SDSU CS 580 Client-Server
Spring Semester, 2004
Logging & Configuration Files
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© 2004, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 17-Feb-04

VisualWorks 7 Internet Client Developer's Guide, pp 21-22.

VisualWorks 7 Source code, LogEnvironment & LoggingTool classes in LoggingTool Parcel

Java Logging Overview,
Java Logging API

Patterns for Logging Diagnostic Messages by Neil Harrison in Pattern Languages of Program Design 3 Eds Martin, Riehle, Buschman, 1998, pp 277-289

SDSU Java Library,

VisualWorks Application Developers Guide, pages 219-223

CommanlLineInterest class>>example

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 2


   public void run() 
      while (true) 
            Socket client = acceptor.accept();
            processRequest( client );
         catch (IOException acceptError)
            // for a later lecture - this is the lecture

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 3

Why logging?

How many times was the assignment 1 server accessed?

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 4
What should be logged?

Normally a log entry contains several pieces of information:

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 5

Log File Examples

Assignment 1 Log file default POST /Restaurant -> 200 text/html Tue, 17 Feb 2004 06:46:27 GMT default POST /Restaurant -> 200 text/html Tue, 17 Feb 2004 07:08:00 GMT default POST /Restaurant -> 200 text/html Tue, 17 Feb 2004 07:08:15 GMT
ApacheAccess - - [21/Oct/2002:08:33:29 -0700] "GET /scripts/..%25%35%63../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 303 - - [21/Oct/2002:08:33:30 -0700] "GET /scripts/..%252f../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir HTTP/1.0" 404 303


[Mon Oct 21 08:33:29 2002] [error] [client] File does not exist: /opt/etc/apache-1.3.26/htdocs/scripts/..%5c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe
[Mon Oct 21 08:33:30 2002] [error] [client] File does not exist: /opt/etc/apache-1.3.26/htdocs/scripts/..%2f../winnt/system32/cmd.exe

Note that the log files contain the client IP address not the name of the machine

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 6
Dnews – A News Server

Log files

Configuration files

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 7
Dnews Log file examplesusers.log

Mon Oct 21 04:50:23 Bytes Read,  Current Connections,  Area/IPrange
Mon Oct 21 04:50:23       197k           1 
Mon Oct 21 04:50:23       197k           1   byu 
Mon Oct 21 04:50:23    0mb          2   Grand Totals


21 09:41:27  :info: db_piles_trim called
21 09:42:08  :info: db_pile_status
21 09:42:08  :info: db_pile_status_done
21 09:42:08  :info: dnews_status 1
21 09:42:08  :info: dnews_status 2
21 09:42:08  :info: dnews_status 3
21 09:42:08  :info: Timezone Offset 25200 dst 3600
21 09:42:16  :info: Writing list of read groups to a file for this slave
21 09:42:16  :info: Wrote 17 records
21 09:42:28  :info: db_piles_trim called

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 8
Log file formats

Log files get big

Assignment1 log file was 12.8MB

Web server logs get 10 - 100 Mbs before rotating the file

Make the log file machine parsable!

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 9
How should clients and servers log?

Basic choices:

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 10
Simple appending problems

This simplistic approach can cause problems with the following:

Two server threads concurrently writing to the same logfile
Every log entry requires lots of overhead
(opening and closing the logfile)

Some solutions:

(One unbuffered write per log entry)

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 11

Logging Systems

VisualWorks – LoggingTool

Load parcel LoggingTool in parcels directory

Mainly used for debugging, but will work for our purposes

The logging tool is in the namespace Tools

If your code is a namespace other than Smalltalk you either need to:

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 12
Basic Operations
Accessing the logger

   LogEnvironment default   
   “Returns a unique instance of LogEnvironment”
Turn logging on

   LogEnvironment default traceOn.

Turn logging off

   LogEnvironment default traceOff.


   LogEnvironment default log: 'Here is a real meaningless log entry'.
Logging with levels

   LogEnvironment default 
      log: 'Out of memory error occured'
      level: #error

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 13
Logging & Levels

Most logging systems have different levels like:

Source code logs messages at multiple levels

When you don’t need output of a log level

When need that log level again

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 14

LogEnvironment Logging Levels

Levels indicated by symbols

Default level is #general

To turn logging of a level on:

   LogEnvironment default addDebugCategory: #error

To turn logging of a level on:

   LogEnvironment default removeDebugCategory: #error

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 15
LogEnvironment & The logs

Writes logs to a stream

Until the stream is set, all log requests are ignored

If you want logs to go to a file use

| logFile |
logFile := 'server.log' asFilename.
LogEnvironment default debugStream: logFile writeStream

You can also use LoggingTool window

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 16
Methods Used to Log

log: aStringOrBlock

   self log: aStringOrBlock level: #general

log: aStringOrBlock level: aLevel

debug: aBlock level: aLevel

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 17

(LogEnvironment default)
   debugStream: 'server.log' asFilename writeStream;
   addDebugCategory: #foo;

LogEnvironment default log: 'log entry 1'.
LogEnvironment default log: 'log entry 2' level: #bar.
LogEnvironment default log: ['log entry 3'] level: #foo.
LogEnvironment default 
   debug: [Transcript show: 'Debug entry' ]
   level: #foo.

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 18

For a server:


Should be modified to use printTrace:


Should be modified to make is a bit more parsable

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 19

LoggingTool Window

The VisualWorks logging system is mainly for debugging

Log entries can be displayed in a Window

To open the logging window:

   LoggingTool open

Your classes can register with LoggingTool to

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 20
How to Register with LoggingTool

Smalltalk defineClass: #SampleClassWithLogging

SampleClassWithLogging class methods

   ^'SampleClass Messages'

   ^(List new)
      add: 'Errors' -> #error;
      add: 'SampleClass Debug' -> #SampleClassDebug;
      add: 'SampleClass Commands' -> #SampleClassCommands;

   LogEnvironment default addToDebug: self 

   self registerToDebug 

log: aString level: aSymbol
   LogEnvironment default 
      log: aString
      level: aSymbol

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 21
Sample Use of Logging Methods

SampleClassWithLogging methodsFor: 'method with logging '

   [1 / 0] on: Exception
         [:error | 
         self class 
            log: Timestamp now printString , 
                  '; Error - SampleClassWithLogging>>foo; ' , 
                  error description
            level: #error].
   self class 
      log: Timestamp now printString , ' Sample Command '
      level: #SampleClassDebug 

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 22

JDK 1.4 Logging

Starting with JDK 1.4 Java API has a logging system


Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 23

Log Levels

Output formats

Output devices

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 24


import java.util.logging.*;
public class SimpleLoggingExample 
   private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("edu.sdsu.cs580");
    public static void main (String args[]) 
      new SimpleLoggingExample().someLogMessages();
   public void someLogMessages()
      logger.severe( "A severe log message");
      Logger.getLogger("edu.sdsu.cs580").fine( "A fine message");
      logger.warning( "Be careful" ); 
Output To System.err

Default Settings

Use a ConsoleHandler
Level set to INFO
System administrator can change default settings

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 25
Five Categories of Logging MessagesConvenience Methods

Convenience Methods for Tracing Methods

entering(String sourceClass, String sourceMethod);
entering(String sourceClass, String sourceMethod, Object parameter);
entering(String sourceClass, String sourceMethod, Object[] parameters);
exiting(String sourceClass, String sourceMethod);
exiting(String sourceClass, String sourceMethod, Object result);

Log Methods

log(Level logLevel, String message);
log(Level logLevel, String message, Object parameter);
log(Level logLevel, String message, Object[] parameters);
log(Level logLevel, String message, Throwable exception);

Currently parameters argument is ignored

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 26
Precise Log Methods

Add class and method to log messages

logp(Level logLevel, String class, String method,String message);

Logs with Resource Bundles

Add resource bundle to logp messages

logrb(Level logLevel, String class, String method, String bundlename,
String message);

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 27

Example of Different Message Types

import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.logging.*;
public class MessageTypes 
   private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("edu.sdsu.cs580");
         Handler textLog = new FileHandler("textLog.txt");
         textLog.setFormatter( new SimpleFormatter());
         Handler xmlLog = new FileHandler("xmlLog.txt");
         xmlLog.setFormatter( new XMLFormatter());
      catch (IOException fileError)
         System.err.println( "Could not open log files");

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 28
Example Continued
public static void main (String args[]) 
      new MessageTypes().someLogMessages();
   public void someLogMessages()
      logger.entering("MessageTypes", "someLogMessages");
         Vector data = new Vector();
      data.add( "Cat");
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Show Vector", data); 
      logger.severe( "A severe log message");
      logger.logp(Level.SEVERE, "MessageTypes", "someLogMessages", "Logp example");
         int zeroDivide = 1/ (1 - 1);
      catch (Exception zeroDivide)
         logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception example", zeroDivide);
    logger.exiting("MessageTypes", "someLogMessages");

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 29
SimpleFormatter Output

Feb 16, 2004 11:01:53 PM MessageTypes someLogMessages
Feb 16, 2004 11:01:53 PM MessageTypes someLogMessages
SEVERE: Show Vector
Feb 16, 2004 11:01:53 PM MessageTypes someLogMessages
SEVERE: A severe log message
Feb 16, 2004 11:01:54 PM MessageTypes someLogMessages
SEVERE: Logp example
Feb 16, 2004 11:01:54 PM MessageTypes someLogMessages
SEVERE: Exception example
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at MessageTypes.someLogMessages(
at MessageTypes.main(
Feb 16, 2004 11:01:54 PM MessageTypes someLogMessages

XMLFormatter Sample Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE log SYSTEM "logger.dtd">

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 30

Can be set to rotate files

Can be located in temp directory

Can be set to

To change append setting either

      FileHandler(String pattern, boolean append) 

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 31

Can have

Loggers and handlers have differ log levels


Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 32

Logger Names

Logger names are arbitrary


Sun recommends using hierarchical names with format


Loggers inherit settings from “parent” logger

Logger "edu.sdsu.cs580" would inherit settings of "edu.sdsu"

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 33
Debug Example

import java.util.logging.*;
public class Logging 
   private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("edu.sdsu.cs580");
   private static Logger debug = Logger.getLogger("debug");
   // screen loging is default, as in INFO level
         // Parent sends log to the screen
         logger.setUseParentHandlers( false);
         Handler textLog = new FileHandler("textLog.txt");
         debug.setUseParentHandlers( false);
         Handler screenLog = new ConsoleHandler();
         debug.addHandler( screenLog);
         debug.setLevel( Level.INFO );
      catch (IOException fileError)
         System.err.println( "Could not open log files");

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 34
Example continued

   public static void main (String args[]) 
      new Logging().someLogMessages();
   public void someLogMessages()
      { "A severe log message"); "this is a debug statement");      

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 35
Logger Scope

Logger settings can be defined in

Logger settings defined in a program exist only in that program

Logger settings defined in a configuration file can be used by multiple programs

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 36

Sample Configuration File

# Use two loggers
handlers= java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
# Default global logging level.
.level= WARNING 
# File logger default settings
# Default file output is in user's home directory (%h/).
# %g – use generation numbers to distinguish rotated logs
# limit = max size of each log file
# count = number of output files to cycle through
java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = %h/cs580Server%g.log
java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit = 50000
java.util.logging.FileHandler.count = 3
java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.XMLFormatter
# Limit the message that are printed on the console to INFO and above.
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = INFO
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter
# Set levels of specific loggers
edu.sdsu.level = SEVERE
edu.sdsu.cs580.level = INFO

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 37
Using the Configuration File

Assume that configuration file is in

The following command will use the configuration file

java  yourClassGoesHere

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 38

SDSU Logger

A number of Java logging systems exits for pre-JDK 1.4 Java

SDSU Java library contains one

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 39

SDSU Logger Example

import sdsu.logging.*;
public class LoggingExample
   public static void main(String[] args ) throws LoggerCreationException {
      FileLogger.register( "MyLog");
      LoggingExample test = new LoggingExample();;;
   public void foo() {
      Logger.log( "foo called");
   public void bar(){
      try {
         Logger.log( "bar called");
         int a = 1;
         int b = 0;
         int c = a/b;
      catch (Exception error ) {
         Logger.error( "Error in bar");
         Logger.error( error);
MyLog.log contents
time='2:47:57 PM';date=10/2/00;type=Log;message='bar called';
time='2:47:57 PM';date=10/2/00;type=Error;message='Error in bar';
time='2:47:57 PM';date=10/2/00;type=Error;message='java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero';
time='2:47:57 PM';date=10/2/00;type=Log;message='foo called';

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 40
Types of Loggers

FileLogger - Sends log messages to file
NullLogger - Ignores log messages
ScreenLogger - Sends log messages to screen

SelectiveLogger - allows you to turn off types of messages

Types of Log messages


Debug Class

Allows debug states to be turned off/on

Debug messages contain line number if JIT is off

Output can be sent to file or screen

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 41

Application Parameters & Configuration Files

Applications normal have configuration files to store

Some programs use environment variables

   cvs co assignment2

Command line program/servers/utilities have flags

   ls -la
   ps -aux

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 42

Servers normally use configuration files & command line flags

Environment variables are uses much in servers (why?)

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 43


Some systems have libraries to handle config files & command line arguments

JDK does not seem to have such classes

There should be a number of Java libraries that provide such support

sdsu Java library is one such library

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 44


Configuration files
Command line arguments
Command Line argument

-flag value
-- (ignore rest of the command line )

File Formats
properties format
#A comment to the end of the line
key2=value2 with spaces
key3 with spaces=value3 #part of the value
sdsu.util.LabeledData format
#A comment to the end of the line,
key1 = value1;
key2='value2 with spaces';
'key3 with spaces'=value3; # a comment

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 45
Simple Example

import sdsu.util.ProgramProperties;
public class ConfigurationExample {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
         ProgramProperties flags = 
            new ProgramProperties( args, "configurationFile");
         String nameValue = 
            flags.getString( "name" , "No name given");
         int size = flags.getInt( "size", 0);
         boolean switchOn = flags.containsKey( "s");
         System.out.println( " nameValue: " + nameValue);
         System.out.println( " size: " + size);
         System.out.println( " switchOn: " + switchOn);
      catch ( readParseProblem)
         System.err.println( "Program aborted on error " + 

File "configurationFile.labeledData"

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 46
Sample Runs

java ConfigurationExample

nameValue: Roger
size: 12
switchOn: false

java ConfigurationExample -s -name Pete

nameValue: Pete
size: 12
switchOn: true

java ConfigurationExample -conf=otherFile

nameValue: Sam
size: 8
switchOn: true

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 47


Command Line Arguments


Cenvironment class>>commandLine

Returns array of String of flags in order they were specified

Starting VisualWorks with:

   visual -port 5 -xyz 
CEnvironment commandLine returns

    #('visual' '' '-port' '5' '' '-xyz')

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 48
CEnvironment class>> userEnvironment

Returns CEnvironment object with user’s environment variables

| user |
user :=CEnvironment userEnvironment. 
user at: 'CVSROOT'

returns value of CVSROOT environment variable

CEnvironment is a subclass of Dictionary

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 49
Registering for Flags

To avoid parsing the command line array

Classes can register to be informed of individual flags

To register add method to CommanlLineInterest class
In dependencies-pragma protocol

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 50

CommanlLineInterest class>>port: aTokenReadStream
   <triggerAtSystemEvent: #returnFromSnapshot option: '-port'>
   | port |
   port := aTokenReadStream next asNumber.
   SimpleDateServer port: port.
   “Now make SimpleDateServer>>port: set the port. 

aTokenReadStream next returns the value after the flag

CommanlLineInterest class>>port: is called on startup when flag -port exits on command line

Only supports -flag value options

Can have method triggered at

#earlySystemInstallation flags are handled from left to right

Then #returnFromSnapshot flags are handled from left to right

Doc 12, Logging & Configuration Files Slide # 51
Configuration Files

VisualWorks servers use configuration files

No system wide classes for supporting them

Too easy to create own system?

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2004 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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