SDSU Advanced Object-Oriented Design & Programming
Spring Semester, 2005
Pipe Filters and Broker
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San Diego State University -- This page last updated May 3, 2005


CS 635 Advanced Object-Oriented Design & Programming

Spring Semester, 2005

Doc 18 Pipe Filters and Broker


Architectural Patterns    

Pipes & Filters    

The Broker Pattern    



Known Uses    


Some RMI    

The Remote Interface    

The Server Implementation    

The Client Code    

Running The Example    

Server Side    

Client Side    





Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Buschmann et al., 1996, Wiley, pp 53-70, 99-122


Copyright ©, All rights reserved. 2005 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA. OpenContent ( ) license defines the copyright on this document.




Architectural Patterns


Deal with basic structure of an application


Specify subsections of an application




Observer verses MVC


Observer indicates how to solve a problem in your code


MVC specifies components of a GUI application


Pipes & Filters


Unix Example


ls | grep -i b | wc -l




Processing data streams





Building a system that processes or transforms a stream of data





  1. Small processing steps are easier to reuse than large components


  1. Non-adjacent processing steps do not share information


  1. System changes should be possible by exchanging or recombining processing steps, even by users


  1. Final results should be presented or stored in different ways






Divide task into multiple sequential processing steps or filter components


Output of one filter is the input of the next filter


Filters process data incrementally


  1. Filter does not wait to get all the data before processing



Data source – input to the system


Data sink – output of the system


Pipes  - connect the data source, filters and data sink


Pipe implements the data flow between adjacent processes steps


Processing pipeline – sequence of filters and pipes


Pipeline can process batches of data








A Filter can be triggered by:


  1. Subsequent pipeline element pulls output from the filter


  1. Previous pipeline element pushes new data into filter


  1. Active Filter – pulls data from input and pushes data down the pipeline


If two active filters are adjacent the pipe between them synchronizes them





Some Implementation issues


Dividing the system into separate tasks


Data format passed between filters


This may require filters to convert from common format to a usable format


Implementing the pipes


Filter could directly push/pull data from another filter


Using a separate pipe mechanism

  1. More flexible

  1. Makes it easier to test filters

  1. Permits active filters




Error handling


What happens if 1/2 data is processed when one filter has a runtime exception?


How does one inform the other filters?


Can one restart the pipeline to process the next batch of data?




Simple Java Example


SharedQueue for Java Pipe


import java.util.ArrayList;

public class SharedQueue


    ArrayList elements = new ArrayList();


     public synchronized void append( Object item )


        elements.add( item);




     public synchronized Object get( )




             while ( elements.isEmpty() )



         catch (InterruptedException threadIsDone )


             return null ;


         return elements.remove( 0 );



     public int size()


         return elements.size();





public class Source extends Thread


    private static final char END_OF_PIPELINE = '@';

    String in;

    SharedQueue out;


    public Source(String input, SharedQueue output)


        in = input;

        out = output;



    public void run()


        for (int k = 0; k < in.length(); k++)


            out.append(new Character(in.charAt(k)));






public class UpperCaseFilter extends Thread


    private static final char END_OF_PIPELINE = '@';

    SharedQueue in;

    SharedQueue out;


    public UpperCaseFilter(SharedQueue input, SharedQueue output)


        in = input;

        out = output;



    public void run()


        Character currentObject = (Character) in.get();

        char current = currentObject.charValue();

        while (current != END_OF_PIPELINE)


            out.append(new Character(Character.toUpperCase(current)));

            currentObject = (Character) in.get();

            current = currentObject.charValue();







public class Display extends Thread


    private static final char END_OF_PIPELINE = '@';

    SharedQueue in;

    SharedQueue out;


    public Display(SharedQueue input, SharedQueue output)


        in = input;

        out = output;



    public void run()


        Character currentObject = (Character) in.get();

        char current = currentObject.charValue();

        while (current != END_OF_PIPELINE)



            currentObject = (Character) in.get();

            current = currentObject.charValue();







Running the Example

public class Example


    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException,



        SharedQueue first = new SharedQueue();

        SharedQueue second = new SharedQueue();

        Source start = new Source("cat man@", first);

        UpperCaseFilter filter = new UpperCaseFilter(first, second);

        Display end = new Display(second, null);








Smalltalk Version

endOfPipeline := $@.


upperCaseFilter :=

        [:input :output |

        | nextCharacter |


        [nextCharacter := input next.

        nextCharacter ~= endOfPipeline]

                whileTrue: [output nextPut: nextCharacter asUppercase]].


noBeesFilter :=

        [:input :output |

        | nextCharacter |


        [nextCharacter := input next.

        nextCharacter ~= endOfPipeline]


                    [nextCharacter ~= $B

                        ifTrue: [output nextPut: nextCharacter]]].


display :=

        [:input |

        | nextCharacter |


        [nextCharacter := input next.

        nextCharacter ~= endOfPipeline]

                whileTrue: [Transcript nextPut: nextCharacter; flush]].




Running Example


dataStream :='Hi Mom. How is Bob@' readStream.

pipeA := SharedQueue new.

pipeB := SharedQueue new.


[upperCaseFilter value: dataStream value: pipeA] fork.

[noBeesFilter value: pipeA value: pipeB] fork.

[display value: pipeB ] fork.




But this example not an Application!


How does it differ from using Streams?



The Broker Pattern





A broker


  1. Handles the transmission of requests from clients to servers


  1. Handles the transmission of responses from servers to clients


  1. Must have some means to identify and locate server


  1. If server is hosted by different broker, forwards the request to other broker


  1. If server is inactive, active the server


  1. Provides APIs for registering servers and invoking server methods





  1. Optional components used for hiding implementation details when two brokers interoperate





Registering Server






Client Server Interaction







Direct Communication Broker System


  1. Broker gives the client a communication channel to the server


  1. Client and server interact directly


  1. Many CORBA implementation use this variant


Message Passing Broker System


  1. Clients and servers pass messages rather than services (methods)


Trader System


  1. Clients request a service, not a server


  1. Broker forwards the request to a server that provides the service


Adapter Broker System


  1. Hide the interface of the broker component to the servers using an additional layer


  1. The adapter layer is responsible for registering servers and interacting with servers


  1. For example if all server objects are on the same machine as application a special adapter could link the objects to the application directly




Callback Broker System


  1. Eliminate the difference between clients and servers


  1. When an event is registered with a broker, it calls the component that is registered to handle the event





Known Uses






Mircosoft OLE 2.x









Location Transparency


Clients (servers) do not care where servers (clients)are located


Changeability and extensibility of components


Changes to server implementations are transparent to clients if they don't change interfaces


Changes to internal broker implementation does not affect clients and servers


One can change communication mechanisms without changing client and server code


Portability of Broker System


Porting client & servers to a new system usually just requires recompiling the code




Benefits - Continued



Interoperability between different Broker System


Different broker systems may interoperate if they have a common protocol for the exchange of messages



DCOM and CORBA interoperate


DCOM and RMI interoperate


RMI and CORBA interoperate




In building new clients you can reuse existing services







Restricted Efficiency


Lower fault tolerance compared to non-distributed software




Benefits and Liabilities


Testing and Debugging


A client application using tested services is easier to test than creating the software from scratch


Debugging a Broker system can be difficult




Some RMI


A First Program - Hello World


Modified from "Getting Started Using RMI"


The Remote Interface


public interface Hello extends java.rmi.Remote


    String sayHello() throws java.rmi.RemoteException;





The Server Implementation


// Required for Remote Implementation

import java.rmi.*;

import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;


// Used in method getUnixHostName





public class HelloServer

        extends UnicastRemoteObject

        implements Hello



    public HelloServer() throws RemoteException




    // The actual remote sayHello

    public String sayHello() throws RemoteException


        return  "Hello World from " + getUnixHostName();





// Works only on UNIX machines


    protected String getUnixHostName()




            Process  hostName;

            BufferedReader  answer;


            hostName = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "hostname" );

            answer = new BufferedReader(

                                new InputStreamReader(

                                    hostName.getInputStream()) );



            return answer.readLine().trim();


        catch (Exception noName)


            return "Nameless";






// Main that registers with Server with Registry


    public static void main(String args[])


        // Create and install a security manager

        System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());




            HelloServer serverObject = new HelloServer ();



                                    serverObject );


            System.out.println("HelloServer bound in registry");



        catch (Exception error)


            System.out.println("HelloServer err: ");







The Client Code


import java.rmi.*;



public class HelloClient


    public static void main(String args[])


        try {

            Hello remote = (Hello) Naming.lookup(



            String message = remote.sayHello();

            System.out.println( message );


        catch ( Exception error)







Note the multiple catches are to illustrate which exceptions are thrown



Running The Example

Server Side


Step 1 . Compile the source code


Server side needs interface Hello and class HelloServer





Step 2 . Generate Stubs and Skeletons (to be explained later)


The rmi compiler generates the stubs and skeletons


rmic   HelloServer


This produces the files:





The Stub is used by the client and server

The Skel is used by the server



The normal command is:


rmic   fullClassname





Step 3 . Insure that the RMI Registry is running


For the default port number


rmiregistry &


For a specific port number


rmiregistry portNumber &


On a UNIX machine the rmiregistry will run in the background and will continue to run after you log out


This means you manually kill the rmiregistry



Step 4. Register the server object with the rmiregistry by running HelloServer.main()



java HelloServer &





Client Side


The client can be run on the same machine or a different machine than the server


Step 1 . Compile the source code


Client side needs interface Hello and class HelloClient




Step 2. Make the HelloServer_Stub.class is available


Either copy the file from the server machine




Compile on client machine and rum rmic


Step 3. Run the client code


java HelloClient





How do HelloClient and HelloSever communicate?






Client talks to a Stub that relays the request to the server over a network


Server responds via a skeleton that relays the response to the Client




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