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CS 596 Java Programming Fall Semester, 1998 Interfaces |
© 1998, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 05-Oct-98 |
Let B & C be classes. Assume that we make A the parent class of B and C so A can hold the methods and fields that are common between B and C.
Sometimes a method in B is so different from the same method in C there is no shared implementation possible in A. We can make the method and A an abstract classes. The methods in A then indicate which methods must be implemented in B and C. A can act as type, which can hold objects of type B or C.
Sometimes all the methods of B must be implemented differently than the same method in C. Make A an interface.
Interfaces can specify public methods but can have no implementation of methods. Thus, one can not make an object from an interface. Interfaces can have fields. All fields in an interface are final and static even if they are not explicitly declared as such. Interfaces have the same access levels as classes, public and package.
A class can implement more that one interface. If a parent class implements an interface, its child classes automatically implement the interface.
An interface, like a class, defines a type. Fields, variables, and parameters can be declared to be of a type defined by an interface.
Interface Example This example shows the syntax of declaring an interface and a class implementing the interface. The class must either implement all the methods in the interface or be an abstract class.
public interface Door { public void open(); public void close(); } public class CarDoor implements Door { public void open() { System.out.println( "Enter the car" ); } public void close() { System.out.println( "Look out, closing the door"); } } class TestDoor { public static void main( String[] args ) { Door automatic = new CarDoor(); automatic.open(); CarDoor direct = new CarDoor(); direct.open(); } }Output Enter the car Enter the car
Abstract Class implementation of Interface
This example shows a class that implements only some of the methods declared in an interface. The class "CarDoor" must then be declared abstract. Objects can not be created of the "CarDoor" class. A subclass must implement the missing method.
public interface Door { public void open(); public void close(); } abstract class CarDoor implements Door { public void open() { System.out.println( "Enter the car" ); } }
All Interface Methods are Public
It is a compile error to declare a method as private or protected in an interface. Any method without an access level in an interface is a public method. This can be confusing so always declare methods in an interface as public.
Example 1 public interface BadAccess { public void A(); protected void B(); // compile error void C(); // looks like package, but is public private void D(); // compile error }
Example 2 package whitney; public interface GoodAccess { public void A(); void C(); } package test; import whitney.GoodAccess; class BadImplementation implements GoodAccess { public void A() {} void C() {} // Compile error, wrong access level } class GoodImplementation implements GoodAccess { public void A() {} public void C() {} }
Interfaces and Static Fields
Fields can be declared in an interface. All fields are public static and final. Declaring a field to be any other access level except public is a compile error. If no access level is given, it defaults to public. If a field is not explicitly declared to be static or final, the field is still static and final. You may be tempted to use interfaces as a place to put program contants. Avoid this. Usually a constant belongs to some abstraction. This abstraction should be represented by a class. Place the constant in that class.
interface WithStatic { public static final int EXPLICIT = 42; public static int IS_FINAL = 12; public int IS_FINAL_AND_STATIC = 3; protected int COMPILE_ERROR = 4; public int NO_VALUE_COMPILE_ERROR; } class Radio implements WithStatic { public void AM() { System.out.println( IS_FINAL ); } } class Test { public static void main( String args[] ) { System.out.println( WithStatic.EXPLICIT ); System.out.println( Radio.EXPLICIT ); Radio megaBass = new Radio(); System.out.println( megaBass.EXPLICIT ); megaBass.AM(); } }
Extending Interfaces
One interface can inherit from another interface. Interfaces support multiple inheritance.
interface Door { public void open(); public void close(); } interface LockableDoor extends Door { public void lock(); public void unlock(); } class CarDoor implements LockableDoor { private boolean isLocked = false; public void open() { if ( !isLocked) System.out.println( "Enter the car" ); } public void close() { System.out.println( "Look out, closing the door"); }
public void lock() { isLocked = true; } public void unlock() { isLocked = false; } } class TestDoor { public static void main( String[] args ) { Door automatic = new CarDoor(); automatic.open(); automatic.lock(); //Compile error LockableDoor better = (LockableDoor) automatic; better.lock(); //OK } }
Multiple Interfaces
A class can implement multiple interfaces. This example uses the LockableDoor and Door interfaces from the last slide.
interface Alarm { public boolean isAlarmed(); public void turnAlarmOn(); public void turnAlarmOff(); } class CarDoor implements LockableDoor, Alarm { private boolean isLocked = false; private boolean isAlarmOn = false; public boolean isAlarmed() { return isAlarmOn; } public void turnAlarmOn() { isAlarmOn = true; } public void turnAlarmOff() { isAlarmOn = false; } public void open() { if (isAlarmOn ) System.out.println( "Sound the alarm"); else if ( !isLocked) System.out.println( "Enter the car" ); } public void close() { System.out.println( "Look out, closing the door"); } public void lock() { isLocked = true; } public void unlock() { isLocked = false; } }
Interfaces and Inheritance
A class can implement multiple interfaces and extend one other class. This example uses the LockableDoor, Door and Alarm interfaces from the last two slides.
class CarPart { private int partID; private float weight; private float cost; public void aMethod() { System.out.println( "This is a car part method" ); } } class CarDoor extends CarPart implements LockableDoor, Alarm { private boolean isLocked = false; private boolean isAlarmOn = false; public boolean isAlarmed() { return isAlarmOn; } public void turnAlarmOn() { isAlarmOn = true; } public void turnAlarmOff() { isAlarmOn = false; } public void open() { if (isAlarmOn ) System.out.println( "Sound the alarm"); else if ( !isLocked) System.out.println( "Enter the car" ); } public void close() { System.out.println( "Look out, closing the door"); } public void lock() { isLocked = true; } public void unlock() { isLocked = false; } }
Interfaces and Name Conflicts
What happens when a class implements two interfaces, which each define a method or field with the same name?
public interface Left { public void truth(); } public interface Right { public boolean truth(); } class Congress implements Left, Right { public ???? truth() { } }Method Name Conflicts
If a class implements two interfaces that each have a method with the same name, say foo, then