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CS 580 Client-Server Spring Semester, 2004 Databases & Architecture |
© 2004, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated 12-Feb-04 |
Databases & Architecture
How to keep Sql isolated?
How to isolate database connection details?
Example – Office Hours
Common Operations
Faculty |
Id |
Name |
Office |
Phone |
1 |
Eckberg |
GMCS-543 |
594-6834 |
2 |
Donald |
GMCS-541 |
594-7248 |
3 |
Carroll |
GMCS-537 |
594-7242 |
OfficeHours |
Id |
StartTime |
EndTime |
Day |
FacultyId |
1 |
10:00 |
11:00 |
Tuesday |
1 |
2 |
10:00 |
11:00 |
Thursday |
1 |
RoleTypes |
ID |
Role |
1 |
2 |
3 |
TA |
Roles |
FacultyId |
TypeId |
1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
DatabaseConnector Hides username and password
Can we hide the connections completely?
Should we hide connections?
public class DatabaseConnector { private String databaseUrl; private String user; private String password; private ArrayList connectionPool; private static DatabaseConnector instance = DatabaseConnector(“filename”); public static DatabaseConnector instance() { return instance; } private DatabaseConnector(String filename) { read file for database info set private fields } public ResultSet executeQuery( String sql ) { return getStatement().executeQuery( sql); } public Statement getStatement() { return getConnection().createStatement(); } private Connection getConnection() { return a connection} etc }
Table Data Gateway
One object handles all the rows in a table or view
Each table has one class that knows the table
One object represents the table – all the rows
Gateway hides all the Sql from the rest of the program
public class OfficeHoursGateway { private static String addOfficeHoursSql = “INSERT INTO officeHours ( startTime, endTime, day, facultyId ) VALUES ( ? , ?, ‘?’, ?)”; Private static String officeHoursSql = “SELECT startTime, endTime, day FROM officeHours WHERE facultyId = ?”; public ResultSet officeHoursFor(int facultyId,) { Statement hoursStatement = DatabaseConnector.instance().prepareStatement(officeHoursSql); hoursStatement.setObject( 1, facultyId); return hoursStatement.executeQuery(); } public int setOfficeHoursFor(int facultyId, Time start, Time end, String day) { Statement addOfficeHours = DatabaseConnector.instance().prepareStatement(addOfficeHoursSql); addOfficeHours.setObject(1, start); addOfficeHours.setObject(2, end); addOfficeHours.setObject(3, day); addOfficeHours.setObject(4, facutlyId); return addOfficeHours.executeQuery(); }
Transaction Script + Table Gateway
public class OfficeHoursServer { private OfficeHoursGateway officeHours; private FacultyGateway faculty; etc. public Vector officeHoursFor(String facultyName) { int facultyId = faculty.idFor(facultyName,); ResultSet officeHoursRows = officeHours.officeHoursFor( facultyId); Vector officeHours = new Vector(); while (officeHoursRows.next() ) { Dictionary officeHour = new Dictionary(); officeHour.put( “start”, officeHoursRows.getObject( “start”)); officeHour.put( “end”, officeHoursRows.getObject( “end”)); officeHour.put( “day”, officeHoursRows.getObject( “day”)); officeHours.add( officeHour); } officeHoursRows.close(); return officeHours; } etc. }
Active Record
Each domain object know how add/remove/find it state in the database
In simple cases
public class Facutly { String name; String phoneNumber; int id; etc. private final static String findByNameSql = “SELECT * FROM faculty WHERE name = ‘?’”; public static Faculty findByName(String name ) { Statement find = dabaseConnnector.prepareStatement(findByNameSql); find.setObject( 1, name); ResultSet facultyRow = find.executeQuery(); return load(facultyRow); } public static Faculty load( ResultSet facultyRow) { create faculty object. get data out of Resultset. Put data into faculty object. Return faculty object. }
public boolean hasOfficeHoursAt(Time anHour) { Iterator hours = officeHours().iterator(); while (hours.hasNext() ) { OfficeHour officeHour = (OfficeHour) hours.next(); if (officeHour.contains( anHour) ) return true; } return false; } public ArrayList officeHours() { if( officeHours = nil ) { officeHours = OfficeHour.findFor( id ); } return officeHours; }
Domain Model + Active Record
public class OfficeHoursServer { public Vector officeHoursFor(String facultyName) { Faculty X = Faculty.findByName (facultyName,); ArrayList officeHours = X.officeHours(); Convert contents of officeHOurs to XML-RPC acceptable types return vector of valid XML-RPC types; } etc. }
Object-Relational Mapping Layers
Tools to automate and perform the object-relational mapping
Object Databases
Store and retrieve objects from the database
A partial list
OmniBase Example
database :=OmniBase createOn: 'examples'.
[OmniBase root at: 'restaurantTypes' put: Set newPersistent ] evaluateAndCommitIn: database newTransaction.
OmniBase root is a Dictionary
Entry point to data
Server>>addType: aString (aString isNil or: [aString isEmpty]) ifTrue:[^false]. [types := OmniBase root at: 'restaurantTypes'. types add: aString. types markDirty] evaluateAndCommitIn: database newTransaction. ^true
Server>>types [^(OmniBase root at: 'restaurantTypes') asSortedCollection] evaluateIn: database newTransaction.
Simplistic Restaurants
[OmniBase root at: 'restaurants' put: OrderedCollection newPersistent ] evaluateAndCommitIn: database newTransaction. Server>>restaurantById: anInteger | restaurant | [restaurants :=OmniBase root at: 'restaurants'. restaurant :=restaurants detect: [:each | each id = anInteger] ifNone: [Dictionary new]. ^restaurant asDictonary ] evaluateIn: database newTransaction.
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2004 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.
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