
      return getpay() + 10;

Doc 32, Law of Demeter Slide # 6
Correcting badM
class Inside {
   Instructor boring = new Instructor();
   int pay = 5;

   public Instructor fireInstructor() {

   public Instructor getNewInstructor() {
      return new Instructor();

   public int getPay() {
      return pay ;

   other public & private methods
class C {
   Inside test = new Inside();

   public void reformedBadM() {

   public void goodM() {

   public int goodOrBadM() {
      return  getpay() + 10;

Doc 32, Law of Demeter Slide # 7

Law of Demeter

* Coupling control
Reduces data coupling

* Information hiding
Prevents a method from directly retrieving a subpart of an object
* Information restriction
Restricts the use of methods that provide information

* Few interfaces
Restricts the classes that can be used in a method

* Small interfaces
Restricts the amount of information passed in a method

* Explicit interfaces
Explicitly states which classes can be used in a method
