SDSU CS 683 Emerging Technologies
Spring Semester, 2003
AspectJ Syntax
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© 2003, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 27-Jan-03

Contents of Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax


The AspectJ Programming Guide


The AspectJ Programming Guide

Section 1 Getting Started with AspectJ
Section 2 The AspectJ Language

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 2

AspectJ Syntax

Point Example

public class Point
   private double x;
   private double y;
   Point(double x, double y)
      this.x = x;
      this.y = y;
   public void setX(double x)
      this.x = x;
   public void setY(double y)
      this.y = y;
   public void setPolarCoordinates(double theta, double r)
      x = r * Math.cos(theta);
      y = r * Math.sin(theta);

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 3
aspect PointChanged
   private boolean Point.isDirty = false;
   public void Point.makeDirty()
      isDirty = true;
   public boolean Point.isDirty()
      return isDirty;
   public void
      isDirty = false;
      // add code to save point
   pointcut fieldChanged(Point changed) : 
      call( * Point.set*(..)) && target(changed);
   after(Point changed ) : fieldChanged(changed)

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 4

import junit.framework.*;
public class PointTests extends TestCase
   public static void main( String args[])
      { PointTests.class);
   public void testPointChange()
      Point sample = new Point( 1, 1);
      assertFalse( sample.isDirty() );
      assertTrue( sample.isDirty());;
      assertFalse( sample.isDirty() );
      assertTrue( sample.isDirty());;
      assertFalse( sample.isDirty() );

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 5
Why Not Just Use?

public class Point {
   private double x;
   private double y;
   private boolean isDirty = false;
   Point(double x, double y) {
      this.x = x;
      this.y = y;
   public void setX(double x){
      this.x = x;
      isDirty = true;
   public void setY(double y) {
      this.y = y;
      isDirty = true;
   public void setPolarCoordinates(double theta, double r) {
      x = r * Math.cos(theta);
      y = r * Math.sin(theta);
      isDirty = true;
   public boolean isDirty() {
      return isDirty;
   public void save() {
      isDirty = false;
      // add code to save point

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 6

Possible Reasons to Use Aspects over Hand Coding

As the number of methods in Point class increase, the more methods that will need to be modified to mark the object as dirty/clean. A programmer may miss some methods that change the state of the object. When programmers add new methods they may forget to add the code to mark the object dirty/clean. We also have to worry about subclasses. With aspects we only have to write one pointcut.

If we change the type of events that are interested in aspects allows us to make the change in one location.

In some cases we may only be interested in when x changes, or when y changes or when both x & y change in one method. Keeping track of these as separate type of events in the Point class will get a bit tricky. Now imagine a class with 10 fields that can change in more complex ways that doubles. With aspects it will be easier to handle these complex situations.

If we change our mind about the type of events we are interested in we change one aspect, rather than search all methods in the Point class and its subclasses

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 7

Aspect Terms

Issues that cut cross many modules in a program

Issues dealt with in many modules in a program

A well-defined point in the program flow
Method call
Accessing a field
Initialization of an object
Handling an exception

Selecting join points in a program
      pointcut fieldChanged(Point changed) : 
         call( * Point.set*(..)) && target(changed);

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 8
Aspect Terms

Code that is run when a pointcut is reached
      after(Point changed ) : fieldChanged(changed)

Modify the static structure of a class
Add fields and methods
Change the parent of a class
Add interfaces to a class
      private boolean Point.isDirty = false;

Unit of modularity for cross cutting concern
Contains pointcuts, advice, and introductions

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 9

Pointcut Designators

AspectJ Primitive Pointcuts

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 10
Simple Composing of Pointcuts

Operators that combine pointcuts

call(int *bar(..) ) && target(Foo) && ! target(FooSubclass)

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 11
Wildcards in Pointcuts

Matches anything
Used in return type, Class name, method name

Matches any argument list

execution(*  *(..))
call(* set(..)
execution(int *())
call(* setY(Double))
call(* Point.setY(int))

call(* Point.set*(int))
call( * Po*.set*(..))
call( * Po*.*et*(..))

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 12

When Advice can be Run

Before a pointcut

After a pointcut

Instead of a pointcut

public class Hello
   public static void main(String[] args )

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 13

public aspect HelloAspect
   before() : call(void main(String[]))
      System.out.println( "Advice");

Output of running java Hello

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 14

public aspect HelloAspect
   after() : call(void main(String[]))
      System.out.println( "Advice");

Output from running java Hello

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 15

public aspect HelloAspect
   void around() : call(void main(String[]))
      System.out.println( "Advice");

Output from running java Hello

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 16
Some Forms of Before, after and around

before(int k) : call( int * Point.*(int) ) && args(k)
before(Object k) : call( int * Point.*(Object) ) && args(k)

after () : call(int Foo.m(int))
after (int k) : call( int * Point.*(int) ) && args(k)
after () returning : call(int Foo.m(int))
after() returning(int x) : call(int Foo.m(int)) && args( x)
after() throwing : call(int Foo.m(int))
after() throwing (NotFoundException e) : call(int Foo.m(int))

returnType around(arguments) : pointcut
returnType around(arguments) throws ExceptionType : pointcut

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 17

Pointcut Primitives


Separate constructs for methods and constructors

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 18

Call & Execution


When a method is called


When the body of code for an actual method is executes

What is the difference?

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 19
Simple Example

public class Hello {
   public static void main(String[] args ){

public aspect HelloAspect {
   before() : call(void main(String[])) {
      System.out.println( "call-before");
   after() : call(void main(String[])) {
      System.out.println( "call-after");
   before() : execution(void main(String[])) {
      System.out.println( "execution-before");
   after() : execution(void main(String[])) {
      System.out.println( "execution-after");
Output from running java Hello

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 20
Why Execution?

A method/constructor can be run but not called

public class Hello {
   public Hello() {
   public Hello(int x) {
      System.out.println("Hello(" + x + ")");
   public static void main(String[] args ) {
      new Hello();

public aspect HelloAspect {
   before() : call( ) {
      System.out.println( "call-before");
   before() : execution( {
      System.out.println( "execution-before");
Output from running java Hello

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 21
Super and Call
public class Hello {
   public void foo() {
      System.out.println( "");
   public static void main(String[] args ) {
      Hello test = new HelloChild();;

public class HelloChild extends Hello {
   public void foo() {;
      System.out.println( "");

public aspect HelloAspect {
   before() : call( * foo(..) ) {
      System.out.println( "call-before");
   before() : execution(* foo(..)) {
      System.out.println( "execution-before");
Output from running java Hello

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 22
Reflection and Call

import java.lang.reflect.*;
public class Hello {
   public void foo() {
      System.out.println( "");
   public static void main(String[] args ) throws Exception {
      Class helloClass = Hello.class;
      Class[] argumentTypes = { };
       Method foo = helloClass.getMethod( "foo", argumentTypes ); 
       Object[] arguments = { };
      Hello test = new Hello();
       foo.invoke( test, arguments ); 

public aspect HelloAspect {
   before() : call( * foo(..) ) {
      System.out.println( "call-before");
   before() : execution(* foo(..)) {
      System.out.println( "execution-before");
Output from running java Hello

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 23

Accessing Fields with Primitive Pointcuts

get( )

Pointcut for reading a field

get( int Point.x)

Refers to any time int Point.x is read


Pointcut for writing a field

set( !private * Point.*)

Refers to any time a non-private field of Point is set

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 24


withincode( methodOrConstrutor )

Refers to any join point in side the given method or constructor


pointcut fieldChanged(Point changed) : set( private double Point.*)
          && target(changed) && withincode(*  Point.*(..));

pointcut fieldChanged(Point changed) : set( private double Point.*) 
         && target(changed) && !withincode(;

pointcut fieldChanged(Point changed) : set( private double Point.*) 
         && target(changed) && withincode(*  *.*(..));

The above three versions of fieldChanged refer to basically same join points: any method in Point class that changes any private field of type double in a Point object. The third actually handles any method that changes any field of type double in a Point object. But since the fields are private only methods in the Point class can modify them.

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 25
Example Using set and withincode

Mark a Point object dirty if x or y changes outside of the constructor

aspect PointChanged {
   private boolean Point.isDirty = false;
   public void Point.makeDirty() {
      isDirty = true;
   public boolean Point.isDirty() {
      return isDirty;
   public void {
      isDirty = false;
      // add code to save point
   pointcut fieldChanged(Point changed) : set( private double Point.*) 
         && target(changed) && !withincode(;
   after(Point changed ) : fieldChanged(changed) {
      System.out.println("Make Dirty");

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 26
import junit.framework.*;
public class PointTests extends TestCase
   public static void main( String args[])
      { PointTests.class);
   public void testPointChange()
      Point sample = new Point( 1, 1);
      assertFalse( sample.isDirty() );
      assertTrue( sample.isDirty());;
      assertFalse( sample.isDirty() );
      assertTrue( sample.isDirty());;
      assertFalse( sample.isDirty() );

Doc 3, AspectJ Syntax Slide # 27
Warning about Errors in the Example

Platform: Mac OS 10.2.3
Java: jdk 1.3.1 (build 1.3.1-root_1.3.1_020714-12:46)
AspectJ Browser
AspectJ 1.0.6

A bus error occurs when running the example with the definition:

pointcut fieldChanged(Point changed) : set( private * Point.*) 
   && target(changed) && withincode(*  *.*(..));
That is using * for the type of the field in set

AspectJ Browser does not compile the example with the definition:

pointcut fieldChanged(Point changed) : set( * double Point.*) 
   && target(changed) && withincode(*  *.*(..));

That is * is used as the access level for the field in set

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2003 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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