SDSU CS 683 Emerging Technologies: Embracing Change
Spring Semester, 2001
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© 2001, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 13-Feb-01

Contents of Doc 6, Classes


CS 497 Object-Oriented Programming & Design, Lecture notes, Ralph Johnson, Department of Computer Science, UIUC,

Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns, Kent Beck, Prentice Hall, 1997


Squeak: Object-Oriented Design with Multimedia Applications, Guzdial, Chapter 3

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 2


Object are instances of a class

A Class defines the behavior of its objects

A Smalltalk class has
Smalltalk supports only single inheritance

Types of Methods

Instance methods
Sent to instances of Classes
Class methods
Sent to Classes
Similar to static methods in Java/C++

All methods are public

Methods considered private are placed in the method category called "private"

All methods return a value

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 3
Types of Variables

Named Instance Variable
Like protected C++ data member (protected Java field)
Accessible by
Instances (objects) of the class
Instances of subclasses
Class Variable
Like protected static C++ data member
Accessible by
The class and subclasses
Instances of the class and instance of subclasses
Class Instance Variable
No C++ equivalent
Accessible only by the class
Pool Variable
No C++ equivalent
Accessible by class and instances
Can be shared by other class
A bit complex, and very rare
Indexed Instance Variable
Used for Arrays
Most programmers never have add these to their classes

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 4

Similar to "this" in C++/Java

Similar "super" in C++/Java

Called pseudo-variables because:

They do change value
You can not assign values to them

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 5

Creating Classes

One uses the Squeak browser to create new classes and modify existing classes. Squeak does not keep separate files for each class. The browser with the image file and the changes file handles storing the code. The browser acts like an IDE, compiler, source control management system and searchable database for Smalltalk code. After a while one actually gets so used to interacting with code via the browser that one stops printing code on paper.

Normally one creates a new class category to keep your classes separate from the rest of the classes in Squeak. So first we need create a new category. Given the amount of code in Squeak, it is very useful to select meaningful names for your categories and classes.

Creating New Class Category

Get the context menu in the class category pane of the browser. You can do this as done below by clicking on the top of the scrollbar of the class category pane. You can also do this buy clicking the yellow button in the class category pane. The yellow button maps to option-click on a Mac, right-click on a 2-button PC mouse, middle-click on a 3-button PC or Unix mouse.

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 6
In the menu select "add item"

A dialog window will appear. Type in the name of the category in the dialog. You should follow the convention of using hyphenated names. The first part of the name is a major category, the second part the name being a subcategory. Don't worry about getting write the first time. You can change the name later if/when you think of a better name.

When you click on the Accept button the new category will be added to the class category pane. If an existing category was selected when you started, the new category is added above the selected category. Otherwise the category is added at the end of the pane. When you are done, in the bottom pane of the browser you will see a template for creating a new class like:

Object subclass: #NameOfClass
   instanceVariableNames: 'instVarName1 instVarName2'
   classVariableNames: 'ClassVarName1 ClassVarName2'
   poolDictionaries: ''
   category: 'Whitney-Examples'

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 7

Adding a Class

To create a class use the System browser to

Use the accept item in the context menu of the text pane or
Alt-s on PC or command-s on Mac saves the changes

Here is the class definition for a class with
Name Counter
Parent class of Object
One instance variable named count

Object subclass: #Counter
   instanceVariableNames: 'count '
   classVariableNames: ''
   poolDictionaries: ''
   category: 'Whitney-Examples'

Here is a class definition with multiple variables

Object subclass: #BankAccount
   instanceVariableNames: ' name balance history id '
   classVariableNames: ' InterestRate'
   poolDictionaries: ''
   category: 'Whitney-Examples'

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 8

Adding a Method Category

Methods of classes are organized by categories. Like categories of classes the names of the method categories are important. The categories are here to help programmers handle and understand code. Pick meaningful names for categories. When possible use commonly used categories. Explore the system to find out the common categories.

To add a new method category first get the context menu in the method category pane of the browser

In the menu select "new catetory..."

You get another menu. Select "new..." unless the name you wish to use is already listed.

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 9
This gives you a dialog. Enter the name of your category.

After you accept the new category, it is added to the category pane. There will be a method template in the bottom pane of the browser.

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 10

Adding a Method

When you select a method category, the bottom pane of the browser shows the outline for a method. Replace the outline with the text for the method and then accept the changes.

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 11

Sample Class


Here is a simple class that increase or decrease a count

Object subclass: #Counter
   instanceVariableNames: 'count '
   classVariableNames: ''
   poolDictionaries: ''
   category: 'Whitney-Examples'
Instance Methods

Category: access


   count ifNil: [count := 0].
   count := count - 1 

   count ifNil: [count := 0].
   count := count + 1 

The above lists three different unary methods. The contents of the methods are all indented. So name of the method is left justified and indicates the start of a new method.

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 12
Sample use of the Counter Class

| test |
test := Counter new.
   show: test count;
   show: test
Output in Transcript
a Counter


new is the default message to send to a class to create an object. The method is defined in a parent class. It is not a constructor, just a class method.

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 13
Some Problems with Counter Class

Every time count used it is checked to see if it is nil

We need the use of super to improve our Counter class. So we will cover inheritance, super and self.

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 14


A class can be extended or subclassed

The class that is extended is a superclass

Equivalent Terms
parent class, base class
child class, derived class

The child class inherits the methods and variables of its parent class

Object subclass: #Counter
   instanceVariableNames: 'count '
   classVariableNames: ''
   poolDictionaries: ''

| child |
child := Counter new.   "new - inherited class method" 
child printString      "printString -inherited instance method

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 15
Inheritance and Name Clashes

Subclass can implement methods with same name as parent

Some people call this overloading the method

When message is sent to instance of the subclass, the subclass method is used

Subclass can not declare instance or Class variables with the same name as variables defined in superclasses

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 16

Self, Super

The Rules

Refers to the receiver of the message (current object)
Methods referenced through self are found by:
Searching the class hierarchy starting with the class of receiver
Refers to the receiver of the message (current object)
Methods referenced through super are found by:
Searching the class hierarchy starting the superclass of the class containing the method that references super

Self, Super Example

Three classes to study self, super

Object subclass: #Parent
   instanceVariableNames: ''
   classVariableNames: ''
   poolDictionaries: ''
   category: 'Whitney-Examples'
Instance Methods


Doc 6, Classes Slide # 17
Self, Super Example - Continued

Parent subclass: #Child
   instanceVariableNames: ''
   classVariableNames: ''
   poolDictionaries: ''
   category: 'Whitney-Examples'
Instance Methods



   ↑self name 

   ↑super name 

Child subclass: #Grandchild
   instanceVariableNames: ''
   classVariableNames: ''
   poolDictionaries: ''
   category: 'Whitney-Examples'
Instance Methods


Doc 6, Classes Slide # 18
Self, Super Example - ContinuedTest Program

|  grandchild |
Output In Transcript
grandchild := Grandchild new.


   show: grandchild name;

   show: grandchild selfName;

   show: grandchild superName;

   show: grandchild returnSelf;
a Grandchild

   show: grandchild returnSuper
a Grandchild

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 19
Self, Super Example - ContinuedHow does this Work?

grandchild selfName
receiver is grandchild object

Code in selfName method is ↑self name

To find the method self name start search in Grandchild class

grandchild superName

receiver is grandchild object

Code in superName method is ↑super name

superName is implemented in Child class

To find the method self name start search in the superclass of Child

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 20
Why Super

Super is used when:

The child class extends the behavior of the inherited method

That is:

In this case super is needed access the inherited method

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 21
Why doesn't super refer to parent class of the receiver?

Object subclass: #Parent

Parent subclass: #Child
   ↑super name , 'Child' 

Child subclass: #Grandchild

"No methods in Grandchild"

Sample Program
| trouble |
trouble := Grandchild new.
trouble name.

Assume that super did refer to the parent class of the receiver. Sending the message "name" to trouble would call the code "super name , 'Child' ". The super would refer to the parent class of the receiver. Since the receiver is a Grandchild object, "super name" would refer to the "name" method in the Parent class. Hence the method will call itself with no way to end.

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 22


Smalltalk supports recursion

Here is the factorial method from the Integer class:

   "Answer the factorial of the receiver."
   self = 0 ifTrue: [↑ 1].
   self > 0 ifTrue: [↑ self * (self - 1) factorial].
   self error: 'Not valid for negative integers'

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 23

Implicit Return Values

If a method does not explicitly return a value, self is returned

Hence a method like:

   count ifNil: [count := 0].
   count := count - 1 

Is really:

   count ifNil: [count := 0].
   count := count - 1.

Style Issue - When to explicitly return?

Only explicitly return a value from a method when the intent of the method is to return a value. An explicit return indicates to other programmers that the intent of the method is to compute some return value. The intent of the decrease method is to change the state of the receiver. Hence it should not have a value explicitly returned.

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 24

Initializing Instance Variables

If the instance variables always start at same value:

Object subclass: #Counter
   instanceVariableNames: 'count '
   classVariableNames: ''
   poolDictionaries: ''
   category: 'Whitney-Examples'
Instance Methods

Category: initialize

   count := 0
Category: access


   count := count - 1 

   count := count + 1 

Class Methods

Category: instance creation

   ↑super new initialize

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 25

To add a class method to a class

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 26
Example - Instance Creation with Parameters

Object subclass: #Counter
   instanceVariableNames: 'count '
   classVariableNames: ''
   poolDictionaries: ''
   category: 'Whitney-Examples'
Instance Methods

Category: initialize

setCount: anInteger
   count := anInteger
Category: access


   count := count - 1 

   count := count + 1 

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 27
Example - Instance Creation with Parameters ContinuedClass Methods

Category: instance creation

   ↑self count: 0

count: anInteger
   ↑super new setCount: anInteger

Category: examples

   "Counter example"
   | a |
   a := Counter new.
   ↑a count

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 28
Class Methods that Create Instances

Some Guidelines [1]

Smalltalk does not have constructors like C++/Java

Use class methods to create instances

Place these class methods in "instance creation" category

Initial State of Instances

Create objects in some well-formed state

Class creation methods should:

Have parameters for initial values of instance variables or
Set default values for instance variables

Provide an instance method that:

Sets the initial values of instance variables
Place method in "initialize" or "initialize - release" category
Use the name setVariable1: value variable2: ...

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 29
Beck's First Rule of Good Style[2]

"In a program written with good style,
everything is said once and only once"

Some violations of the rule:

   ↑self count: 0

count: anInteger
   ↑super new setCount: anInteger


   ↑super new setCount: 0

count: anInteger
   ↑super new setCount: anInteger

If the logic of creating a new instance changes, the first version only has one place to change.

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 30
Providing Examples in Class Methods

A common Smalltalk practice is to provide

Place such example methods in "example(s)" category

Category: examples

   "Counter example"
   | a |
   a := Counter new.
   ↑a count

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 31

Class Variables

An example showing the use of class variables

Object subclass: #BankAccount
   instanceVariableNames: 'name balance '
   classVariableNames: 'InterestRate '
   poolDictionaries: ''
   category: 'Whitney-Examples'
Instance Methods
Category: accessing

   ↑balance * (InterestRate / 12) 
Category: initialize

setName: aString balance: aFloat
   name := aString.
   balance := aFloat 
Class Methods
Category: initialize-release

   "BankAccount initialize"
   InterestRate := 0.065 
Category: instance creation

name: aString balance: aFloat
   ↑self new
      setName: aString
      balance: aFloat 

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 32
Class Variables - Comments

Class variables start with an uppercase letter

Both instance and class methods can access class variables

Initializing Class Variables

Use a class method called "initialize"

System calls this method when loading classes

Provide a comment that executes the method

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 33


Similar to toString in Java

Standard method that returns text description of an object

Used by Transcript, print it and other tools to display objects

Object implements printString

printString calls printOn: to produce the text description

Implement printOn: in to replace default printString behavior

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 34
printString Example

Object subclass: #Counter
   instanceVariableNames: 'count '   "parts left out"
Instance Methods
Category: initialize

   count := 0
Category: access


   count ifNil: [count := 0].
   count := count - 1 

   count ifNil: [count := 0].
   count := count + 1 

Category: printing

printOn: aStream
      nextPutAll: 'Counter(';
      nextPutAll: count printString;
      nextPutAll: ')'

Class Methods
Category: instance creation

   ↑super new initialize

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 35
PrintString Example - Continued

The expression:

   Counter new
When executed with "print it" displays:

Implementing printOn:

The argument to printOn: is a WriteStream on a string

Important methods on a WriteStream

nextPut: aCharacter
Add a character to the stream

nextPutAll: aString
Add a string to the stream

Add given whitespace character(s) to the stream

One must add only characters & strings to the argument of printOn:

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 36

Abstract Classes

Abstract class
Defines a common interface for subclasses
Instances are not allowed
Abstract method
Methods declared but not implemented in abstract class

Abstract methods in Smalltalk
Indicated by method body of "self subclassResponsibility"
Raise an exception if executed

Object subclass: #SampleAbstractClass
   instanceVariableNames: ''
   classVariableNames: ''
   poolDictionaries: ''
   category: 'Whitney-Examples'

methodDeclaredButNotImplemented: anArgument
   self subclassResponsibility

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 37


Squeak image does not support interfaces as it stands


Class library for Squeak that supports interfaces
Useful in
Indicating protocol required by parameters
Design process
Available at:

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 38

Sometimes a class inherits an inappropriate method


SortedCollection inherits at:put:
Elements in SortedCollection are in sorted order
Placing an element at a specified location is inappropriate

To indicate that a method should not be use in a class:

Place "self shouldNotImplement" in the method body

SomeOtherClass subclass: #SomeClass
   instanceVariableNames: ''
   classVariableNames: ''
   poolDictionaries: ''
   category: 'Whitney-Examples'

methodDeclaredInParentButDoesNotMakeSenseHere: anArgument
   self shouldNotImplement

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 39

Some Practical Matters

Printing Source Code

Menu item in menu of system browser's top four panes
Produces html file of the selected contents
Use a Web browser to print the file

Produces java doc like pages for Squeak code
Rational Rose support
Converts Squeak classes to UML via Petal files
Written in Squeak
Available at:

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 40

Exchanging Source Code

Squeak stores all your source code in one file

How to exchange source code with other people?

Use either:

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 41
Filing Source code Out & In

Source code can be filed out to a separate file

The file ends in .st

The file can be filed into another image

To File out Code

Select the fileout menu item in the context menu in any of the top four panes in the System Browser.

This will produce a file ending in .st in the same directory as image.

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 42
To File in Code

First open the Transcript window. Any errors that occur while filing in code are written to the Transcript. This happens only if the Transcript is open.

Open the file list tool. This is done by selecting the item "file list" in the open menu.

The upper left pane of the file list tool navigates among volumes and directories. The upper right pane lists contents of directories. Select a .st file in the upper right pane.

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 43

Get the context menu in the upper right pane

Select the menu item "fileIn" or "file into new change set".

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 44
Change Sets

Change set

The file set initial has the same name as the project.

The default names for projects (unnamed) is not useful

Give your projects and change sets meaningful names

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 45
To File out a Change Set

Select the "changes..." item in the world menu. The changes menu looks like:

The "file out current change set" item does just that. It produces a file ending in .cs. The simple change sorter and the dual change sorter allow you to view and edit the change set.

To File in a Change Set

Follow the same directions for filing in a .st file

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 46
Classes Creation via Message

Object subclass: #Counter
   instanceVariableNames: 'count '
   classVariableNames: ''
   poolDictionaries: ''
   category: 'Whitney-Examples'

Give yourself bonus points if you noticed that the template to create a new class is actually a keyword message sent to the parent class. The Smalltalk class system is implemented in Smalltalk. As a result one can implement multiple inheritance, private methods, etc in Smalltalk. This is done by changing classes in the system, not by changing the compiler.

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 47


1. Explore the existing code library to find 8 commonly used categories for methods.

2. Enter the Counter class into your system. Execute the following program:

| a |
a := Counter new.
a count

3. Which class defines the default version of the class method new?

4. Add a method asGrade to the Integer class. This method should return the following value:

Integer value
Value Returned
90 or higher
59 or less

5. Add a method gpa to SequenceableCollection. When sent to a collection containing the characters $A, $B, $C, $D, $F the message gpa computes the grade point average on a 4.0 scale. In the 4.0 scale an A is worth 4 points, B is worth 3 points, etc. The method assumes that all the grades are for courses with the same number of units.

6. Create a change set containing the source code for problems 4 and 5.

7. Extend 5 to include the grades A-, B+, B-, C+, C-, D+, D-.

Doc 6, Classes Slide # 48
[1] See Beck 1997, Constructor Method and Constructor Parameter Method patterns, pp. 21-24 and Johnson's class notes on Smalltalk Coding Standards
[2] See Beck 1997, page 6

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2001 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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