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CS 683 Emerging Technologies: Embracing Change Spring Semester, 2001 Assignment 2 & 3 Comments |
© 2001, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 27-Mar-01 |
Assignment 2 & 3 Comments
Testing and Readability
Which is easier to read?
Which shows the best shows the intent?
TestCase subclass: #StringTests
StringTests>>testPalidrome | result | result := 'mom' isPalidrome. self assert: result = true
StringTests>>testPalidrome | result | result := 'mom' isPalidrome. self assert: result
StringTests>>testPalidrome self assert: 'mom' isPalidrome
Booleans, If statements, Readability
boolean result; result = someMethod(); if (result = true ) blah else more blah
boolean result; result = someMethod(); if (result) blah else more blah
Style texts recommend the latter
StringTests>>testPalidrome | result | result := 'cat' isPalidrome. self assert: result = false
StringTests>>testPalidrome self deny: 'cat' isPalidrome.
Assignment 3 Solution
Problem 1
String>>evaluate | result | result := Compiler evaluate: self. ^result isNil ifTrue:[''] ifFalse:[result]
FileStream>>evaluate ^self contentsOfEntireFile evaluate
Problem 2
evaluateASP | result | result := WriteStream on: (String new). [self atEnd] whileFalse: [result nextPutAll: (self upToAll: '<%'); nextPutAll: (self upToAll: '%>') evaluate stringRepresentation]. self close. ^result contents
Problem 3
Object subclass: #SampleWebApplication instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Whitney-ASP'
Class Methods aspDirectory ^'Other/asp' copyReplaceAll: '/' with: FileDirectory slash
startServerAction: aString port: anInteger PWS stopServer. PWS link: aString to: SampleWebApplication new. PWS serveOnPort: anInteger loggingTo: 'log'.
Instance Methods
aspAt: aFileURL | aspFile | aspFile := FileStream fileNamed: (self fullPathFor: aFileURL ). ^aspFile evaluateASP
fullPathFor: aFileURL | partialPath | partialPath := aFileURL copyReplaceAll: '/' with: FileDirectory slash. ^self class aspDirectory , partialPath
isFile: aFileURL ^FileStream isAFileNamed: (self fullPathFor: aFileURL)
process: aRequest (self isFile: aRequest url) ifTrue:[self processSuccess: aRequest] ifFalse:[self processFileNotFound: aRequest]
processFileNotFound: aRequest aRequest reply: PWS notFound; reply: PWS contentHTML, PWS crlf; reply: ('File: ', aRequest url , ' not found')
processSuccess: aRequest aRequest reply: PWS success; reply: PWS contentHTML, PWS crlf; reply: (self aspAt: aRequest url)
Assignment 3 Tests
TestCase subclass: #ASPTests instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Whitney-ASP'!
Private instance methods
createFile: aLocalFileName contents: aString | file | file := FileStream fileNamed: aLocalFileName. file nextPutAll: aString. file close
deleteFile: aFilePath FileDirectory deleteFilePath: aFilePath
simpleAsp ^'<HTML><BODY>hi <% 1 + 2 %></BODY></HTML>'
startServerAction: aString port: anInteger SampleWebApplication startServerAction: aString port: anInteger
stopServer PWS stopServer
Test Instance Methods
testASPFileEvaluate | asp result | self createFile: 'testAsp' contents: self simpleAsp. asp := FileStream fileNamed: 'testAsp'. result := asp evaluateASP. self assert: result = '<HTML><BODY>hi 3</BODY></HTML>'. self deleteFile: 'testAsp'
testStringEvaluate self assert: '1 + 1' evaluate = 2; assert: ' ' evaluate isEmpty
testWebApplications | result | self startServerAction: 'test' port: 8080. self createFile: SampleWebApplication aspDirectory , ':test:sample.asp' contents: self simpleAsp. result := (HTTPSocket httpGet: '') contents. self assert: result = '<HTML><BODY>hi 3</BODY></HTML>'. self deleteFile: SampleWebApplication aspDirectory , ':test:sample.asp'.
testWebApplicationsBadFile | result | self startServerAction: 'test' port: 8080. result := (HTTPSocket httpGet: '') contents. self assert: (result includesSubString: 'not found').
Spaces & Tabs
The following is:
at: anInteger put: anObject (smallKey ~= largeKey) ifTrue: [(anInteger < smallKey) ifTrue: [self atLeftTree: anInteger put: anObject] ifFalse: [(smallKey = anInteger) ifTrue: [smallValue := anObject] ifFalse: [(anInteger < largeKey) ifTrue: [self atMiddleTree: anInteger put: anObject] ifFalse: [(largeKey = anInteger) ifTrue: [largeValue := anObject] ifFalse: [(largeKey < anInteger) ifTrue: [self atRightTree: anInteger put: anObject]]]]]] ifFalse: [self addNewKey: anInteger with: anObject].
Line Wrap
Don't ever do this to anyone under any circumstance
Find the problem and fix it
I will no longer grade papers with line wrap
at: anInteger put: anObject (smallKey ~= largeKey) ifTrue: [(anInteger < smallKey) ifTrue: [self atLeftTree: anInteger put: anObject] ifFalse: [(smallKey = anInteger) ifTrue: [smallValue := anObject] ifFalse: [(anInteger < largeKey) ifTrue: [self atMiddleTree: anInteger put: anObject] ifFalse: [(largeKey = anInteger) ifTrue: [largeValue := anObject] ifFalse: [(largeKey < anInteger) ifTrue: [self atRightTree: anInteger put: anObject]]]]]] ifFalse: [self addNewKey: anInteger with: anObject].
Formatting Patterns
Indented Control Flow[1]
How do you indent messages?
2 + 3 a < b ifTrue: [code ] a < b ifTrue: [ code ] ifFalse: [ more code] tree at: 5 put: 'cat'
Rectangular Block[2]
Make blocks rectangular
Use the square brackets as the upper left and bottom right corners of the rectangle
If the block contains a simple statement, the block can stay on one line
If the block contains a compound statement bring the block onto its own line and indent
angle isNil ifTrue: [self computeAngle] self isDegrees ifTrue: [^angle * 90 + 270 degreesToRadians] self isDirty ifTrue: [self clearCaches. self recomputeAngles] self isNil ifTrue: [self at: each put: 0]
Guard Clause[3]
How do you format code that should not execute if a condition holds?
connect self isConnected ifFalse: [self connectConnection]
Format the one-branch conditional with an explicit return
connect self isConnected ifTrue: [^self] self connectConnection
How do you format multiple messages to the same receiver?
Use a cascade
Put each message on its own line and indent one tab
Only use cascades for messages with zero or one arguments
OrderedCollection new add: 5; add: 10
Smalltalk convention does not use getX setX for naming accessor methods
[1] Beck 1997 pp. 175-177
[2] Beck 1997 pp. 177-178
[3] Beck 1997 pp. 178-179
[4] Beck 1997 pp. 183-185
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2001 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.
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