SDSU CS 683 Emerging Technologies: Embracing Change
Spring Semester, 2001
Perform & Menu
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© 2001, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 05-Apr-01

Contents of Doc 19, Perform & Menu


Squeak: Object-Oriented Design with Multimedia Applications, Guzdial, 2001, Chapter 3, Chapter 5

Squeak Source Code

Doc 19, Perform & Menu Slide # 2


A symbol is formed by:


'cat' asSymbol

Symbols are created uniquely

Only one instance of a symbol with a given character sequence will exist in the image

The following pointer compare is false

   'cat' == 'tac' reversed

The following pointer compare is true

   'cat' asSymbol == 'tac' reversed asSymbol

Doc 19, Perform & Menu Slide # 3
perform: aSymbol

Object implements perform: aSymbol

perform: aSymbol
aSymbol must be a unary method name in the receiver
Execute the unary method in the receiver

perform: aSymbol with: anObject
aSymbol must be an one argument method in the receiver
Execute the method with anObject as the argument

perform: aSymbol with: arg1 with: arg2
perform: aSymbol with: arg1 with: arg2 with: arg3
perform: aSymbol withArguments: anArray


'cat' perform: #reversed
'cat' perform: #at: with: 1
'cat' perform: 'reversed' asSymbol
3 perform: #+ with: 2
'smalltalk' perform: #copyFrom:to: with: 6 with: 9
'smalltalk' perform: #copyFrom:to: withArguments: #( 6 9 )

Doc 19, Perform & Menu Slide # 4

Simple Dialog

FillInTheBlankMorph returns

FillInTheBlankMorph request: 'Type something'

   request: 'Type something' 
   initialAnswer: 'Yes'

FillInTheBlankMorph requestPassword: 'Password?'

Doc 19, Perform & Menu Slide # 5

Popup Menus

Menus have

Menu Items have

Object to be notified when menu item is selected
Methods sent to target when menu item is selected

If selector has one or more arguments,
Then must store them with the menu item

Doc 19, Perform & Menu Slide # 6
Some Menu methodsInstance Creation
MenuMorph new
MenuMorph entitled: 'Popup'

Instance method

add: aDisplayString  target: anObject selector: aSymbol
add: aString  target: anObject selector: aSymbol argument: anObject
add: aString target: target selector: aSymbol argumentList: array
add: aString  subMenu: aMenu.

add: aString  action: aSymbol
add: aString selector: aSymbol
add: aString selector: aSymbol argument: anObject
aSymbol is sent to the default target

defaultTarget: anObject

position: aPoint
aPoint becomes the upper left corner of the menu


Doc 19, Perform & Menu Slide # 7
Simple Example

   | menu nestedMenu |
   nestedMenu := MenuMorph new.
      add: 'Bye' 
      target: Transcript
      selector: #show:
      argument: 'bye'.
   menu := MenuMorph entitled: 'Popup'.
   menu addStayUpItem.
      add: 'Transcript open' 
      target: Transcript
      selector: #open.
      add: 'Hi' 
      target: Transcript
      selector: #show:
      argument: 'hi'.
      add: 'More...'
      subMenu: nestedMenu.
   menu openInWorld

Doc 19, Perform & Menu Slide # 8
Example with Real Target

   | menu |
   menu := MenuMorph entitled: 'My Title'.
      defaultTarget: MenuModelExample new.
      add: 'left' 
      action: #left.
      add: 'right' 
      action: #right.
   menu addLine.
   menu addLine.  "extra lines ignored"
      add: 'Say Hi' 
      selector: #displayMessage: 
      argument: 'hi'.
   menu addLine.
      add: 'Transcript open' 
      target: Transcript
      action: #open.
      add: 'Transcript show' 
      target: Transcript
      selector: #show:
      argument: 'hi'.
   menu addLine.
   menu openInWorld

Doc 19, Perform & Menu Slide # 9

Object subclass: #MenuModelExample
   instanceVariableNames: ''
   classVariableNames: ''
   poolDictionaries: ''
   category: 'Whitney-Examples'
displayMessage: aString
      show: aString;
      cr.! !
   self displayMessage: 'left called'
   self displayMessage: 'right called'

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2001 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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