SDSU CS535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design
Fall Semester, 1996
Java Classes and Objects

[To Lecture Notes Index]
San Diego State University -- This page last updated Tuesday, 10 September, 1996

Contents of Java Classes and Objects

  1. References
  2. Classes
    1. Basic Terms
    2. Fields
    3. Constructors - Initializing Fields
    4. this
    5. Access Levels for Fields and Methods
    6. Object Variables are References
    7. Parameter Passing - By value only
    8. Static Fields and Methods
    9. Constants
    10. Class Names, Packages and Import

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 1


Core Java, Chapter 4

The Java Programming Language, Arnold, Gosling, 1996 Chapter 2, 10

Sun Java Compiler V 1.0.2

MetroWorks Java Compiler R9

First things first, but not necessarily in that order.
Dr. Who, Meglos

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 2Listen Here!


Language Level Definition

Conceptual Level Definition

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 3Listen Here!

Basic Terms

C++data membermember function
Smalltalkinstance variablemethod

Class member refers to either a field or method
class  BankAccount 
   public  float  balance = 0.0F;

   public void deposit( float amount )
      balance += amount ;
Comparisons to C++

Similar class syntax and structure

No multiple inheritance, uses interfaces instead

Functions are virtual by default

Constructors are much simpler

Destructors are not need

Packages provide separate name spaces for classes
                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 4Listen Here!


class  BankAccount 
   public  float  balance = 0.0F;

class RunBank 
   public static void main( String args[] ) 
      System.out.println( " Start main " );

      BankAccount richStudent  =  new BankAccount( );

      richStudent.balance = (float) 100000;

      BankAccount poorInstructor  =  new BankAccount( );

      poorInstructor.balance =  5.10F;

      System.out.println( "Student Balance: " + richStudent.balance );

      System.out.println( "Prof Balance: " + poorInstructor.balance );

Start main
Student Balance: 100000
Prof Balance: 5.1

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 5
Running Above Program

Put classes BankAccount and RunBank in file

rohan 50-> ls

rohan 51-> javac

rohan 52-> ls
BankAccount.class RunBank.class

rohan 53-> java RunBank
Start main
Student Balance: 100000
Prof Balance: 5.1


                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 6
Multi-File Programs

Put class BankAccount in file

Put class RunBank in file

Compile top level class - javac will compile needed classes


rohan 13-> ls

rohan 14-> java -cs RunBank
Start main
Student Balance: 100000
Prof Balance: 5.1

rohan 15-> ls
BankAccount.class RunBank.class
                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 7Listen Here!
class  BankAccount 
   public  float  balance = 0.0F;

   public void deposit( float amount )
      balance += amount ;

   public String toString()
      return "Account Balance: " + balance;

class RunBank 
   public static void main( String args[] ) 
      BankAccount richStudent  =  new BankAccount( );
      BankAccount poorInstructor;
      poorInstructor  =  new BankAccount( );

      richStudent.deposit( 10000F);
      poorInstructor.deposit( 5.10F );

      System.out.println( "Student Balance: " + richStudent.balance );
      System.out.println( "Prof: " + poorInstructor.toString() );
Student Balance: 10000
Prof: Account Balance: 5.1
                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 8Listen Here!
The toString() Standard
This happens in println() and when adding to strings
class RunBank 
   public static void main( String args[] ) 
      BankAccount richStudent  =  new BankAccount( );
      BankAccount poorInstructor  =  new BankAccount( );

      richStudent.deposit( 10000F);
      poorInstructor.deposit( 5.10F );

      String profBalance = "Prof: " + poorInstructor;
      System.out.println( profBalance  );
      System.out.println( "Prof: " + poorInstructor );
      System.out.println( richStudent );


Prof: Account Balance: 5.1
Prof: Account Balance: 5.1
Account Balance: 10000
                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 9Listen Here!

Constructors - Initializing Fields

class  BankAccount 
   public  float  balance;

   public BankAccount( float initialBalance ) //Constructor
      balance = initialBalance;

   public void deposit( float amount )
      balance += amount ;

   public String toString()
      return "Account Balance: " + balance;

class RunBank 
   public static void main( String args[] ) 
      BankAccount richStudent  =  new BankAccount( 10000F );
      BankAccount poorInstructor  =  new BankAccount( 5.10F );

      System.out.println( "Prof: " + poorInstructor );
      System.out.println( "Student: " + richStudent );
Prof: Account Balance: 5.1
Student: Account Balance: 10000
                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 10Listen Here!
Multiple Constructors
class  ConstructorExample  {

   public  ConstructorExample( )  {
      System.out.println(  "In constructor - no argument"  );

   public  ConstructorExample( int  size)  {
      System.out.println(  "In constructor - one argument" );

   public  void  ConstructorExample( )  {
      System.out.println(  "return type means it is ");
      System.out.println(  "not a constructor "  );

class TestConstructor  {

   public static void main( String args[] ) {
      System.out.println( " Start main " );

      ConstructorExample  test  =  new ConstructorExample( );
      ConstructorExample  x  =  new ConstructorExample(5);

      System.out.println( " Done with Constructors " );
      test.ConstructorExample ();
Start main
In constructor - no argument
In constructor - one argument
Done with Constructors
return type means it is
not a constructor
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Implicit Constructors

If a class has no constructor compiler generates an implicit constructor with no arguments
class  ImplicitConstructorOnly  {
   int  size  =  5;

class  OneConstructor  {

   OneConstructor(  String  message  )  {
      System.out.println(  message  );

class  TwoConstructors  {
   TwoConstructors  (  String  message  )  {
      System.out.println(  message  );

   TwoConstructors  (  )  {
      System.out.println(  "No argument Constructor"  );

class  Constructors  {

   public static void main( String args[] ) {
   ImplicitConstructorOnly  ok  =  new  ImplicitConstructorOnly();

   TwoConstructors  alsoOk  =  new  TwoConstructors();

   OneConstructor  compileError  =  new  OneConstructor();

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 12Listen Here!
Overloading Methods

The signature of a methods is its name with number, type and order of its parameters.

The return type is not part of the signature of a method.

Two methods in the same class can have the same name if their signatures are different.
class OverLoad
   public void same() {
      System.out.println( "No arguments" );

   public void same( int firstArgument ) {
      System.out.println( "One int arguments" );

   public void same( char firstArgument ) {
      System.out.println( "One char arguments" );

   public int same( int firstArgument ) {      // Compile Error
      System.out.println( "One char arguments" );
      return 5;

   public void same( char firstArgument, int secondArgument) {
      System.out.println( "char + int arguments" );

   public void same( int firstArgument, char secondArgument ) {
      System.out.println( "int + char arguments" );

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 13Listen Here!


(not that)

Refers to the object on which the method operates
Used to return self from method and pass self as a parameter
Java's this differs from C++'s this
The difference occurs with inheritance

class  BankAccount 
   public  float  balance;

   public BankAccount( float initialBalance )
      this.balance = initialBalance;

   public void deposit( float amount )
      balance += amount ;

   public String toString()
      return "Account Balance: " + balance;

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Returning this
class  BankAccount 
   public  float  balance;

   public BankAccount( float initialBalance )
      this.balance = initialBalance;

   public BankAccount deposit( float amount )
      balance += amount ;
      return this;
class RunBank 
   public static void main( String args[] ) 
      BankAccount richStudent  =  new BankAccount( 10000F );

      richStudent.deposit( 100F ).deposit( 200F ).deposit( 300F );

      System.out.println( "Student: " + richStudent.balance );
Student: 10600
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this as Parameter
A Convoluted Contrived Example
class CustomerList
   public BankAccount[] list = new BankAccount[ 100 ];
   public int nextFreeSlot = 0;

   public void add( BankAccount newItem )
      list[ nextFreeSlot++ ] =  newItem;

class  BankAccount 
   public  float  balance;

   public BankAccount( float initialBalance ) 
      this.balance = initialBalance;

   public void badBalanceCheck( CustomerList badAccounts )
      if ( balance <= 0F ) badAccounts.add( this );

class RunBank 
   public static void main( String args[] ) 
      BankAccount richStudent  =  new BankAccount( 10000F );
      CustomerList customersToDrop = new CustomerList();
      richStudent.badBalanceCheck( customersToDrop );

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 16Listen Here!
Finalize - Destructor of Sorts

Automatic storage management handles reclaiming objects and arrays that are no longer needed by a running program

When an object is determined to no longer be needed it may be reclaimed, unless it has a finalize method

If a class has a finalize method, the method is executed. The object is reclaimed the next time it is determined the object is no longer needed

The finalize method is never called more than once for an object
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Finalize Example
class  Death  {
   int  myId;

   public  Death  ( int  sequenceNumber)  {
      myId  =  sequenceNumber;  }

   public  void  finalize( )  {
      System.out.println(  myId  );    }

class  Finalization  {
   public static void main( String args[] ) {

      Death  sampleObject;
      for (  int  k = 0;  k < 5;  k++ )
         sampleObject  =  new Death(  k  );
No Output
class  FinalizationForced  {
   public static void main( String args[] ) {

      Death  sampleObject;

      for (  int  k = 0;  k < 5;  k++ )
         sampleObject  =  new Death(  k  );

      System.runFinalization();  }
                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 18Listen Here!

Access Levels for Fields and Methods

Members declared public are accessible anywhere the class is accessible
Inherited by all subclasses

Members declared private are accessible to an inherited by subclasses, and accessible by code in the same package

Members declared private are accessible only in the class itself

If no access level is given
Members declared with on access modifier are accessible only to code in the same package

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 19Listen Here!
Public, Protected, Private
class AccessLevels 
   public  int  publicObjectVariable ;
   protected  float  protectedObjectVariable  =  10;
   private  int[]  privateObjectVariable;

   int  noExplicitAccessLevel  =  publicObjectVariable;

   public  AccessLevels (  int  startValue  )  
      System.out.println(  " Start Constructor"  );
      privateObjectVariable  =  new  int[ startValue ];

   public  void  sampleMethod(  int  value  )  
      System.out.println( " In method" );
      privateObjectVariable[ 1 ]  =  value;
class TestAccessLevels 
   public static void main( String args[] ) 
      AccessLevels   test  =  new AccessLevels ( 11 );

      test.publicObjectVariable  =  100;   // Ok
      test.protectedObjectVariable=  100;   // Ok
      test.privateObjectVariable[ 1 ]  =  100;   // Compile Error
      test.noExplicitAccessLevel  =  100;   // Ok

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 20Listen Here!
Look Ma, Hidden Methods
class  Hide
   public void publicAccess()
      System.out.println( "Start public access " );

   protected void internalWorker()
      System.out.println( "In internal worker " );

   private void realPrivateWorker()
      System.out.println( "In Private worker " );

   public static void main( String[] args )
      Hide me = new Hide();
Start public access
In internal worker
In Private worker

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 21Listen Here!
Better BankAccount
class  BankAccount 
   private  float  balance;

   public BankAccount( float initialBalance ) 
      balance = initialBalance;

   public void deposit( float amount )
      balance += amount ;

   public String toString()
      return "Account Balance: " + balance;

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 22Listen Here!
Modular Design Rules

Measure Twice, Cut Once

Object-Oriented programming requires more early planning then procedural programming

Decomposability Composability Protection      Continuity Understandability                  

Poker Rule: Hide Your Cards
Information Hiding

All information about a module should be private unless it is specifically declared public

       Decomposability Composability          Continuity Understandability                  

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 23Listen Here!
Two Views on Hidden fields
class  BankAccount 
   private  float  balance;

   protected float getBalance()
      return balance;

   protected void setbalance( float newBalance)
      balance = newBalance;

   public BankAccount( float initialBalance ) 
      setbalance( initialBalance );

   public void deposit( float amount )
      setbalance( getBalance() + amount );

   public String toString()
      return "Account Balance: " + getBalance();

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 24Listen Here!

Object Variables are References

class  Student  
   public  char  grade;
class PointerTest 

   public static void main( String args[] ) 
      Student  sam  =  new  Student();

      sam.grade  =  'A';

      Student  samTwin  =  sam;

      samTwin.grade  =  'C';

      System.out.println( sam.grade );


                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 25

Parameter Passing - By value only

class  Parameter  
   public  void  noChangeArgument(  char  grade  )  
      grade  =  'A';

class TestParameter   

   public static void main( String args[] ) 

      char  samGrade  =  'C';

      Parameter  Test  =  new  Parameter();

      Test.noChangeArgument(  samGrade  );

      System.out.println(  samGrade  );


                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 26
How to get Functions to return values

class TestParameter   

   public static void main( String args[] ) 
      char  samGrade  =  'C';

      samGrade  =  inflateGrade(  samGrade  );

      System.out.println(  samGrade  );

   public  static  char  inflateGrade(  char  grade  )  
      switch ( grade ) 
         case  'A': 
         case  'B':
            return 'A';
         case  'C':
            return 'B';
         case  'D':
         case  'F':
            return 'C';
      return 'A';
                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 27
How to get Functions to return values
Using References - Array

class TestParameter   

   public static void main( String args[] ) 
      char[]  classGrades  =  new char[ 30 ];

      classGrades[ 1 ]  =  'B';

      TestParameter.changeArgument(  classGrades  );

      System.out.println(  classGrades[ 1 ]  );

   static  public  void  changeArgument(  char[]  grade  )  
      grade[1]  =  'A';
                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 28Listen Here!
How to get Functions to return values
Using References - Class

class  Student  
   public  char  grade;

class  Parameter  

   public  void  changeArgument(  Student  lucky  )  
      lucky.grade  =  'A';

class TestParameter   

   public static void main( String args[] ) 
      Student    sam  =  new Student();

      sam.grade   =  'B';

      Parameter  Test  =  new  Parameter();

      Test.changeArgument(  sam  );

      System.out.println(  sam.grade );
                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 29Listen Here!

Static Fields and Methods

Static fields are class variables
The same static field is shared between all object of the class
Static fields exist before creating an object of the class
Same as C++ static data members
class  StaticFields
   public  static  int  size  =  10;

   public void increaseSize( int increment )
      size =  size + increment;

class  DemoStaticFields
   public  static  void  main( String[]  arguments )
      System.out.println( "Size " + StaticFields.size );
      StaticFields top  =  new  StaticFields();
      StaticFields bottom  =  new  StaticFields();
      top.size = 20;
      System.out.println( "Size " + bottom.size );
Size 10
Size 20
                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 30Listen Here!
Static Methods
class  StaticMethods
   public  static  int  size  =  10;

   public static void increaseSize( int increment )
      size =  size + increment;

class  DemoStaticMethods
   public  static  void  main( String[]  arguments )
      StaticMethods.increaseSize( 30 );
      System.out.println( "Size " + StaticMethods.size );

      StaticMethods top  =  new  StaticMethods();

      top.increaseSize( 20 );
      System.out.println( "Size " + StaticMethods.size );
Size 40
Size 60
                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 31Listen Here!
More Static
class  StaticFields  
   public  static  int  size  =  10;
   protected  static int[]  classArray  =  new int [ size ];

   public  int  localInt;

   static                  // Run when class is first loaded 
      size  =  20;

   public  static  void  classMethod(  int  value  )  
      System.out.println( " In class method" );
      size  =  value;
      localInt  =  value;   // Compile Error

class TestStaticFields  

   public static void main( String args[] ) 
      StaticFields     test  =  new  StaticFields  (  );
      StaticFields     secondObject  =  new  StaticFields  (  );

      StaticFields.size  =  100;
      System.out.println(  test.size  );   // Print 100
      StaticFields.localInt  =  99;   // Compile Error
      test.localInt  =  99;

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 32Listen Here!
Main revisited
class Top
   public  static  void  main( String[]  arguments )
      System.out.println( "In top main" );
      Bottom.main( arguments );
   public static void print()
      System.out.println( "In top" );

class Bottom
   public  static  void  main( String[]  arguments )
      System.out.println( "In bottom main" );
      Top.print( );
      OddMain( arguments );

class OddMain
   public  static  int  main( String[]  arguments )
      System.out.println( "In odd main" );
      Top  hat  =  new Top();

      String[]  message = { "Hi", "Mom" };
      hat.main( message );
      return 5;

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 33Listen Here!


final variables are constants

class  Constants  

   public  static  final  int  SIZE  =  10;

   protected  static  final  int[] CLASS_ARRAY  =  new int [ size ];

   public  final  int  MUST_INITIALIZE_HERE;  // Compile Error

   public  final  char  grade  =  'A';

   public  void  trouble()
      final int willNotWork = 123;      // Compile Error

class TestConstants  
   public static void main( String args[] ) 
      System.out.println(  Constants.SIZE  );   // Prints 10

      Constants  test  =  new  Constants();

      System.out.println(  test.grade   );   // Prints A

      System.out.println(  Constants.grade  );   // Compile Error

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 34Listen Here!

Class Names, Packages and Import

Each class belongs to a "package"

A package creates a name space

A package defines the full name of a class

Standard packages
java.applet java.awt.peer
java.awt java.util
java.awt.image java.lang

Example - PrintStream

PrintStream is in the package

The full name of the class is
class Output {

   public static void main( String args[] ) {  myOut  =  System.out;
      myOut  .print(  "Look Mom, No System.out" );

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 35Listen Here!
Import Statement

The import statement allows you to shorten class names

class Output {

   public static void main( String args[] ) {
      PrintStream  myOut  =  System.out;
      myOut.print(  "Look Mom, No System" );


class Output {

   public static void main( String args[] ) {
      PrintStream  myOut  =  System.out;
      myOut.print(  "Look Mom, No System" );

Default Import

All classes in the java.lang are imported in all programs by default
                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 36Listen Here!
Placing a class in a package
package  sdsu.roger;

public  class  Sample  {
   public  void  hello()  {
      System.out.println( "Hello for package sdsu.roger" );

Place program in file named ""

Place file "" in directory called "roger"

Place directory "roger" in directory called "sdsu"

Place directory "sdsu" in "~whitney/java/classes"

Make sure that "~whitney/java/classes" in the CLASSPATH environment variable
Place the following class anywhere you like and compile
import  sdsu.roger.Sample;

class TestPackage {

   public static void main( String args[] ) {
      Sample  me  =  new  Sample();

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 37Listen Here!
Name Collision
File SearchTree/Leaf
package SearchTree;

public class Leaf
   public Leaf()
      System.out.println( "Leaf in a binary search tree" );

File Botany/Leaf
package Botany;

public class Leaf
   public Leaf()
      System.out.println( "Leaf in a real tree" );

First Main
class Test 
   public static void main( String args[] )
      Botany.Leaf green = new Botany.Leaf();
      SearchTree.Leaf node = new SearchTree.Leaf();

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 38Listen Here!
Second Main
import SearchTree.Leaf;

class Test 
   public static void main( String args[] )
      Botany.Leaf green = new Botany.Leaf();
      Leaf node = new Leaf();
Third Main
import SearchTree.Leaf;
import Botany.Leaf;         // Compile error

class Test 
   public static void main( String args[] )
      Botany.Leaf green = new Botany.Leaf();
      Leaf node = new Leaf();
What Should this do Main
import SearchTree.Leaf;
import Botany.*;

class Test 
   public static void main( String args[] )
      Botany.Leaf green = new Botany.Leaf();
      Leaf node = new Leaf();

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 39Listen Here!
Class Access Levels

Accessible to code in and outside a package

Accessible to code in package only
No subclasses outside package
package Botany;

public class Leaf
   public Leaf()
      System.out.println( "Leaf in a real tree" );

package Botany;

class BotanyHelper
   // Only code in package Botany can use this class

                                   Java Classes and Objects Slide # 40Listen Here!
Package Notes

If a class has no declared package, it is in the unnamed package

CLASSPATH needs to point to the root directory containing the binaries of packages

There is no requirement to have both binaries and source code of a package in the same location.
