SDSU CS660 Combinatorial Algorithms
Fall Semester, 1996
Basic Graphs

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San Diego State University -- This page last updated Nov 19, 1996

Contents of Basic Graphs

  1. References
  2. Definitions
    1. Graph
    2. Digraph
    3. Subgraph
    4. Complete Graph
    5. Path
    6. Adjacent Vertices
    7. Connected Graph
    8. Cycle
    9. Simple Cycle
    10. Weighted Graph
  3. Representation of Graphs
    1. List of edges
    2. Adjacency Matrix
    3. Adjacency list
    4. Incidence Matrix
  4. Traversing Graphs
    1. Breath-first(Graph, startNode)
    2. Depth-first(Graph, startNode)
  5. Minimal Spanning Tree
    1. Minimal Spanning tree Prim


Chapters 23 and 24 of text.

Basic Graphs Slide # 1



A graph G is a pair (V,E) where
V is a set of vertices (or nodes)
E is a set of edges connecting the vertices
V = {1,2,3,4,5}
E = {(1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (1,5), (2,3), (3,4), (4,5),(5,2)}


A Digraph is a graph in which each edges has a direction.

V = { 1,2,3,4,5}

Basic Graphs Slide # 2


A Subgraph G'= (E',V') of a graph G = (E,V) is a graph where V' is a subset of V and E' is a subset of E

Complete Graph

A graph with an edge between each pair of vertices

Note for any G = (E,V) we have 0 <= |E| <= |V|*(|V|-1)/2


A path in a graph from vertex V to vertex W is a sequence of edges (V1,V2), (V2,V3),... (Vk-2,Vk-1), (Vk-1,Vk) such that V = V1, and W = Vk. The path is usually given as V1,V2,V3,...Vk
The above path has length k.

Basic Graphs Slide # 3

Adjacent Vertices

Two vertices are adjacent if there is an edge connecting them

Connected Graph

A graph is connected if there is a path between any two vertices


A path starting and ending on the same vertex

Simple Cycle

A cycle in which all vertices are visited exactly once except the starting vertex: which is visited only twice

Weighted Graph

A weighted graph G = (V,E,W) is a graph where each edge e in E has a weight denoted by W(e)

The weight of a Graph is the sum of the weights of the edges of the graph

Basic Graphs Slide # 4

Representation of Graphs

List of edges

1, 2
1, 3
1, 4
1, 5
2, 3
3, 4
4, 5
5, 2

Space - O(|E|) ( actually 2|E|)

Basic Graphs Slide # 5

Adjacency Matrix


Space - O(|V|2) (can be ~ |V|2/2)

For weighted graph

Basic Graphs Slide # 6

Adjacency list

Space - O(|E| + |V|)

Basic Graphs Slide # 7

Incidence Matrix


Space - O(|E|*|V|)

Basic Graphs Slide # 8

Traversing Graphs

Breath-first(Graph, startNode)

                                  Line number
for X := 1 to |V| do                      1
   Type[X] := unvisited;                  2

Create(Queue);                             3
Type[startNode] := inQueue                 4
Insert(startNode, Queue);                  5
visitOrder := 1;                           6

while not IsEmpty(Queue) do              7
   nextNode := GetFirst(Queue);            8
   List[nextNode] := visitOrder;           9
   visitOrder := visitOrder + 1;          10
   Type[nextNode] = visited;              11
   for each node adjacent to nextNode do 12
      if Type[node] = unvisited then     13
         Type[node] := inQueue;           14
         Insert(node, Queue);             15
      end if;
   end for;
end while;

return List

Basic Graphs Slide # 9
Analysis of Breath-First Search

Measure of size of input: |E| and |V|
Structures used:

array of size |V|
Each element changed at most three times:
random -> unvisited -> inQueue -> visited

array of size |V|
Each element changed once

Contains at most |V| - 1 elements
At most |V| adds and |V| deletes from queue
At most |V| calls to IsEmpty

Increased |V| times

Basic Graphs Slide # 10
Analysis of Breath-First Search - Cont.

Must find all neighbors of each node in graph

Adjacency Matrix O(|V|2)

Adjacency list O(|E| + |V|)

Basic Graphs Slide # 11
Traversing Graphs

Depth-first(Graph, startNode)

                                  Line number
for X := 1 to |V| do                      1
   Type[X] := unvisited;                  2

Create(Stack);                             3
Type[startNode] := inStack;                4
Insert(startNode, Stack);                  5
visitOrder := 1;                           6

while not IsEmpty(Stack) do              7
   nextNode := Pop(Stack);                 8
   List[nextNode] := visitOrder;           9
   visitOrder := visitOrder + 1;          10
   Type[nextNode] = visited;              11
   for each node adjacent to nextNode do 12
      if Type[node] = unvisited then     13
         Type[node] := inStack;           14
         Push(node, Stack);               15
      end if;
   end for;
end while;

Basic Graphs Slide # 12

Minimal Spanning Tree

Spanning tree of a graph G

A subgraph of G that is a tree and contains all vertices of G
Minimal Spanning tree of a weighted graph

The spanning tree with the least weight

Basic Graphs Slide # 13

Minimal Spanning tree Prim

Notation For Algorithm

V1 - vertices that are part of the spanning tree already

E1 - edges in spanning tree

V2 - vertices not in V1 but adjacent to a vertex in V1

E2 - for each vertex y in V2, E2 contains the edge of minimal weight connecting y to a vertex in V1

V3 - all remaining edges

E3 - all remaining vertices
Theorem Basis of Algorithm

Let G=(V,E,W) be a weighted graph with weights in Z+. Let E1 be a subset of edges in some minimal spanning tree T of G. If xy is an edge of minimal weight with x in V1 and y not in V1 then E1 + {xy} is a subset of a minimal spanning tree.

Basic Graphs Slide # 14
Outline of Algorithm
1) Initialize the sets
      V1 = {x}, E1, E2, V2 = empty set, V3 = V - V1

2) while V1 != V do
      for each y in V2 adjacent to x  do
         find shortest edge from y to element in V1
         add edge to E2
         end for
      for each w in V3 adjacent to x do
         add w to V2
         add wx to E2
         end for
      if E2 is empty then return 'no spanning tree'

      find edge zv in E2 with minimum weight
         z in V1 , v in V2
         add v to V1, remove zv from E2

   end while

Basic Graphs Slide # 15

Data structures for MSP algorithm

for each vertex we need:
a) an adjacency list
b) the set (V1,V2,V3) the vertex is in
c) the edge in E2 if any for the vertex
d) The edge connecting the vertex to the spanning tree

We also need a list of the vertices in the set V2.
