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CS 635 Advanced Object-Oriented Design & Programming Spring Semester, 2001 Design Pattern Into |
© 2001, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 18-Feb-01 |
Design Patterns
What is a Pattern?
"Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice"
"Each pattern is a three-part rule, which expresses a relation between a certain context, a problem, and a solution"
Examples of Patterns
A Place To Wait[1]
The process of waiting has inherent conflicts in it.
Waiting for doctor, airplane etc. requires spending time hanging around doing nothing
Can not enjoy the time since you do not know when you must leave
Classic "waiting room"
A Place To Wait Therefore:
"In places where people end up waiting create a situation which makes the waiting positive. Fuse the waiting with some other activity - newspaper, coffee, pool tables, horseshoes; something which draws people in who are not simple waiting. And also the opposite: make a place which can draw a person waiting into a reverie; quiet; a positive silence"
Chicken And Egg[2]
Two concepts are each a prerequisite of the other
To understand A one must understand B
To understand B one must understand A
A "chicken and egg" situation
Constraints and Forces
First explain A then B
A Pattern Language for the Preparation of Software Demonstrations [3]
The patterns:
Element Identification PatternProblem
Selecting the right features to demo is a critical part of keeping the customer's confidence
Have requirements
Working on demo to easy customers doubts about committing to or continuing with the software project
Need to demonstrate your ability to deliver "things that work"
Need to show some level of functionality
Customer wants to see the product's face - the GUI
If customer is not happy with the demo, they are not likely to like the end product
Demos build confidence and create anticipation
Element Identification PatternSolution
Identify key areas that concern the customer
Catalytic ScenariosProblem
The customer has specified what they think they want
You don't want to build the wrong thing
Starting a project to develop software based on requirements and specification that have already been agreed on
Customer may not really know what they want
Requirements may not accurately reflect customer's requirements
Requirements may be ambiguous
Customer expects to be given vision of the finished product
Demos consume developer's resources
Use demonstrable scenarios as a catalyst to open a dialogue between you and the customer
If the specs are ambiguous develop alternative scenarios
Do not demonstrate capabilities that will be hard to incorporated into your design
If you do not want to change the spec make sure the demo scenarios follow the spec
Keep demo scenarios simple and short
Mutable CodeProblem
How much code should you write for the demo?
You have identified your Catalytic Scenarios and are evaluating the amount of effort required to develop them
Some demo code
Build modifiable code
Use tools that support a high level of abstraction
Benefits of Software Patterns
By providing domain expertise patterns
Common Forms For Writing Design Patterns
Design Principle 1
Program to an interface, not an implementation
Use abstract classes (and/or interfaces in Java) to define common interfaces for a set of classes
Declare variables to be instances of the abstract class not instances of particular classes
Benefits of programming to an interface
Client classes/objects remain unaware of the classes of objects they use, as long as the objects adhere to the interface the client expects
Client classes/objects remain unaware of the classes that implement these objects. Clients only know about the abstract classes (or interfaces) that define the interface.
Programming to an InterfaceJava Collections
Collection students = new XXX;
students.add( aStudent);
students can be any collection type
We can change our mind on what type to use
Design Principle 2
Favor object composition over class inheritance
class A { Foo x public int complexOperation() { blah } } class B extends A { public void bar() { blah} }
class B { A myA; public int complexOperation() { return myA.complexOperation() } public void bar() { blah} }
Parameterized Types
Generics in Ada or Eiffel
Templates in C++
Allows you to make a type as a parameter to a method or class
template <class TypeX> TypeX min( TypeX a, Type b ) { return a < b ? a : b; }
Parameterized types give a third way to compose behavior in an object-oriented system
Designing for Change
Some common design problems that GoF patterns that address
• Creating an object by specifying a class explicitly
1. Select one of your old projects to study this semester. Start by looking for examples of coupling and cohesion in the project. Can you find examples of each type we studied in doc 2 & 3? Later we will use the project to look for patterns and places to apply patterns.
2. Students at SDSU get to wait a lot. In particular students get to wait for professors during office hours. In about a year the Computer Science department will move to a different building. With A Place to Wait pattern in mind, what you like to see done in the new Computer Science building to make waiting for professors less annoying.
3. Design patterns are used to record domain expert knowledge. Everyone is an expert at something. As students you may be an expert at studying, running study groups, crashing courses, finding parking spaces on campus, getting around university rules, finding an open terminal on campus, managing time between work-school-family, keeping INS happy, managing teams for class projects, hiding problems in class projects from professors, etc. Many of you also work, so there is another source of expertise. Select one area you are good at and write a pattern about it. One learns a lot about patterns when you write one.
[1] Alexander 1977, pp. 707-711
[2] Anthony 1996
[3] Coram, 1996
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2001 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
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