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CS 635 Advanced Object-Oriented Design & Programming Spring Semester, 2001 Assignment 1 Comments |
© 2001, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 10-Apr-01 |
Standard Issues
There is a lot of flexibility in the coding styles
Be consistent
In Java you can declare fields anywhere in the class
Most people put them either at the begging or end of a class
Pick one location and always do it.
public void foo() { code here }
public void bar() { code here }
public void foobar() { code here }
Code formatting
Indentation is important
Alignment is important
public abstract class HttpTransaction { HashMap headers = new HashMap(); byte[] body; abstract void parseFirstLine(ByteReader input ); q abstract String firstLineToString(); public void fromStream( InputStream input) throws IOException { ByteReader bufferedInput = new ByteReader( input); parseFirstLine(bufferedInput); if ( hasHeaders() ) parseHeaders(bufferedInput); if (hasBody() ) parseBody(bufferedInput); } public byte[] toBytes() { if (!hasBody()) return toString().getBytes(); String headerString = toString(); int length = headerString.length() + body.length; byte[] transaction = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(headerString.getBytes(), 0, transaction, 0, headerString.length()); System.arraycopy(body, 0, transaction, headerString.length(), body.length); return transaction; } public boolean hasContentLength() { return (headers.containsKey( "Content-length" ) || headers.containsKey( "Content-Length" )); }
Line Wrap
Just say no to line wrap in source code
public byte[] toBytes() { if (!hasBody()) return toString().getBytes(); //get the string and convert it to bytes then return it String headerString = toString();//convert to a string int length = headerString.length() + body.length; byte[] transaction = new byte[length];//declare transaction System.arraycopy(headerString.getBytes(), 0, transaction, 0, headerString.length()); System.arraycopy(body, 0, transaction, headerString.length(), body.length); return transaction; } { String requestLine = readLine(input); // Read a Line of input from the input while (requestLine.length() > 0 ) { int separatorIndex = requestLine.indexOf(':'); String name = requestLine.substring(0, separatorIndex); String value = requestLine.substring(separatorIndex + 1).trim(); headers.put( name, value); requestLine = readLine(input);
What Causes Line wrap
End of line comments
String requestLine = readLine(input); // Read a Line of input from the input
Nesting and Line Wrap
Nesting code can cause line wrap
if ( blah ) { if (more blah) { foo; else { if ( bar ) { not bar else { if ( more bar ) { if (even more bar ) { if (still more bar ) { if (even still more bar ) { if ( bar until you can’t stand it ) { if ( foo ) { if ( more foo ) { if ( still more foo ) { if ( you can understand the nesting level here please do not work for me) { } } } } } } } } } }
Nesting levels
Don't go deep.
Refactorings to reduce nesting levels
Replace Nested Conditional with Guard Clauses[1]
A method has conditional behavior that does not make clear the normal path of execution
Use guard clauses for all the special cases
double getPayAmount() { double result; if ( _isDead) result = deadAMount(); else { if ( _isSeparated) result = separatedAmount(); else { if (_isRetired) result = retiredAmount(); else result = normalPayAmount(); } } }
double getPayAmount() { if ( _isDead) return deadAMount(); if ( _isSeparated) return separatedAmount(); if (_isRetired) return retiredAmount(); return normalPayAmount(); }
Decompose Conditional[2]
You have a complicated conditional (if-then-else) statement
Extract methods from the condition, then part and else parts
if (date.before (SUMMER_START) || date.after(SUMMER_END)) charge = quality * _winterRate + _winterServiceCharge; else charge = quantity * _summerRate
if (notSummer( date)) charge = winterCharge(quantity); else charge = summerCharge(quantity);
Introduce Null Object[4]
You have repeated checks for a null value
Replace the null value with a null object
void add(int key, String value) if (key < _key ) { if (right == null) left == new BinaryNode(key, value); else left .add( key, value); etc.
Use a NullNode object that has a pointer to its parent
The NullNode add(key,value) method adds a new subtree to its parent
Then we get:
void add(int key, String value) if (key < _key ) { left .add( key, value); etc.
An Example void add(int key, String value) if (key < _key ) { if (left == null) left = new BinaryNode(key, value); else left.add( key, value); else { if (key == _key ) value = _value; else { if (key > _key ) { if ( right == null ) { right = new BinaryNode(key, value); else left.add( key, value); } } } }Applying the above ideas this becomes
void add(int key, String value) if (key < _key ) retun left.add( key, value); if (key == _key ) return value = _value; if (key > _key ) return left.add( key, value); }
"Comments are easier to write poorly than well, and comments can be more damaging than helpful"
What does this do?
for i := 1 to Num do MeetsCriteria[ i ] := True; for i := 1 to Num / 2 do begin j := i + i; while ( j <= Num ) do begin MeetsCriteria[ j ] := False; j := j + i; end; for i := 1 to Mun do if MeetsCriteria[ i ] then writeln( i, ' meets criteria ' );
How many comments does this need? for PrimeCandidate:= 1 to Num do IsPrime[ PrimeCandidate] := True; for Factor:= 1 to Num / 2 do begin FactorableNumber := Factor + Factor ; while ( FactorableNumber <= Num ) do begin IsPrime[ FactorableNumber ] := False; FactorableNumber := FactorableNumber + Factor ; end; end; for PrimeCandidate:= 1 to Num do if IsPrime[ PrimeCandidate] then writeln( PrimeCandidate, ' is Prime ' );Good Programming Style is the Foundation of Well Commented Program
Kinds of Comments
X := X + 1 /* add one to X /** Integer value */ private int key; /** String value */ private String value;
*p++->*c = a /* first we need to increase p by one, then ..
(*(p++))->*c = a ObjectPointerPointer++; ObjectPointer = *ObjectPointerPointer; ObjectPointer ->*DataMemberPointer = a;
/* **** Need to add error checking here **** */
{ get current employee information } intent { update EmpRec structure } what
Commenting Efficiently
/*********************************** * module: Print * * * * author: Roger Whitney * * date: Sept. 10, 1995 * * * * blah blah blah * * * ***********************************/ /*********************************** module: Print author: Roger Whitney date: Sept. 10, 1995 blah blah blah ***********************************/
Commenting Techniques
Commenting Individual Lines
Avoid self-indulgent comments
MOV AX, 723h ; R. I. P. L. V. B.
MemToInit := MemoryAvailable(); { get memory available }
Commenting Paragraphs of Code
Write comments at the level of the code's intent
Comment the why rather than the how
Make every comment count
Document surprises
Avoid abbreviations
How verses Why
How /* if allocation flag is zero */ if ( AllocFlag == 0 ) ...
Why /* if allocating a new member */ if ( AllocFlag == 0 ) ...
Even Better /* if allocating a new member */ if ( AllocFlag == NEW_MEMBER ) ...
Summary comment on How
{ check each character in "InputStr" until a dollar sign is found or all characters have been checked } Done := false; MaxPos := Length( InputStr ); i := 1; while ( (not Done) and (i <= MaxLen) ) begin if ( InputStr[ i ] = '$' ) then Done := True else i := i + 1 end;Summary comment on Intent
{ find the command-word terminator } Done := false; MaxPos := Length( InputStr ); i := 1; while ( (not Done) and (i <= MaxPos ) ) begin if ( InputStr[ i ] = '$' ) then Done := True else i := i + 1 end;
Summary comment on Intent with Better Style
{ find the command-word terminator } FoundTheEnd := false; MaxCommandLength := Length( InputStr ); Index := 1; while ((not FoundTheEnd) and (Index <= MaxCommandLength)) begin if ( InputStr[ Index ] = '$' ) then FoundTheEnd := True; else Index := Index + 1; end;
Commenting Data Declarations
Comment the units of numeric data
Comment the range of allowable numeric values
Comment coded meanings
var CursorX: 1..MaxCols; { horizontal screen position of cursor } CursorY: 1..MaxRows; { vertical position of cursor on screen } AntennaLength: Real; { length of antenna in meters: >= 2 } SignalStrength: Integer; { strength of signal in kilowatts: >= 1 } CharCode: 0..255; { ASCII character code } CharAttib: Integer; { 0=Plain; 1=Italic; 2=Bold } CharSize: 4..127; { size of character in points } Comment limitations on input data Document flags to the bit level
Commenting Routines
Avoid Kitchen-Sink Routine Prologs
Keep comments close to the code they describe
Describe each routine in one or two sentences at the top of the routine
Document input and output variables where they are declared
Differentiate between input and output data
Document interface assumptions
Keep track of the routine's change history
Comment on the routine's limitation
Document the routine's global effects
Document the source of algorithms that are used
procedure InsertionSort { Var Data: SortArray; { sort array elements } FirstElement: Integer {index of first element to sort} LastElement: Integer {index of last element to sort} }
Comments From Hell
//***************************************************** //***************************************************** // Class: Proxy //***************************************************** //***************************************************** public class Proxy { //*************************************************** //Default Constructor //*************************************************** public Proxy() { blah } //*************************************************** //Constructor //*************************************************** public Proxy(int size) { _size = size;} //*************************************************** //Main //*************************************************** public static void public static void main( String[] args ) { //Create a new socket ServerSocket acceptor = new ServerSocket(0); //Print out the port number System.out.println("On port " + acceptor.getLocalPort()); while (true) {//runs forever, until program is manually killed Socket client = acceptor.accept();//Accept a new connection processRequest(//Process the client request client.getInputStream(),//get the input client.getOutputStream());//get the ouput client.close();//Close the connection
Less is Better
public class Proxy { public Proxy() { blah } public Proxy(int size) { _size = size; } public static void public static void main( String[] args ) { ServerSocket acceptor = new ServerSocket(0); System.out.println("On port " + acceptor.getLocalPort()); //Must kill process to terminate while (true) { Socket client = acceptor.accept(); processRequest( client.getInputStream(), client.getOutputStream()); client.close(); } } }
If you really need to separate Sections
public class Proxy { public Proxy() { blah } public Proxy(int size) { _size = size; } public static void public static void main( String[] args ) { ServerSocket acceptor = new ServerSocket(0); System.out.println("On port " + acceptor.getLocalPort()); //Must kill process to terminate while (true) { Socket client = acceptor.accept(); processRequest( client.getInputStream(), client.getOutputStream()); client.close();
Names Use the Java standard
"Finding good names is the hardest part of OO Programming"
"Names should fully and accurately describe the entity the variable represents"
What role does the variable play in the program?
Examples in Assignment
public Interator interator(int order) { switch(order) { case PREORDER: return new PreorderInterator(this); case INORDER: return new InorderInterator(this); default: throw new IllegalArgumentExeption("No such order"); } }
public Interator preorderInterator() { return new PreorderInterator(this); }
public Interator inorderInterator() { return new InorderInterator(this); }
Repeated Fields
abstract class Visitor { Node root; abstract void visitTree(BinaryTree visitee); abstract void visitNode(Node visitee); }
class PreorderVisitor extends Visitor { Node root; blah etc. }
This is asking for trouble
Just say no to repeated fields
Indentation and Names Again
abstract class Visitor { abstract void visitTree(Node visitee); abstract void visitNode(Node visitee); }
class PreorderVisitor extends Visitor { Node root; blah etc. }
What are the issues?
More Flags public class BinaryTreeIterator implements Iterator{ public static final int PREORDER = 1; public static final int INORDER = 2; int type; public boolean hasNext() { blah if (PREORDER == type) do the preorder thing else if (INORDER == type) do the inorder thing else now what? more blah } public Object next() { blah if (PREORDER == type) do the preorder thing else if (INORDER == type) do the inorder thing else now what? more blah } }Not how every method becomes two methods
Use two classes and each method becomes simpler
Outline of Solution
Problem 1. A Binary Search Tree
Nearly everyone got this. So will not provide a solution.
Will assume three classes and one interface:
Problem 3. Visitor
With traversal in Elements
class BinarySearchTree { public accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitBinarySerachTree( this); root.accept( visitor); } } class BinaryNode{ public accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitBinaryNode( this); left.accept( visitor); right.accept( visitor); } } class NullNode{ public accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitNullNode( this); } }
The Visitor
class Visitor { integer count = 0; public visitBinarySerachTree(BinarySerachTree tree) { } public visitBinaryNode(BinaryNode node) { count++; reverseValue( node); } public visitNullNode(BinaryNode node) { count++; } private void reverseValue(BinaryNode node) { put your code here } }
With traversal in the Visitor
class BinarySearchTree { public accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitBinarySerachTree( this); } } class BinaryNode{ public accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitBinaryNode( this); } } class NullNode{ public accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitNullNode( this); } }
Performing the Traversal
BinarySearchTree studentNames; Code here to populate the tree Visitor reverseNames = new Visitor(); studentNames.accept( reverseNames );
The Visitor
class Visitor { integer count = 0; public visitBinarySerachTree(BinarySerachTree tree) { Node root = tree.root(); root.accept( this ); } public visitBinaryNode(BinaryNode node) { count++; reverseValue( node); Node left = node.left(); left.accept( this ); Node right = node.right(); right.accept( this ); } public visitNullNode(BinaryNode node) { count++; } private void reverseValue(BinaryNode node) { put your code here } }
Why accept?
Many of you did:
public visitBinaryNode(BinaryNode node) { count++; reverseValue( node); if ( node.left() != null ); visitBinaryNode( node.left() ); if ( node.right() != null ); visitBinaryNode( node.right() ); }
The visitor pattern replaces case statements with polymorphism
public visitBinaryNode(BinaryNode node) { count++; reverseValue( node); Node left = node.left(); left.accept( this ); Node right = node.right(); right.accept( this ); }
Problem 4 Strategy
class Visitor { integer count = 0; Iterator traversal; public Visitor(Interator order) { traversal = order; } public visitBinarySerachTree(BinarySerachTree tree) { order.on( tree ); while ( order.hasNext() ) { Node next = (Node) order.next(); next.accept( this ); } } public visitBinaryNode(BinaryNode node) { count++; reverseValue( node); } public visitNullNode(BinaryNode node) { count++; } private void reverseValue(BinaryNode node) { blah } }
Performing the Traversal
BinarySearchTree studentNames; Code here to populate the tree Visitor reverseNames = new Visitor( new InorderIterator() ); studentNames.accept( reverseNames );
[1] Refactoring Text, pp. 250-254
[2] Refactoring Text, pp. 238-239
[3] Recall that "_" indicates an instance variable
[4] Refactoring Text, pp. 260-266
Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2001 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.
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