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CS 683 Emerging Technologies Spring Semester, 2003 AspectS |
© 2003, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 06-Feb-03 |
Aspect-oriented programming in Smalltalk
Advise supported
Types of Pointcuts
Cflow Pointcuts
Hello class
Smalltalk.AspectS defineClass: #Hello superclass: #{Core.Object} indexedType: #none private: false instanceVariableNames: '' classInstanceVariableNames: '' imports: '' category: 'AspectS-Examples Counter'
hello Transcript show: 'Hello'; cr
Smalltalk.AspectS defineClass: #HelloAspect superclass: #{AspectS.AsAspect} indexedType: #none private: false instanceVariableNames: '' classInstanceVariableNames: '' imports: '' category: 'AspectS-Examples Counter'
adviceAnnounceBefore ^AsBeforeAfterAdvice qualifier: (AsAdviceQualifier attributes: #(#receiverClassSpecific)) pointcut: [OrderedCollection with: (AsJoinPointDescriptor targetClass: Hello targetSelector: #hello)] beforeBlock: [:receiver :arguments :aspect :client | Transcript show: 'Before'; cr] afterBlock: [:receiver :arguments :aspect :client :return | Transcript show: 'After'; cr]
Test Program
| greeter aspect | greeter := Hello new. aspect :=HelloAspect new. greeter hello. aspect install. greeter hello. aspect uninstall. greeter helloOuput In Transcript Hello
Instance Specific Advice
Smalltalk.AspectS defineClass: #HelloAspect
adviceAnnounceBefore ^AsBeforeAfterAdvice qualifier: (AsAdviceQualifier attributes: #(#receiverInstanceSpecific)) pointcut: [OrderedCollection with: (AsJoinPointDescriptor targetClass: Hello targetSelector: #hello)] beforeBlock: [:receiver :arguments :aspect :client | Transcript show: 'Before'; cr] afterBlock: [:receiver :arguments :aspect :client :return | Transcript show: 'After'; cr]
Test Program
| a b aspect | a := Hello new. b := Hello new. aspect :=HelloAspect new. aspect addReceiver: a. aspect install. b hello. Transcript show: 'End b'; cr. a hello. aspect uninstall.
End b
Recursive Example
Method Added to Integer Class
factorial2 "Answer the factorial of the receiver. Object-recursive." self = 0 ifTrue: [^ 1]. self > 0 ifTrue: [^ self * (self - 1) factorial2]. self error: 'Not valid for negative integers'.Method in AsFactorialTraceAspect Class
adviceFactorialInOutFirst ^ AsBeforeAfterAdvice qualifier: (AsAdviceQualifier attributes: #(receiverClassSpecific cfFirstClass)) pointcut: [OrderedCollection with: (AsJoinPointDescriptor targetClass: Integer targetSelector: #factorial2)] beforeBlock: [:receiver :arguments :aspect :client | Transcript show: '#factorial-in: ', receiver printString; cr] afterBlock: [:receiver :arguments :aspect :client :return | Transcript show:'#factorial-out(', receiver printString, '): ', return printString; cr]
Test Program | aspect | aspect :=AsFactorialTraceAspect new. aspect install. 4 factorial2. aspect uninstallOutput #factorial-in: 4
#factorial-in: 3
#factorial-in: 2
#factorial-in: 1
#factorial-in: 0
#factorial-out(0): 1
#factorial-out(1): 1
#factorial-out(2): 2
#factorial-out(3): 6
#factorial-out(4): 24
Cflow Example
Method in AsFactorialTraceAspect Class
adviceFactorialInOutFirst ^ AsBeforeAfterAdvice qualifier: (AsAdviceQualifier attributes: #(receiverClassSpecific cfFirstClass)) pointcut: [OrderedCollection with: (AsJoinPointDescriptor targetClass: Integer targetSelector: #factorial2)] beforeBlock: [:receiver :arguments :aspect :client | Transcript show: '#factorial-in: ', receiver printString; cr] afterBlock: [:receiver :arguments :aspect :client :return | Transcript show:'#factorial-out(', receiver printString, '): ', return printString; cr]Test Program | aspect | aspect :=AsFactorialTraceAspect new. aspect install. 4 factorial2. aspect uninstall
Output #factorial-in: 4
#factorial-out(4): 24
Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2003 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.
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