SDSU CS 635 Advanced Object-Oriented Design & Programming
Spring Semester, 2005
Lecture Notes
To Course Web Site
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 18-Jan-05

This page contains links to lecture notes for the CS 635 Advanced Object-Oriented Design & Programming course. This page will be updated as more notes become available.

Lecture Notes By Topic
  1. Introduction (HTML ) (PDF)
  2. Testing (HTML ) (PDF)
  3. Iterators (HTML ) (PDF)
  4. Template Method & Null Object (HTML ) (PDF)
  5. Composite & Visitor (HTML ) (PDF)
  6. Decorator, Proxy & Adapter (HTML ) (PDF)
  7. Singleton (HTML ) (PDF)
  8. Coupling (HTML ) (PDF)
  9. Cohesion (HTML ) (PDF)
  10. Observer (HTML) (PDF)
  11. More Observer (HTML) (PDF)
  12. Command (HTML) (PDF)
  13. Interpreter, Strategy & State (HTML) (PDF)
  14. Flyweight, Factory Method, Abstract Factory (HTML) (PDF)
  15. Prototype & Builder (HTML) (PDF)
  16. Model-View-Controller (HTML) (PDF)
  17. Memento, Bridge & Facade (HTML) (PDF)
  18. Pipe Filters and Broker (HTML) (PDF)

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