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Client-Server Programming
Spring Semester, 2005 Databases & Architecture |
© 2005 All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney San Diego State University -- This page last updated April 28, 2005 |
CS 580 Client-Server Programming
Spring Semester, 2005
Doc 19 Databases & Architecture
Object-Relational Mapping Layers
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, Martin Folwer, Addison-Wesley, 2003
CS 683 Lecture document 27 Hibernate Example, Fall 2005, http://www.eli.sdsu.edu/courses/fall04/cs683/notes/hibernate/hibernate.html
Copyright ©, All rights reserved. 2005 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA. OpenContent ( http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml ) license defines the copyright on this document.
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 2 |
How to keep SQL isolated?
How to isolate database connection details?
How to keep dealing with the database under control?
How to structure programs that use databases?
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 3 |
Example – Office Hours
Common Operations
Find Office hours for instructor X
Find office hours of any graduate advisor
Find office hours of any undergraduate advisor
Find office hours of any TA
Who has office hours at time X
What times are there no office hours
Add office hours
Modify office hours
Faculty |
Id |
Name |
Office |
Phone |
1 |
Eckberg |
GMCS-543 |
594-6834 |
2 |
Donald |
GMCS-541 |
594-7248 |
3 |
Carroll |
GMCS-537 |
594-7242 |
OfficeHours |
Id |
StartTime |
EndTime |
Day |
FacultyId |
1 |
10:00 |
11:00 |
Tuesday |
1 |
2 |
10:00 |
11:00 |
Thursday |
1 |
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 4 |
RoleTypes |
ID |
Role |
1 |
Undergraduate Advisor |
2 |
Graduate Advisor |
3 |
TA |
Roles |
FacultyId |
TypeId |
1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 5 |
Hides username and password
Can we hide the connections completely?
Should we hide connections?
public class DatabaseConnector {
private String databaseUrl;
private String user;
private String password;
private ArrayList connectionPool;
private static DatabaseConnector instance =
public static DatabaseConnector instance() {
return instance;
private DatabaseConnector(String filename) {
read file for database info
set private fields
public ResultSet executeQuery( String sql ) {
return getStatement().executeQuery( sql);
public Statement getStatement() {
return getConnection().createStatement();
private Connection getConnection() { return a connection}
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 6 |
How to organize an application that uses a database
Fowler provides the following methods
Transaction Script
Domain Model
Table Module
Service Layer
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 7 |
Identify different transactions to be performed by the application
Each transaction is handled by a separate method
Very simple to implement
As application grows in complexity, becomes overly complex and hard to manage
public class TorrentData {
public MetaData getFile(String id) {
code & SQl to get file from database }
public byte[] getPiece(String fileId, int pieceIndex) {
code & SQl to get piece from database }
public void s etPiece(String fileId, int pieceIndex,
byte[] peice) {
code & SQl to put piece into d atabase}
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 8 |
Implement classes that incorporates both behavior & data
Classes represent objects in the domain
Program becomes collection of interacting objects
Objects map to tables
A single object may span many tables
A table row may contain multiple objects
Overly complex for simple applications
Scales well to complex applications
Database organizes data differently
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 9 |
For each table (or view) implement a class
Each class holds the business logic related to the data in the table
Classes are organized around database structure rather than OO principles
Handles more complex situations than Transaction Script
Not as scalable as Domain Model
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 10 |
Table Data Gateway
Row Data Gateway
Active Record
Data Mapper
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 11 |
One object handles all the rows in a table or view
Each table has one class that knows the table
One object represents the table – all the rows
Gateway hides all the Sql from the rest of the program
Works well with
Table Module
Transaction Script
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 12 |
public class OfficeHoursGateway {
private static String addOfficeHoursSql =
INTO officeHours ( startTime, endTime, day, facultyId )
VALUES ( ? , ?, ‘?’, ?)”;
Private static String officeHoursSql =
“SELECT startTime, endTime, day
FROM officeHours
WHERE facultyId = ?”;
public ResultSet officeHoursFor(int facultyId,) {
Statement hoursStatement = DatabaseConnector.instance().
hoursStatement.setObject( 1, facultyId);
return hoursStatement.executeQuery();
public int setOfficeHoursFor(int facultyId, Time start, Time end, String day) {
Statement addOfficeHours = DatabaseConnector.instance().
addOfficeHours.setObject(1, start);
addOfficeHours.setObject(2, end);
addOfficeHours.setObject(3, day);
addOfficeHours.setObject(4, facutlyId);
return addOfficeHours.executeQuery();
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 13 |
Transaction Script + Table Gateway
public class OfficeHoursServer {
private OfficeHoursGateway officeHours;
private FacultyGateway faculty;
public Vector officeHoursFor(String facultyName) {
int facultyId = faculty.idFor(facultyName,);
ResultSet officeHoursRows = officeHours.officeHoursFor( facultyId);
Vector officeHours = new Vector();
while (officeHoursRows.next() ) {
Dictionary officeHour = new Dictionary();
officeHour.put( “start”, officeHoursRows.getObject( “start”));
officeHour.put( “end”, officeHoursRows.getObject( “end”));
officeHour.put( “day”, officeHoursRows.getObject( “day”));
officeHours.add( officeHour);
return officeHours;
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 14 |
One object handles or represents a single row in a table or view
Each table has one class that knows the table
Gateway hides all the Sql from the rest of the program
A class provides just accessor methods to data in a row
Works well with Transaction script
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 15 |
Utility for Row Access
Part of SDSU Java library
Some Creation methods
Connection db;
db = DriverManager.getConnection( dbUrl, user, password);
DatabaseTable rows;
//Get rows from table Faculty with column Name = Donald
rows = DatabaseTable.getRow("Faculty", "Name", "Donald", db );
rows.elementAt(rowIndex, "Office");
// Get rows returned from a SQL select statment
rows = DatabaseTable.fromSQL("a SQL select", db );
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 16 |
Each domain object know how add/remove/find it state in the database
In simple cases
Class for each table
An object represents one row in the table
Similar to Row Data Gateway with domain logic
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 17 |
public class Facutly {
String name;
String phoneNumber;
int id;
private final static String findByNameSql =
FROM faculty
WHERE name = ‘?’”;
public static Faculty findByName(String name ) {
Statement find =
find.setObject( 1, name);
ResultSet facultyRow = find.executeQuery();
return load(facultyRow);
public static Faculty load( ResultSet facultyRow) {
create faculty object.
get data out of Resultset.
Put data into faculty object.
Return faculty object.
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 18 |
public boolean hasOfficeHoursAt(Time anHour) {
Iterator hours = officeHours().iterator();
while (hours.hasNext() ) {
OfficeHour officeHour = (OfficeHour) hours.next();
if (officeHour.contains( anHour) ) return true;
return false;
public ArrayList officeHours() {
if( officeHours = nil ) {
officeHours = OfficeHour.findFor( id );
return officeHours;
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 19 |
Domain Model + Active Record
public class OfficeHoursServer {
public Vector officeHoursFor(String facultyName) {
Faculty X = Faculty. findByName (facultyName,);
ArrayList officeHours = X.officeHours();
Convert contents of officeHOurs to XML-RPC acceptable types
return vector of valid XML-RPC types;
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 20 |
Object-Relational Mapping Layers
Implementing a good object-relational layer is a lot of work
Use existing tools to save a lot of time
Read/Write objects from tables without SQL
Some existing object-relational layers
JDO – Java Data Object (Java framework)
TopLink (Commercial - Java)
Hibernate (Open source - Java)
Cayenne (Open source - Java)
GLORP (Open source - Smalltalk)
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 21 |
Storing Person objects in table
id |
first_name |
last_name |
SQL Used to Create Table
(FIRST_NAME varchar(50) NULL ,
LAST_NAME varchar(50) NULL ,
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 22 |
People Class
package sample;
public class People {
String firstName;
String lastName;
long id;
public People () {super(); }
public People(String first, String last) {
firstName = first;
lastName = last;
public String getLastName() { return lastName; }
public String getFirstName() { return firstName; }
public void setFirstName( String name) { firstName = name; }
public void setLastName( String name) { lastName = name; }
public long getId() { return id; }
public void setId(long l) {id = l; }
public String toString() {return firstName + " " + lastName + id;}
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 23 |
Mapping – People.hbm.xml
Indicates how to map object fields to table columns
<?xml version= "1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"
" http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-2.0.dtd " >
<hibernate-mapping package= "sample" >
name= "People"
table= "people" >
name= "id"
type= "java.lang.Long"
column= "id" >
<generator class= "assigned" />
name= "lastName"
column= "last_name"
type= "string"
not-null= "false"
length= "50" />
name= "firstName"
column= "first_name"
type= "string"
not-null= "false"
length= "50" />
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 24 |
Sample Connection
import lots of stuff;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
static Session getHibernateSession() throws
MappingException, HibernateException, Exception {
some code to get HibernateSession
static void sampleWrite() throws
MappingException, HibernateException, Exception {
Session session = getHibernateSession();
Transaction save = session.beginTransaction();
People newPerson = new People("Jack", "Frost");
newPerson = new People("Jack", "Ripper");
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 25 |
Sample Connection Continued
static void sampleRead() throws
MappingException, HibernateException, Exception {
Session session = getHibernateSession();
Query getByLastName =
"from People p where p.lastName = :var");
getByLastName.setString("var", "Frost");
List result = getByLastName.list();
System.out.println("Number of Objects: " + result.size());
People frost = (People) result.get( 0);
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 26 |
Stores objects without tables
Stores references to objects
A partial list
Gemstone ( http://www.gemstone.com/ )
Objectivity ( http://www.objectivity.com/ )
Matisse ( http://www.matisse.com/ )
OmniBase ( http://www.gorisek.com/homepage/index.html )
Versant ( http://www.versant.com/index )
ObjectStore ( http://www.objectstore.net/index.ssp )
Zope Object Database ( http://zope.org/Wikis/ZODB/FrontPage )
No need to convert between objects and sql
CS580 Spring 2005 | Doc 19, Databases & Architecture Slide # 27 |
OmniBase Example
Create the Database
database :=OmniBase createOn: 'bittorrent'.
[OmniBase root
at: 'files'
put: Set newPersistent
] evaluateAndCommitIn: database newTransaction.
OmniBase root is a Dictionary
Entry point to data
Adding a new file
Server>>add: aMetaFile
[types := OmniBase root at: 'files'.
types add: aMetaFile .
types markDirty] evaluateAndCommitIn: database newTransaction.
Finding files by name
Server>>filesWithName: aString
[^(OmniBase root at: 'files')
select: [:each | aString match: each name ]
evaluateIn: database newTransaction.
Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2005 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.